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  1. Hello ! I'm working on a fusion hack rom based on drayano's pokemon volt white 2. The game's working fine but i'd like to change the shiny rate. Here's what i did so far : - Extracted (not exported) the arm9.bin with crystaltile2 - found the right offset for '08 28' at 0x18e1c - tried to change it with crystaltile2 or hxd The problem is when i try to compress it back in volt white 2. The same message: "file too small. Insert it somewhere else". keep poping and i'm stuck in an infinite loop. I also tried to use tinke instead of crystaltile2 but i can't compress the arm9 with it. When i do the same thing with a white 2 rom it works fine but i can't find a way to do it with volt white 2. Also the size of the arm9.bin keep changing when i update it. Is there a way to change it cleanly without changing the file size ?
  2. Version 2.3.0


    This program takes screenshots of your computer screen, checks if a pokemon is shiny, and either reloads the ROM from a savestate or pauses it. To check out testing and if you want to support, check this project out on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/gaminglegion01 or on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6bPU1SmnZZXlETv1DlW91Q. This is where I am, almost, constantly live-streaming the project for testing and personal shiny hunting. This is the best place to see the most up-to-date version in action and see for yourself whether you think it's worth it or not. Currently, this program is limited and in progress. These variables will be fixed in the future but these are the current limitations: - Only works on 1920x1080 and 1280x720 size screen (not resolution) - Only works for Generation 2 and 3 games - Only tested in VBA-M so far - Game text speed set to Fast - Only works for the starters I have made HUGE strides, in terms of this project, in making this program better. I appreciate everyone who downloaded and supported this as I have been excited to get back into it. If you find any bugs let me know. Below is how you should set yourself up for each game before starting, as well as how the program works with the new changes. --- How it works --- Upon hitting the Start button, any instance of VMA-M will force close and reopen with some new user configuration, modified by this program. The program will then load the savestate in the first slot, save over it, and start detecting the inputted Pokemon. Once detected, the program will pause VBA-M and stop giving inputs. It should be noted that upon the program stopping by detection, stopping on button press, or stopping on close, the original user configurations will be re-added so that nothing will happen to your normal gameplay. --- Gold/Silver/Crystal Setup --- You want to align your player on the bottom side of the table facing the Pokeball of your choice. Drop a save in-game, then a savestate. From there you are golden. --- Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Setup --- You want to align your player on the bottom or right side of the satchel facing into it. Drop a save in-game, then a savestate. From there you are golden. --- FireRed/LeafGreen Setup --- You want to align your player on the bottom side of the table facing the Pokeball of your choice. Drop a save in-game, then a savestate. From there you are golden.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    I used the cloning glitch to obtain all Odd Eggs in their shiny form. But decided to go even further. As by default The shiny set IVs/DVs are: (2/10/10/10). That being said, all pokémon except for Tyrogue are Female. I cloned all 7 eggs again and transfered to Pokémon GOLD and used Arbitrary Code Execution and changed their IVs to the best Shiny set (15/10/10/10), and now all of them are Male with the exception of Smoochum which is a Female only pokemon. The pokemon in their respective Pokedex order are: Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid and Magby. Box 1 - All eggs. (Total of 16 eggs) 7 eggs Ivs/Dvs set - (0/2/10/10/10) 0 - HP 2 - Atk 10 - Def 10 - Sp.Atk & Sp.Def 10 - Speed 7 egg Ivs/Dvs improved set - (8/15/10/10/10) 8 - HP 15 - Atk 10 - Def 10 - Sp.Atk & Sp.Def 10 - Speed 2 egg Ivs/Dvs set - (8/11/10/10/10) - Extra Cleffa and Igglybuff with their Female gender preserved while having the best Shiny DVs. Box 2 - All hatched (Total of 16 Pokemon) The same as BOX1 but all hatched. The remaing boxes are all extra. Other useful features in this same file: There are some version exclusive pokémon not native to Crystal that were traded over, every TM in the game obtained through trades, some other shiny pokémon but not too many. A lot of other useful Items such as Lucky egg, master ball, amulet coin etc, all obtained through trades. Player name: Kenta Rival's name: Silver Badges: 3 Pokédex 151 - The odd Egg can still be redeemed from the Day Care on route 34. Pokémon Stadium 2 can be used without any problems since I managed to catch/own 150 pokémon, which was required to start moving pokémon from different games unto this save file. Time Capsule was also unlocked, so you can trade between GEN1 games. A 3ds version of the save file is also available.
  4. Hello, I wanted to create a shiny channel Jirachi with pkhex, but since I don't understand everything about pid and seed, I don't know if it's somehow possible to make the Pokemon legal. If someone could please check if the Jirachi is even possible and if it is please send me a .pk3 and .pk5 file I would be very grateful. The Pokemon should have these values: Shiny = yes Nature = Bashful lang = GER Origin Game = Ruby (Since I unfortunately lost my Ruby. ) If possible with the IVs HP = 23 Atk = 28 Def = 26 SpA = 20 SpD = 20 Spe = 31 OT = CHANNEL (Since it's supposed to be from Pokemon CHANNEL) For this I tried PokeFinder and maybe made a few helpful screenshots.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This is my own Pokémon Ultra Sun main game file. All of the Pokémon are legal and legit. You own every item in the game all 999. All Pokémon in the boxes labeled Alola Dex #1-14 are shiny (excluding cosmog, cosmoem, zeraora, magearna and marshadow). There is every legendary and mythic in the game. All of the legendary Pokémon are shiny. Most of the mythics are shiny. The rest of them are shiny-locked. I obtained all of the stamps in the game. Your party is all Ash-Greninja. You have two boxes full of event PokémonYoiu have 5 empty boxes for whatever your heart desires. All Pokémon excluding the event Pokémon are level 100.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    all pokemon and badges. Shiny celebi is not legal.
  7. 21853 downloads

    This page contains several savefiles dumped from cartridges that were distributed a plethora of event pokemon directly from the Pokemon Center New York PCNY distribution hardware that recently surfaced. Hopefully it provides enough public satisfaction for everyone, while the preservation team undertakes this grand and lengthy task of hopefully enabling the software to become usable via emulation, as well as hopefully producing hardware mods for a publicly feasible physical method of distributing. This is our most major project by a long shot and will likely take quite some time, however now that everything is permanently in Project Pokemon's possession, any roadblocks toward the final goals would be on the technical side. Luckily the best minds are at work on each aspect of this project, so without revealing any further details in regards to that, have patience and remain optimistic. -------------------- For Generation III, a full box per campaign was distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00030. The Ruby savefile is a male trainer so the OT names are all blue colored, and was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. The Sapphire savefile is a female trainer so the OT names are all red colored, and was loaded using the PCNYd memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Seven Gen 3 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box in both savefiles have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns. For Generation II, three full boxes per campaign were distributed, with the TID for each incrementing from 00001 to 00060. This Gold savefile was loaded using the PCNYc memory card in Slot B of the NR GameCube. Four Gen 2 campaigns were preserved from the Slot A memory cards obtained. Each box will have at least a few of every pokemon from the respective campaigns, even those with normally extremely rare unlikely odds. -------------------- Generation III: Evolution Stone Campaign: 30 Aug 2003 - 4 Sept 2003 Pikachu Lv50 - Thunder Stone 25% Gloom Lv50 - Sun Stone 25% / Leaf Stone 25% Staryu Lv50 - Water Stone 25% ----- Monster Week 1 Campaign: 18 Oct 2003 - 24 Oct 2003 Cacturne Lv50 - 25% Duskull Lv25 - 25% Shuppet Lv25 - 25% Shedinja Lv50 - 25% ----- Campaign 1: 15 May 2004 - 22 May 2004 Houndour Lv5 - 50% Mareep Lv5 - 50% ----- Campaign 3: 31 July 2004 - Aug 6 2004 Azurill Lv5 - 20% / Soothe Bell 5% Wynaut Lv5 - 25% Gorebyss Lv20 - 25% Huntail Lv20 - 25% ----- Campaign 4: 7 Aug 2004 - 13 Aug 2004 Zangoose Lv18 - 20% / Quick Claw 5% Seviper Lv19 - 25% Milotic Lv35 - 25% Kingdra Lv35 - 25% ----- Campaign 5: 14 Aug 2004 - 20 Aug 2004 Armaldo Lv40 - 25% Sableye Lv18 - 20% / Bright Powder 5% Mawile Lv18 - 25% Cradily Lv40 - 25% ----- Campaign 6: 21 Aug 2004 - 27 Aug 2004 Machamp Lv30 - 20% / Choice Band 5% Ludicolo Lv20 - 25% Shiftry Lv20 - 25% Golem Lv30 - 25% -------------------- Generation II: Silver Cave Campaign: 1 Nov 2002 - 7 Nov 2002 Synthesis Tangela Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Ponyta Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Low Kick Doduo Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Hypnosis Misdreavus Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% Rage Larvitar Egg - Normal 17% / Shiny 3% ----- Union Cave Campaign: 8 Nov 2002 - 14 Nov 2002 Twister Staryu Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Metal Claw Krabby Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Sharpen Onix Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Swords Dance Goldeen Egg - Normal 18.5% / Shiny 3.5% Future Sight Lapras Egg - Normal 11% / Shiny 2% ----- Johto Legend Campaign: 15 Nov 2002 - 21 Nov 2002 Shiny Raikou Lv40 - 33% Shiny Entei Lv40 - 33% Shiny Suicune Lv40 - 33% Shiny Lugia Lv40 - 0.5% Shiny Ho-oh Lv40 - 0.5% ----- Celebi Present Campaign: 22 Nov 2002 - 28 Nov 2002 Celebi Lv5 - 98.5% Shiny Celebi Lv5 - 1% Shiny Mew Lv5 - 0.5%
  8. Hello everyone! I don't know if there was any demand for this or if anyone really cared, but I've spent what little free time I had over the past 6-7 months creating this. It's a Fire Red save file you can open/import in any GBA emulator, and it contains every single pokemon, shiny, with legitimate stats, holding every legal ribbon it can own, having perfect IV's/EVs/ with Smogon competitive movesets. Basically anything you can possibly think of, it's on here. All completely "legal" in the sense that it will (should) pass all legality checkers and will transfer over to the newer generations without any red flags. NFE Pokemon like Charmander are level 98 and Charmeleon 99 in case you want to evolve them. For every non-bred Pokemon, I used the relevant PID Finder Method to ensure legitimate PID values for the designated event. I also gave the trainer 999 of every time, max money, etc etc. It took me forever to make this, but I finally finished it and want to share it with the world! I plan on sharing this via Dropbox to YouTube, but I thought ProjectPokemon should hear about this first, especially if the community might find some use for this in terms of research & development. Here are the files along with a copypasta from the Readme I plan on attaching to the Dropbox: <attachments below> [Mods: I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, since it does contain many Event files but is obviously more than just events. If you need me to move this or remove it, please let me know and I will be more than happy to oblige.] Thank you for your time, isleep2late
  9. Let me just start by saying what a pain it was to figure all of this out. So, I'm putting my knowledge out here in order to help others enjoy playing Gen 4 Roms with an increased shiny rate. The base of my knowledge is based on this Reddit Post: and from there I reverse engineered the rest of the games. Note that I did this with English version Roms. I don't think this will work for other languages but I'll include a way to try. So, without further ado I'll explain the process. Before starting, you will need to download a hex editor. I used HxD for this process and here's the link: https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ For Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl (I only tried Pearl but they should be similar enough it doesn't matter), take your rom and open the .nds file in the Hex Editor. Hit Control + G and search for the offset 0006CAC0. Starting at Line 4, you should see the values 08 28 01 D2. For full odds possible without hacking, replace the "08" with "FF". This will give you a shiny odds of 1/257, or 0.4%. Make sure to save the file. For Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver (I only tried HeartGold but again it shouldn't matter), do the same as you did for Diamond and Pearl but search for the offset 000559A0. Starting at line 0A, you should see the values 08 28 01 D2 01. Again, change the "08" to "FF" for 1/257 shiny odds. Make sure to save the file. From there, I recommend starting that Rom or making a randomizer of that specific rom and doing encounters until you find a shiny to double check. Should take roughly 150ish, at least from my experience with testing. A 100% guarantee that it's working is that if you do a playthrough and a opponent trainer sends out a Pokemon that is shiny. Then it definitely works because that only happens when the rate is boosted this way. If for some reason you can't find the value, specified or you want to try a different rom language, try this method that I used to find the offsets. For Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, hit Control + F and click on the Hex Values tab. In the bar, search for "08 28 01 D2 01 20 00" and change the "08" value ONLY! For HeartGold and SoulSilver, search for "08 28 01 D2 01" and replace the "08" value ONLY! Hopefully that works, let me know below. NOTE***: I tried sharing my files with my friend so he could use my modified shiny boosted roms and they weren't working. Changing and saving the Rom .nds file ALSO modifies the .nds.bak file. You need both the modified .nds file and the .nds.bak file that goes with it for this to work. So if it isn't working there may be an unknown problem with your .nds.bak file. If this tutorial is confusing or hard to follow please let me know and I will make a YouTube video from start to finish to help. Thanks and happy gaming!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    All pokemon and badges. All shiny. Celebi is the only one I couldn't get legal.
  11. Version 1.0.0


    These are Shiny Unown caught in Pokémon FireRed and all of them have Hidden Power Psychic Files are compressed in .rar format
  12. Maybe I don't fully understand this but this option allows me to encounter a specific Pokemon right? Everything appears to be correct yet I can't find the Shiny Vulpix. It simply doesn't show up in game. Am I doing something wrong? I can't find much information anywhere about this.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Es el genesect shiny que salio para promocionar la pelicula pokémon:el despertar de mewtwo (el archivo ya esta listo para ser intercambiado) Is the shiny gemesect, This pokemon came out to promote the movie pokémon: the awakening of mewtwo (this file is ready to be traded)
  14. Version 1.0.0


    El beldum shiny de steve que podias conseguir si precomprabas pokémon ORAS, Steven's Shiny Beldum, you can get this pokémon if you early purchaser Pkmn ORAS
  15. I know that if xor=0 pokemon can be square shiny. But I cna't find how to make sq shiny jirachi pk3 with pkhex. It's hard to match legit pid I tired Rng reporter to find pid but channel part doesn't match and pkhex database doesn't give shiny one. Is there any way to find legit square shiny jirachi pid? or get legit sq jirachi pk3?
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Rowlet's Shiny 6ivs Egg for legal use from today for use in the game Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
  17. Version 1.0.0


    All Vivillon Shiny forms from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
  18. Version 1.1.0


    Charizard tera raid + ovo charmander Charmander, charmeleon e charizard shiny legal
  19. Pokemon Species: Glaceon Held Item: Never Melting Ice Level: 1 Ability: Snow Cloak, Ice Body (Hidden) Size: Average Gender: Female Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific): 666 (does this work?) or 666666 Secret ID (If specific): 6666 Shiny (Yes or No): Yes Egg (Yes or No): no Nature: Rash Pokérus Status: Not Infected Pokéball Captured In: Love Ball EV Stats: max -> special-attack IV Stats: max Ribbons (If any): all that aren't available through normal gameplay Location/Date Met: Somewhere where you can normally find an Glaceon/November 18th, 2022 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): none, not an egg Friend Code (If Trading): none, not trading Region: German If something doesn't work, isn't doable, should be something else or anything that's not right with the request, please message me I don't think that it will even work, I mean Scarlet/Violet just got released.
  20. So I was recently shiny hunting and on a small 3DS screen and it would be pretty hard to tell if a Pokemon was shiny if I wasn't paying attention to the shiny sparkle. This got me thinking, right now in Pokemon Legends Arceus, if you encounter a pokemon, during battle there will be the shiny mark next to it's name, and it's extremely useful for those Pokemon that have a very subtle change. So my question is, is there a mod/hack for any of the 3DS era of Pokemon games that adds the shiny mark to the Pokemon's HP bar like Pokemon Legends Arceus? Or is there a way that I can go in and add it? I'm a software engineer so I could add something in, but I've never had experience messing with the code in a pokemon game.
  21. Basically, I know of the cheat code that lets you specify the species and level of your next wild encounter. However, I do not know how to modify it to specifically change the forme and shininess. Can anyone here please help? Thank you. This is the code by the way. Thank you. [Pokemon Modifier] xxx - pokemon dex id convert to hex, yy - level D3000000 00000000 105957E0 000000B0 105957E2 0000E1D5 105957E4 0000FF1E 105957E6 0000E12F 105957E8 00000004 105957EA 0000E5C4 105957EC 00000000 105957EE 0000E59F 105957F0 0000FF1E 105957F2 0000E12F 005957F4 00000xxx 005957F8 000000yy 103988DC 0000F3BF 103988DE 0000EB07 103988EC 0000F3BB 103988EE 0000EB07 10398908 0000F3B4 1039890A 0000EB07 DD000000 00000204 105957E4 0000000C 105957E6 0000E59F D0000000 00000000
  22. Version 1.0.0


    All badges and pokemon. Celebi, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Keldeo, and Meloetta are not legal. All of the others are!
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Not all shiny are legal.
  24. Version 1.0.0


    All pokemon and badges! HeartGold has all shiny pokemon, arcues and celebi aren't legal but all the others are. SoulSilver has all pokemon and all are legal, including spikey Pichu.
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