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Very Late Introduction


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Hey, Its AEROJAY, or PHANTOMxTRAINER, in many other forums. I am not new here, almost 2 months i think. Hence, the title of this thread. Anyways, I was a bit active when i first joined, but then it died down a bit. Well, I am back. I plan on being a bit more active :) Also, before, This was the 1st forum I have ever joined, and i didn't know much about anything. Threads get owned by Randomspot55 a lot xD. But, now, I feel to start fresh.

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Hello AEROJAY! (Hmm, those capitals look very weird in this case...)

What is it with those late introductions? ;) Ah, whatever, welcome to Project Pokémon again! I hope you are good at planning activities, and be as active as you expected from yourself! I hope you know more about anything than you did back then, otherwise... you have to be careful what you post! Just joking, read those rules would be enough I think! ;) Despite the late introduction, I do not know much about you, so I would like to know what kind of music you prefer when taking a seat on your sofa? Maybe you will answer it, I believe that the past seven members have not answered my question yet... You could be the first who gives a sign of activity! [end of advertisement.]

Well, enjoy your fresh start and I hope to see you again!

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