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Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald,LeafGreen & FireRed JIRACHI CHANNEL (ENG,FRE,ITA,GER & ESP) Normal & Shiny GEN 3 & GEN 8 (HOME Tracker Valid) GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba, Nintendo Switch. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge JIRACHI CHANNEL (ENG,FRE,ITA,GER & ESP) Normal & Shiny (HOME Tracker Valid) JIRACHI CHANNEL NORMAL TID: 40122 SID: 36919 IVs HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 *********************** JIRACHI CHANNEL SHINY TID: 40122 SID: 54611 IVs HP: 29 Atk: 30 Def: 29 SpA: 31 SpD: 28 Spe: 29 Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics Managing GBA Saves How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi By @Gridelin -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald,LeafGreen & FireRed (ENG,ESP & JPN) ALL UNOWN Alphabet Normal & Shiny (Shiny Square) GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge ALL UNOWN Alphabet Shiny (Shiny Square)(Pokémon Legends Arceus)(HOME Tracker Valid)(Only ENG) Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 11792 SID: 31550 IVs HP: 30 (+ or - 1) Atk: 30 (+ or - 1) Def: 30 (+ or - 1) SpA: 30 (+ or - 1) SpD: 30 (+ or - 1) Spe: 30 (+ or - 1) Box 1 Unown Normal Level:25 Total : 28 A-? Box 2 Unown Shiny Square Xor= 0 Level :25 Total : 28 A-? Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics Managing GBA Saves -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, LeafGreen & FireRed (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 31550 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square -
OK, first of all I'm new here, first post actually, so I'm sorry if I'm posting in a wrong forum. I want to find and change the number of trades I've done on my FireRed game, which is shown in my trainer card, since I could not find a tool that does this. After reading this article, I managed to familiarize myself a bit with the file format, and managed to locate some data like the Trainer's name, the Security Key, coins, etc. Now on to the problem: I was not able to find the number of trades anywhere. I tried locating it as a string, as a "raw" 4 byte value, xoring with both the lower 2 and the higher 2 bytes of the security key. Everything to no avail. I even dumped my hex editor and tried to find it with Cheat Engine after trading. Again nothing. I am in desperate need of help. Anyone ever had any success in finding it? Thanks in advance. P.S. Sorry for my English, not my native language.
Hi everybody! I need your help. Anyone have cheats that can modify the stats of pokémon in Fire Red? I may have easily found out on the internet the gameshark code for max all stats of party pokémon in FR - LF, but which I need is code for max each stats of a pokémon. I searched out max each stats only in Ruby, but not in FR-LG. 1st Pkm max all stats in FireRed: 38A014382724 3FF453949219 => This code set HP/Atk/Def/Spc.Atk/Spc.Def/Spd of your first pokémon to 999 points 1st Pkm max each stats in Ruby: 830043B8 03E7 (999 HP) 830043BA 03E7 (999 Atk) 830043BC 03E7 (999 Def) 830043C0 03E7 (999 Spc.Atk) 830043C2 03E7 (999 Spc.Def) 830043BE 03E7 (999 Def) => With 03E7 in hex is 999 in decimal, I can modify the stats of pkm as I wish in Ruby. I need the similar of this code in FireRed. More details: In FireRed I want to mod my Mewtwo's stats as follows: 584 HP 674 Atk 494 Def 996 Spc.Atk 549 Spc.Def 734 Spd Could anybody help me to solve this?
Is anyone selling their AuroraTicket Distribution Cartridge? I am looking for one.
- Deoxys
- AuroraTicket
- (and 7 more)
Hi,I want to make a FireRed ROM hack in a new region with a Shadow World counterpart, Shadow Pokémon, Shadow type, and Pokémon from Gens 1-7. Probably Mega Evolution, too. I made a list of possible features:New movesNew abilitiesNew PokeballsApricorn ballsComplete Pokemon availabilitySecret bases (FireRed)Increase bag limitDouble wild battles100 TMsRock ClimbDefog10 HMsDay/Night wild Pokemon encountersDeoxys form change abilityExpanded Pokemon breedingHorde encountersSwarmsTrainers, etc., Speak in Battle SometimesOverworld Music Depends on Time of DayDay/Night battle music changeReplace Pokemon in Party with Newly Caught One and Send Replaced one to PCEvolutions Based on Specific TimeAI for new movesBerry systemMultiplayer compatibilityWonder trade systemNew evolution methodsNew itemsExpanded itemsBug catching contest(Not So) Hidden PowerComplete HabitatsExpanded Pokemon breeding Ditto fixExtended sethealingplaceExtend Direct Sound tracks to 12Dark ballMega Evolution implemented(FireRed) Ability CapsuleNew typesNew type iconsLevels expanded to 250TMs fully mappedRocksDaily eventsNuzlocke OptionApricornsExtend sethealingplaceExtend song tableNew musicBest AILevel scalingStadium / Showdown styleLaptopBank systemRoaming PokemonVs. Seeker battlesHacked Title ScreenSecondary message boxesPokemon selectionMoves selectionBattle ArenaFollowing PokemonSnag MachineQuests (money or rare / special items)InnsMore doublesAuctionsTrainer battles that reward you with items afterwardRematches with trainers after gym winsHM itemsRandom weather scriptsShadow movesThose are all to be decided for or against. All I have is a basic starting script and a starter town right now.Edit: I'm planning more for the game right now. I'd like to form a team. I have a post called "Team Salamence" on here that I have some members from working on this ROM hack already. I need just about any Gen 3 Pokémon ROM hackers to join, but particularly I need: 1. People who can edit, create and insert tilesets 2. Spriters who can make trainer sprites, in-battle and out-of-battle (overworlds) I could also use spriters who like to make Pokémon overworlds, too Let me know if you're interested via private message or on Discord. I'm Petuuuhhh#1611. You can add me as a friend if you're interested in joining the team. The project's Discord is if you would like to spectate or ask about recruitment there as well. Screenshots: