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Having regard to that last post in the topic where the program to fix the trash bytes, I open this to explain what exactly does the game to determine the sequence.


To clarify that all that we explain below investigated from zero and therefore, the credits are from the forums:




-marcos91: find out all trash bytes making operation. Inuyasha You also did their tests and find out the same but explained in different ways.

-Inuyasha: For testing whether the same thing happened with the eggs in 4 th gene pairs of FF.

-Vicjor: its compilation of pokemon that can be obtained in the same way, helped to see the small difference between the EO / OT and the name of pokemon.

Note 2:

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Trash bytes in name of pokémon

Case 1: pokes are easier to remove, or put another way, which leaves you in a particular way without evolving or anything. The trash sencuencia of bytes is "poke capitalized name" "2 pairs of FF" at the beginning and end of the remaining space and whether there is room in the middle is filled with pairs of 00. Should be a very long name (9 and 10 characters) are 2 or 4 pairs of FF 00 respectively without pairs. For example Haxorus ends in / FFFF/0000/0000/FFFF and Conkeldurr in / FFFF.

Case 2: the "famous" pokes the name of its pre-evolution is long sea. The sequence of trash bytes is "poke capitalized name" "2 pairs of FF" stop offset values ​​corresponding to the pre-evolution in this position until the end of the name (including the FF pairs). The rest is filled in exactly the same as case1.

Case 3: pokes with nicks. In these cases it is a mixture of the two previous cases, I mean: take based on the name of the pokemon that you put the nick (of which are available legally in the game) and act as if the nick you were to put out the name of a pokemon and follow the same pattern of cases 1 and 2. The result would be that if such a Pidgeotto captured (this just can not, but serves as an example) and I put a nick of 7 letters (same length as "Pidgeot"), the final sequence of bytes trash would be the same as if tubiera nickname as fate.

This still remains to be seen whether the nick to the pokemon, as it evolves and changes depending on the change or not trash the sequence of bytes. Tomorrow I 2 tests, 1 with a poke to go short name long name as it evolves and one in reverse.

Trash bytes in EO / OT:

It is practically equal to the pokemon except for the last 2 bytes.

-dw/starters/roamers/gift/egg hatched

The name is written in the normal way and add 2 pairs of FF. The rest of the name is filled with pairs of 00. If the name is 7 digits (maximum allowed by the game) the last 2 bytes always end up with two pairs of FF.

-Captured in grass, water or speaking to a statue:

It follows the same pattern as the case of the "dw / starters / roamers / gift / egg hatched" except that it always put 2 pairs of ff in the last 2 bytes, regardless of the length of the name.

Note: If necessary I can see a few examples.

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