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I blaming this on Pokegen as my Pokemon Black was fine before I decided to use. Does Pokegen mess up your save file, preventing you from ever going into Random Match Up? I keep trying to use Random Match up but every time I try, I keep getting "Communication Error..." after I pick Free or Rating. I have uploaded my Pokemon Black Save file. Could someone please check it to see if I did something wrong with the file please?

Shade's Pokemon B&.sav

Shade's Pokemon B&.savFetching info...


But all I did was make a copy of Pokemon and changed a few EV around just to see how it would and to learn how Pokegen would work. My game was working fine before I started using Pokegen. I'm just trying to figure out if I did something in Pokegen that screwed it up and if I did, how do I fix it?


You could be providing inaccurate information for all I know. I've been told countless times "I just did this" when they really meant "I did this and also did a lot of other things too, but I'm not telling you about those things". I also don't know everything that could affect it, so maybe you did other things too that you're not mentioning. I do know that I've been on there after using the program, so it's not like PokeGen naturally screws this up. There also haven't been any other valid reports of problems.

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