PKM File Fields
PKM files have been ripped from saved and traded online for roughly the last 5 years or so by players. Pulling them out of games is very easy and makes trading or giving out pokemon to friends a simple task. When GameFreak needs to get or set specific data for a pokemon, they do it using a switch statement and a series of fields. They do it like so:
(starting from 0, obviously)
typedef enum{
-and so forth-
} PkmField;
When they need to write data to the pkm file, they use this function:
void setPkmStat(void* pPkm, PkmField field, int data)
and when they need to retrieve data from a PKM file, they use this:
u32 getPKMStat(void* pPkm, PkmField field, int data)
(data is basically always 0 in the "get" function)
So to get a piece of data from a pokemon, say if the pokemon is an egg(0x4C), it would look something like this:
getPkmStat(pkm_pointer, IS_EGG, 0);
The switch statements for these functions are large. In B2W2 a PKM file has 180 fields. In BW PKM files had 176 fields.
The following is a partial list of field values for these functions: (all are in hexadecimal)
0x0 pid 0x1 (sanity) pkm party data is decrypted 0x2 (sanity) pkm box data is decrypted 0x3 (sanity) is pkm species egg 0x4 checksum 0x5 species 0x6 item 0x7 sidtid 0x8 exp 0x9 happiness 0xA, 10 ability 0xB, 11 markings 0xC, 12 region 0xD, 13 hp ev 0xE, 14 atk ev 0xF, 15 def ev 0x10, 16 spe ev 0x11, 17 spa ev 0x12, 18 spd ev 0x13, 19 cool contest 0x14, 20 beauty contest 0x15, 21 cute contest 0x16, 22 smart contest 0x17, 23 tough contest 0x18, 24 sheen contest 0x19, 25 sinnoh champ ribbon 0x1A, 26 ability ribbon 0x1B, 27 great ability ribbon 0x1C, 28 double ability ribbon 0x1D, 29 multi ability ribbon 0x1E, 30 pair ability ribbon 0x1F, 31 world ability ribbon 0x20, 32 alert ribbon 0x21, 33 shock ribbon 0x22, 34 downcast ribbon 0x23, 35 careless ribbon 0x24, 36 relax ribbon 0x25, 37 snooze ribbon 0x26, 38 smile ribbon 0x27, 39 gorgeous ribbon 0x28, 40 royal ribbon 0x29, 41 gorgeous royal ribbon 0x2A, 42 footprint ribbon 0x2B, 43 record ribbon 0x2C, 44 history ribbon 0x2D, 45 legend ribbon 0x2E, 46 red ribbon 0x2F, 47 green ribbon 0x30, 48 blue ribbon 0x31, 49 festival ribbon 0x32, 50 carnival ribbon 0x33, 51 classic ribbon 0x34, 52 premier ribbon 0x35, 53 ribbon 0x36, 54 move1 0x37, 55 move2 0x38, 56 move3 0x39, 57 move4 0x3A, 58 move1 current pp 0x3B, 59 move2 current pp 0x3C, 60 move3 current pp 0x3D, 61 move4 current pp 0x3E, 62 move1 ppup count 0x3F, 63 move2 ppup count 0x40, 64 move3 ppup count 0x41, 65 move4 ppup count 0x42, 66 move1 max pp 0x43, 67 move2 max pp 0x44, 68 move3 max pp 0x45, 69 move4 max pp 0x46, 70 hp iv 0x47, 71 atk iv 0x48, 72 def iv 0x49, 73 spe iv 0x4A, 74 spa iv 0x4B, 75 spd iv 0x4C, 76 is egg 0x4D, 77 cool ribbon 0x4E, 78 cool ribbon super 0x4F, 79 cool ribbon hyper 0x50, 80 cool ribbon master 0x51, 81 beauty ribbon 0x52, 82 beauty ribbon super 0x53, 83 beauty ribbon hyper 0x54, 84 beauty ribbon master 0x55, 85 cute ribbon 0x56, 86 cute ribbon super 0x57, 87 cute ribbon hyper 0x58, 88 cute ribbon master 0x59, 89 smart ribbon 0x5A, 90 smart ribbon super 0x5B, 91 smart ribbon hyper 0x5C, 92 smart ribbon master 0x5D, 93 tough ribbon 0x5E, 94 tough ribbon super 0x5F, 95 tough ribbon hyper 0x60, 96 tough ribbon master 0x61, 97 champion ribbon 0x62, 98 winning ribbon 0x63, 99 victory ribbon 0x64, 100 artist ribbon 0x65, 101 effort ribbon 0x66, 102 marine ribbon 0x67, 103 land ribbon 0x68, 104 sky ribbon 0x69, 105 country ribbon 0x6A, 106 national ribbon 0x6B, 107 earth ribbon 0x6C, 108 world ribbon 0x6D, 109 0x6E, 110 gender(0 male, 1 female) 0x6F, 111 form 0x70, 112 nature 0x71, 113 has dw abil 0x72, 114 0x73, 115 name 0x74, 116 nickname 0x75, 117 is nicknamed 0x76, 118 0x77, 119 game of origin 0x78, 120 0x79, 121 0x7A, 122 0x7B, 123 0x7C, 124 0x7D, 125 0x7E, 126 0x7F, 127 0x80, 128 0x81, 129 0x82, 130 0x83, 131 0x84, 132 0x85, 133 0x86, 134 0x87, 135 0x88, 136 0x89, 137 0x8A, 138 0x8B, 139 0x8C, 140 0x8D, 141 OT name in 0x8E, 142 OT name out 0x8F, 143 year egg received (0-99) 0x90, 144 month egg received(1-12) 0x91, 145 day egg received(1-end of month) 0x92, 146 year met/egg hatched(0-99) 0x93, 147 month met/egg hatched(1-12) 0x94, 148 day met/egg hatched(1-end of month) 0x95, 149 location met/egg received 0x96, 150 egg hatch location 0x97, 151 pokerus 0x98, 152 poke ball 0x99, 153 met at level 0x9A, 154 set if OT gender is female 0x9B, 155 0x9C, 156 0x9D, 157 0x9E, 158 level 0x9F, 159 capsule seal index 0xA0, 160 current hp 0xA1, 161 max hp 0xA2, 162 attack 0xA3, 163 defense 0xA4, 164 speed 0xA5, 165 spa 0xA6, 166 spd 0xA7, 167 mail 0xA8, 168 0xA9, 169 is slot filled 0xAA, 170 is egg(both sanity bits) 0xAB, 171 get species if filled slot is egg(ret 0 otherwise) 0xAC, 172 0xAD, 173 is species NOT nido F/M 0xAE, 174 pkm type 0xAF, 175 pkm type 0xB0, 176 0xB1, 177 0xB2, 178 N's poke