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Ok well I just started messing with this last night. So far I was able to completely change one pokemon into another. Then I took some further steps to just create a pokemon out of nothing basically.

Probably all simple elementary stuff but to me and the use of this program it sorta seems like I'm learning a whole new language.

What I wanted to know was how this Pokesav thing works.

- I created a pokemon with Jolly nature

- I set all the Iv's to "5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ,30" (I pulled this from the Characteristics guide I found online, it seemed like the right thing to do for a "speedy" pokemon).

- I then set the level to 100

But it's these things that I'm getting confused on. I haven't actually "leveled" a pokemon to 100 in years so I don't really know what they should look like. Like I look at the stats and it seems ok but all I did was go into "STAT EDIT" and change the level to correspond to the level that I have on the main screen then hit "MAX".

But are these stats truely exact to what they should be? I mean like with the nature and the EVs and the IVs I've inputted below?

Also with the "5, 10, 15, 20..." I put into the IV slots it came up with "Strong willed" instead of what I was expecting. Is there a list with more up to date Character IV listings that I can use as my guide.

All I'm basically trying to do is make 'legit' pokemon to play with. But having not played this game in a couple of years I'm really behind on how things are suppose to work.

Any help would be awesome. I hope to figure this program out soon and possibly help my friends as well as anyone on here as well. Thanks!:grog:

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