PMD2 Strings

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Revision as of 00:02, 3 February 2017 by UniqueGeek (talk | contribs)
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Change color of text


 A: Identified Item
 B: Forbidden Choice
 C: Caution
 D: Standard Color
 E: Bold Text
 F: Team Pokémon Name
 G: Money
 H: Traps (not in scripts, but used in game)
 I: Item Name
 J: Effect (of move)
 K: Poké Species Name
 L: Title Color (Also in testing)
 M: Move Name
 N: Pokémon Name
 O: (unused?)
 P: Place Name
 Q: (unused?)
 R: Selling Price
 S: Multiple Items Selected
 T: Transparent
 U: Unidentified Item
 V: Number
 W: Warning
 X: Team name
 Y: Team pokemon?
 Z: Exclusive items


A horizontal line width of window


Pause during text display

pause for tap, print the rest after interaction from the user


Pause at end, rest in new message


Pause for <int> frames, then automatically continue


Name replacers

name of player


name of partner


name of player team

  PLAYER: player
  ATTENDANT1: partner/second on team
  ATTENDANT2: 3rd person on team (not used in-game)
  ATTENDANT3: 4th person on team (not used in-game)
  NPC_HERO: Hero, used when hero is NPC (first time seen hero)
  NPC_PARTNER: partner, used when partner is NPC or possibility of partner not in second slot
  NPC_NEW_FRIEND: friend that just joined the team
  NPC_MANAFI: manaphy
  NPC_TEST006: name of ?
  NPC_TEST007: name of ?
  --used in sky only?--
  NPC_HERO_REAL: hero(player) name.  Same as [player] in main story
  NPC_PARTNER_REAL: (partner) name.  Same as [partner] in main story
  NPC_HERO_FIRST: hero(player) name.  Same as [player] in main story, used in special missions
  NPC_PARTNER_FIRST: (partner) name.  Same as [partner] in main story, used in special missions


following text is centered?




0: all following text is normal text
1: all following text is unown text
2: all following text is buttons/same as B on the M format code, where the order in B is 'A-Za-z0-9' and two others.  64 in all.

Note: the [FT:?] format code doesn't reset at the end of a string. It stays in effect until a message with another format code is displayed.


[M:<type>] -- All of these (except the debug commands) can be accessed with B as well, only the "official" letter-numbers are used.

   B0: Start
   B1: Select
   B2: A
   B3: B
   B4: X
   B5: Y
   B6: L
   B7: R
   B8: d-pad
   --reg buttons--
   B9: -
   B10: o
   B11: x
   B12: ^
   B13: v
   B14: <
   B15: >
   B16: <<
   B17: >>
   B18: (list)
   B19: (search)
   B20: dpad updown
   B21: dpad leftright
   --gold buttons- (active)
   B22: -
   B23: o
   B24: x
   B25: ^
   B26: v
   B27: <
   B28: >
   B29: <<
   B30: >>
   B31: (list)
   B32: (search)
   S0: Poké
   S1: blank
   S2: check
   S3: Star
   S4: x
   S5: checkx
   H0: pink heart 1/4
   H1: pink heart 2/4
   H2: pink heart 3/4
   H3: pink heart 4/4
   H4: yellow heart 1/4
   H5: yellow heart 2/4
   H6: yellow heart 3/4
   H7: yellow heart 4/4
   R0: -
   R1: halfstar
   R2: ? golden egg?
   R3: closed letter
   R4: open letter
   R5: design?
   R6: job post?
   R7: new story dungeon
   ?R8: Wifi icon
   ?R9: email icon
   T0: :
   T1: ' '
   T2: chat balloon
   T3: japanese chara
   T4: different japanese chara
   I0: TM (T5)
   I1: Orb (T6)
   D0: ? turn debug off?
   D1: Used in wireless and debug mode text
   D2: used rarely



integer: which help info to link to


integer determines how many pixels of space to leave.
