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PPRE and thenewpoketext: ROM Filesize Issues

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Well hello, anyone who is reading this. I am a new member of the Pokémon hacking community and I am currently struggling with the Gen. 4 hacking that most people seemed to have abandoned by now because of the extreme hacking in B/W (yes, I am a little late now, am I?).

Well anyways, up to this point, I am only doing the basic trainer and text editing in PPRE and thenewpoketext, respectively. Even though most of my issues in PPRE are knowing the script definitions, applying certain movements to new characters, and creating in-battle scripts for new characters, my key problem is the filesize results of the new ROM. Every time I "write ROM" the filesize is decreased. Like this for example:[romname].nds = 128 MB --> [romname].nds (edited) = 120 MB along with its tmp_[romname] folder <-- That's a problem.

Same with thenewpoketext, again, tmp_[romname] folder = 120 MB rather than its original 128 MB. I edit the text in the .xml file, I patch it to the ROM, yes, it all works. However, whenever I try to "mkrom" (make the ROM) it does, BUT, the new ROM's filesize drops to a drastic amount of 63.8 MB. That's a bigger problem.

What is wrong with increasing or decreasing the filesize of the ROM you may ask? Well, I believe that that is the entire reason the ROM refuses to open in the emulator or in the R4. In the emulator, it opens the program enough for me to press the Play, Pause, or Stop buttons, but from there the screen remains white endlessly. On the R4, it doesn't open anything, it just stays "Loading" endlessly as well.

Edited: Everything is under control.

Edited by GalacticBoss46
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nds roms are sized to powers of 2(8mb, 16mb, 32, 64, 128, 256, etc), but the padding to push them to that size is usually just junk data. it trims the junk data. trimmed roms work fine everywhere aside fro maybe an old flashcard that doesn't support them for whatever reason.

I'm guessing both the emulator and the flashcard have problems working with "new" ROMs. Because whenever I make hacks that require the use of Nitro Explorer 2b they always work, without the need of a new ROM. However, they don't hinder the filesize at all, and if it does, it only blacks out or freezes in the middle of the game. But in this case, when working with PPRE and thenewpoketext, it just refuses to open anything at all. And I've tried this on many other computers. There is one thing though. These hacking programs, I always keep them in a Micro SD card to use them on other computers. Do you suppose it could have corrupted a function in "writing ROMs" or better yet, making "new" ROMs? Or do these kinds of programs require you to work with them on the PC and not the Micro SD card?

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