6th and 7th Generation Wonder Card Map

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Revision as of 19:30, 29 December 2016 by Sabresite (talk | contribs)
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Gift Data

Offset Description
0x00-0x01 Card ID
0x02-0x44+ Card Title
0x4C-0x4F Date Card Received
0x50 Card Location
0x51 Card Type [Color]

00 - Pokémon [Blue]
01 - (Key) Item [Yellow]

0x52 Gift Status: Used / Unused

00 - Repeatable gift
01 - Unused
03 - Used

0x53 Unknown Gift Flag.

Possibly "Multi-Obtainable"?
01 in Movie Events
00 elsewhere as of 2015/03/09

0x54-0x?? Unknown
0x66 0xFF (End region?)
0x68-0x69 TID / [Item]
0x6A-0x6B SID
0x6C Pokemon Origin Game

00 for Game Received in

0x70-0x71 [Item] Quantity
0x70-0x73 [Pokemon] Encryption Constant

Unset = 00000000

0x74 Primary Ribbons

Ribbon data available below.

0x75 Secondary Ribbons

Ribbon data available below.

0x76 PokéBall
0x77 Unused/Unknown
0x78-0x79 Held Item
0x7A-0x7B Move ID #1
0x7C-0x7D Move ID #2
0x7E-0x7F Move ID #3
0x80-0x81 Move ID #4
0x82-0x83 PokéDex Number
0x84 Form No.
0x85 Language

00 for Game Received In

0x86-0x9F Pokémon Nickname

Null terminator for last two bytes.
If no nickname, all 00.

0xA0 Nature

FF - Unset

0xA1 Pokémon Gender

00 - Male
01 - Female
02 - Genderless
03 - Random

0xA2 Pokémon Ability

00 - Ability 1
01 - Ability 2
02 - Dream World Ability
03 - RND(Abil1, Abil2)
04 - RND(Abil1, Abil2, AbilDW)

0xA3 PID Toggle

00 - Generate Specified PID
01 - Generate Random PID (Can be shiny)
02 - Generate Shiny PID (Always shiny)
03 - Generate Random PID (Can't be shiny)

0xA4-0xA5 Egg Met Location
0xA6-0xA7 Met Location of Pokémon
0xA8 Met Level
0xA9-0xAE Contest Stats

Last byte is Sheen

0xAF-0xB4 IVs
FFs for unset IVs
FE for priority
0xB5 OT Gender

00 - Male
01 - Female
03 - Recipient's Gender

0xB6-0xCF OT Name

Null terminator for last two bytes.
If no set OT, all 00.

0xD0 Current Level(random if set to 0)
0xD1 Egg Flag
00 - Is Not Egg
01 - Is Egg
0xD2-0xD3 'Unknown'
0xD4-0xD7 PID (sometimes EE6B2802 default)
0xD8-0xD9 Relearn Move 1
0xDA-0xDB Relearn Move 2
0xDC-0xDD Relearn Move 3
0xDE-0xDF Relearn Move 4
0xE0 OT Memory Intensity
0xE1 OT Memory Line
0xE2-0xE3 OT Memory TextVar
0xE4 OT Memory Feeling
0xE5-0x107 Reserved bytes

Ribbon Set

Flag Value 0x74 0x75
0x01 Battle Champ Ribbon World Champ Ribbon
0x02 Regional Champ Ribbon Birthday Ribbon
0x04 National Champ Ribbon Special Ribbon
0x08 Country Ribbon Souvenir Ribbon
0x10 National Ribbon Wishing Ribbon
0x20 Earth Ribbon Classic Ribbon
0x40 World Ribbon Premier Ribbon
0x80 Event Ribbon Empty