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Modified DNS_Server - Public IP Detection Fixed

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NOTE: this is meant to be used with a Fake GTS Program (i.e. HyperGTS, Shiny DTS/GTS), but mainly with the HyperGTS modified by Shiny Jirachi. For a quick introduction on using and downloading a Fake GTS, click here.

Also remember this is almost the same as the DNS_Server that has been out there. The only difference is that Public IP Detection has been fixed so you don't have to manually go to whatismyip.com anymore.

How to start DNS_Server for Private and Public Distribution of Pokemon

NOTE: You need a Fake GTS Program to distribute pokemon (See above). This merely provides you with a server through which the Fake GTS program can communicate.

1. Open DNS_Server, it will detect your public ip (external) -- You can use this ip address for public distribution (over the internet)

2. type 'y', it will ask you if you want to automatically switch between public/private ip

3. type 'y', it will detect your local ip (internal) -- You can use this ip address for local distribution (across a LAN, i.e. in your house)

4. type 'y', it will state the DNS Server has started

5. distribute pokemon using fake gts program

5a. To connect to the Fake GTS, make sure Primary DNS on the DS is set to either of the to ip's above:

-----your public ip (external) is for global distribution

-----your local ip (internal) is for local distribution

How to change Primary DNS

NOTE: whomever you intend to distribute pokemon to must do this, either using public or local ip address described above.

i.e. If you are distributing across the internet give them your public ip (see above)

and if you are distributing in your own home (LAN) give them your local ip (this almost always includes you)

1. Start the game as you normally would, by turning your DS on and selecting Pokemon <Version> Version

2. After pressing start, instead of continuing your save game, scroll down and select 'Nintendo Wifi Connection Settings'.

3. Select 'Connection 1' (or whatever connection you use).

4. Make sure that 'Auto-Obtain DNS' is turned off.

5. Now you can edit your Primary DNS.

6. Just remember to turn 'Auto-Obtain DNS' back on if you want to connect to the real GTS or use the 'Game Sync' feature for B/W.

Download MediaFire

Whatismyip.com changed their automation page.

It used to be:


It is now:


Hopefully, other people who are maintaining closed source applications can update so that their programs can detect public ip properly again.

Edited by martyfracker
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