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Hey peoples!

I'm an old kid...

Played pokemon in the old times of red/blue/yellow xD

Recently a friend of mine made me try soulsilver (didn't even try silver/gold before :-P ) and well... i did like it!

So now... I am waiting for white/black 2... But there IS a little problem: tons of pokemon that I don't know at all... There is bulbapedia that does a great job compiling pretty much everything, but I thought that today, with all our tablets and smartphones, having a "real" pokedex would'nt be that hard... And I do happen to be a programer :-P

So, i'm coming here hoping to do just that: find enough relevent information to develop a pokedex on android/iOS :-)

I'd datamine much of the stuff directly off the roms, and put up everything into the app!

The app developing should'nt be that hard... what really annoys me is the datamining part... But there seems to be some experts on this in here (PPRE/Pokesav...) So I do have good hopes! :-)

PS: do pardon me for my clumbsy english.. and eventually stupids typos.. I am actually using a tablet.. my main computer hard drive crashed on me last week -.-

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