Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky Save Structure
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The save file for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky is 128KB and has three root blocks. The first two store the actual data and are 50KB large each. If the checksum on one of the first two blocks is invalid, the other will be loaded. If both are invalid, the save will be deleted. The third block stores some quick save data, including whether or not a quick save has been resumed.
The checksum is 4 bytes long and is at the beginning of any of the three root blocks. To calculate the checksum, split the data from 0x4 to 0xB65A into 4 byte words, add each word together and truncate the result to 32 bits. VB.Net Code to fix the checksum for both sections, where _rawData is an array of byte containing the save file:
Public Sub FixChecksum() Dim words As New List(Of UInt32) For count As Integer = 4 To 46682 Step 4 words.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(_rawData, count)) Next Dim sum As UInt64 = 0 For Each item In words sum += item Next Dim buffer() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(sum) For x As Byte = 0 To 3 _rawData(x) = buffer(x) _rawData(x + &HC800) = buffer(x) Next End Sub
Researched Sections
Some bits of data that are researched and are not currently on this Wiki:
Player Name
Money (held and stored)
Held items
Stored items
Number of Adventures
0x8B70-0x8B73: 32-bit signed integer in little endian format.
Team Name
&H994E to &H9957, 8 bytes long. It is similar to ANSI, but slightly different, as shown on this chart.
Character Encoding
This game stores strings in a format similar to ANSI. The following is a list of HEX values paired with the corresponding character. Brackets indicate that the game does not support that character.
00=[END] 01=[$01] 02=[$02] 03=[$03] 04=[$04] 05=[$05] 06=[$06] 07=[$07] 08=[$08] 09=[$09] 0A=[$0A] 0B=[$0B] 0C=[$0C] 0D=[$0D] 0E=[$0E] 0F=[$0F] 10=[$10] 11=[$11] 12=[$12] 13=[$13] 14=[$14] 15=[$15] 16=[$16] 17=[$17] 18=[$18] 19=[$19] 1A=[$1A] 1B=[$1B] 1C=[$1C] 1D=[$1D] 1E=[$1E] 1F=[$1F] 20= 21=! 22=" 23=# 24=$ 25=% 26=& 27=' 28=( 29=) 2A=* 2B=+ 2C=, 2D=- 2E=. 2F=/ 30=0 31=1 32=2 33=3 34=4 35=5 36=6 37=7 38=8 39=9 3A=: 3B=; 3C=< 3D== 3E=> 3F=? 40=@ 41=A 42=B 43=C 44=D 45=E 46=F 47=G 48=H 49=I 4A=J 4B=K 4C=L 4D=M 4E=N 4F=O 50=P 51=Q 52=R 53=S 54=T 55=U 56=V 57=W 58=X 59=Y 5A=Z 5B=[$5B] 5C=\ 5D=] 5E=^ 5F=_ 60=` 61=a 62=b 63=c 64=d 65=e 66=f 67=g 68=h 69=i 6A=j 6B=k 6C=l 6D=m 6E=n 6F=o 70=p 71=q 72=r 73=s 74=t 75=u 76=v 77=w 78=x 79=y 7A=z 7B={ 7C=| 7D=} 7E=[$7E] 7F=[$7F] 80=€ 81=[$81] 82=[$82] 83=[$83] 84=[$84] 85=… 86=† 87=[$87] 88=ˆ 89=‰ 8A=Š 8B=‹ 8C=Œ 8D=[e] 8E=Ž 8F=[è] 90=• 91=‘ 92=’ 93=“ 94=” 95=• 96=[er] 97=[re] 98=~ 99=™ 9A=š 9B=› 9C=œ 9D=• 9E=ž 9F=Ÿ A0= A1=¡ A2=¢ A3=£ A4=¤ A5=¥ A6=¦ A7=§ A8=¨ A9=© AA=ª AB=« AC=¬ AD= AE=® AF=¯ B0=° B1=± B2=² B3=³ B4=´ B5=µ B6=¶ B7=„ B8=‚ B9=¹ BA=º BB=» BC=← BD=♂ BE=♀ BF=¿ C0=À C1=Á C2= C3=à C4=Ä C5=Å C6=Æ C7=Ç C8=È C9=É CA=Ê CB=Ë CC=Ì CD=Í CE=Î CF=Ï D0=Ð D1=Ñ D2=Ò D3=Ó D4=Ô D5=Õ D6=Ö D7=× D8=Ø D9=Ù DA=Ú DB=Û DC=Ü DD=Ý DE=Þ DF=ß E0=à E1=á E2=â E3=ã E4=ä E5=å E6=æ E7=ç E8=è E9=é EA=ê EB=ë EC=ì ED=í EE=î EF=ï F0=ð F1=ñ F2=ò F3=ó F4=ô F5=õ F6=ö F7=÷ F8=ø F9=ù FA=ú FB=û FC=ü FD=ý FE=þ FF=ÿ