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Alright so i exported to AR a wonder card code for pokemon black that did not work. when i gave up i made the fatal mistake of saving my game out of reflex and i was too worried it would corrupt my save to stop it in middle of saving. so now the problem is whenever I try to access the PC/pokemon storage system i get an error telling me an error has occurred please turn off the power. now id be really grateful if someone could help me figure out a way to fix my game. the code i used was

94000130 fffb0000
02024a34 fadcf3d6
e23faff0 00000030
4808b5f9 f40f2101
4807fa89 22cc4907
ed46f487 21014803
fa56f40f 22002128
0000bdf9 02221784
023fb020 02221ae8
e23fb020 000000cc
000023c9 00000000
00000000 00100010
00610000 01820175
023b022b ffff0000
ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff 00000018
9c7b0000 00000032
ff000000 ffffffff
004500ff 00450056
0054004e 00310031
3200ffff 00000000
00200041 00700073
00630065 00610069
0020006c 006f005a
006f0072 00720061
0021006b ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff
ffffffff ffffffff
0000ffff 07db0910
0144001e 00000001
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
d2000000 00000000

I was hoping maybe adding a button to disable this code when using action replay such as for example with some of the walk through walls ar codes where you use select to activate code and start to deactivate code. anything that can fix my game so i can access the pc storage again will be greatly appreciated.

  Codr said:
You had the target game set to Black 2/White 2 when you generated the code. What did you do after starting your game with the code enabled? (What buttons did you press?)

I pressed the Select button as that was what it was set to by default.


Meaning you fully activated the code, because you had to open the menu in order to save. So the problem is going to be sort of complicated.

Edit: I don't even remember for sure how the code interacts with the game. It may be that more than just the box data is garbled now. The only option you have that's even slightly less complicated is to zero out the the box data and hope that it's only that.

  Codr said:
Meaning you fully activated the code, because you had to open the menu in order to save. So the problem is going to be sort of complicated.

Edit: I don't even remember for sure how the code interacts with the game. It may be that more than just the box data is garbled now. The only option you have that's even slightly less complicated is to zero out the the box data and hope that it's only that.

Well if you could tell me how to go about it i might as well try it...id REALLY hate to have to restart my game since i wasted so much time in the pokemon dream world and that data goes byebye if i reset the game i believe.


94000130 FFFB0000

D3000000 00000000

D5000000 00000000

C0000000 00004BFF

D6000000 02220FAC

D1000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

That'll wipe your box data from box 5 and up. The first 4 weren't affected if I calculated everything correctly. It's activated with select. This code is specific to English Black.

  Codr said:
94000130 FFFB0000

D3000000 00000000

D5000000 00000000

C0000000 00004BFF

D6000000 02220FAC

D1000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

That'll wipe your box data from box 5 and up. The first 4 weren't affected if I calculated everything correctly. It's activated with select. This code is specific to English Black.

So you mean it would delete all the pokemon in those boxes? dangit i store my rarest in my last pc box(which according to my somewhat scattered recollection is either 12, 14,18 20, or 24 depending on how many i went through trouble to unlock and whether i moved the pokemon to the new end box). i happen to recall that my pc box was currently set to box four, is it possible it might be a fix just to erase that box? and by the way why would it not effect the first four boxes or even effect any in the first place? I was under the impression that it would specifically add the wondercard to my card album so that i could pickup the mystery gift from the guy in the suit? If worst comes to worst I can live with it and just try and find the AR codes to get them again that way. (talking bout other event pokemon and legendaries)

P.S. the code i used was supposedly to put a wondercard in slot four so thats part of the reason im confused box four wouldnt have been effected (shrugs)

EDIT: Also tyvm for taking the time to try and help me with this.

  Lucario-Omega said:
So you mean it would delete all the pokemon in those boxes?


i happen to recall that my pc box was currently set to box four

This has nothing to do with the problem.

is it possible it might be a fix just to erase that box?


and by the way why would it not effect the first four boxes or even effect any in the first place? I was under the impression that it would specifically add the wondercard to my card album so that i could pickup the mystery gift from the guy in the suit?

It has to do with the address involved. You used the wrong settings when generating the code, so it didn't do what you expected.

If you try this erase code, check your boxes after using it, before saving.


Alright so this appears to work but before i save, would you mind giving me an edited version of this erase code that leaves box 24 intact if possible? i just want to see with my own eyes that it HAS to be deleted as well for things to work. again tyvm

  • 2 weeks later...

94000130 FFFB0000

D3000000 00000000

D5000000 00000000

C0000000 000025FF

D6000000 02220FAC

D1000000 00000000

D2000000 00000000

this will delete less boxes. try it and run through all your boxes afterward. if it doesn't work you're probably out of luck.


I have the same problem but I get the error message again after I get to box 15? Is there a way to teach me how to make my own code that erases box data?

  • 1 year later...

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