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Pokegen wont save boxes

Slowpoke Joey

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I am very new to Pokegen and just started making some pokemon, I transferred them to my DS with the Pokegts website very quickly, but then I noticed you could uses boxes in Pokegen and I decided I should try it. But unfortunately every time I put a Pokemon's data and set it in a spot in any of the boxes then "X" out of Pokegen, it takes the pokemon I just set into my Boxes out of them. So, how can I get them to save basically? I tried (For example) putting my Absol in Box 1 Slot 1 then saving the file, but it still doesn't save, so how do I save them?

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I don't understand what you are attempting to do.

From reading your post, I assume the only way you can obtain your PokéGen'd Pokémon on your save file is to transfer them via the GTS.

So you probably shouldn't really bother with trying to save them in boxes, since using "Save Pokémon from tabs" to save the .pkm file and then transferring them with Pokegts should work fine.

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Saving to party/boxes is for

a. people using flash carts instead of retail games, they are downloading their save files from the emulators and editing them.

b. people creating Pokemon from scratch and then using the 'code generator' under 'tools' to make action replay codes to put the Pokemon into specific locations in their games.

note: if you add Pokemon that you haven't encountered in game via an AR code it does not update your Pokedex with that Pokemon's information. You typically need to trade that poke to another game then get it back to update the Pokedex.

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