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I've read countless tutorials on both pokesav and ARDS, and I can't find my answer anywhere so I'm assuming its a really odd problem.

I went through the pokesav tutorials and checked everything I wanted to save. I've done this a million different ways by now. I tried editing 2 party pokemon, a whole bunch of stuff, and just a select few options. I even tried just loading the codes that the ARDS comes with, and literally nothing working.

I go through and make the stuff with pokesav, save it, drag/drop it into the action replay code manager, drag it to the DS code list, it says it updated both on the computer screen and on the DS, and when every other tutorial says disconnect and you're good to go, I start my game and nothing has changed.

It says press L R to activate, I do and it either does nothing or it re-boots the game (depending on when I press it, trying to figure it out) I'm super frustrated at this point, and honestly just feel like returning the game and the AR. (Even more so now that I've just been informed that my connection is not supported by the game. =\ So no I can't trade)

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