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  1. Version 1.6.1


    PKHeX plugin to find and edit Feebas fishing spots in Gen 3, 4 and 8. How to use Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu. Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald as well as Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are supported. Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here). Example of how to unblock: Any questions, issues or suggestions? Create a post in my support thread, create an issue on Github or send me a DM! Credits & Thanks Kaphotics for PKHeX. TuxSH for his extensive research about Feebas fishing spots (RSE, DPPt). suloku for his Feebas Fishing Spot tool that has inspired me to make this plugin. foohyfooh for BDSP support. Translators: Chinese (CHT/CHS): ppllouf & wubinwww Source
  2. Hi all, I am a IT student and I am currently trying to reverse engineer the inner working of the Gen IV Distribution ROM. I already figured out the basics but... Right now, I am facing an issue with the way data is encrypted. I already know of tools such as WC4PCD or PokeGen, PokeHex... but I am trying to understand and create my own program to decrypt and reencrypt all by myself. So I am asking if any one here as any leads or straight up know what encryption algorithm is used. I obviously did some research but no luck yet. (Chat GPT told me to XOR the file but idk what key to use). Thanks in advance, and my apologies if I made any english mistake
  3. Version 1.0.0


    All badges and pokemon
  4. Version 1.0.0


    All pokemon are legal. I still can't get them in a file. Arceus's all have a different plate. Final part.
  5. You have to become the Champion and see have seen all 151 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region Pokedex to get the Poke radar What you Need -Poke Radar and the the poketch app 20 (the Poke Radar checker) -A good shiny hunting team (pokemon with stats move and false swipe are good) -Healing items -Pokeballs (like quickballs and repeatball) -Repels (Max is good) How to get the Items The Poke Radar you can get after seeing all of the sinnoh pokemon and going to Professor Rowan laboratory then talking him You can the Poketch app 20 from Professor Oak in Pal Park after beating the game and getting the national dex You can find Healing item, Pokeballs and, repel in Pokemarts Rules -DON'T run away you must catch or defeat the pokemon -Always go to the same type of grass -Grass patch must be 4 steps away from your characters position How to Chain Before we start you want to and register the Poke Radar and get all the items I showed before Ok now let start! First, find a big grass patch and save the game then use a repel then press Y. Some grass should be moving and you want to walk into one of those grass patchs. When you encounter a pokemon that you want you to chain catch or faint it. By catching it there is a 10% more chance of seeing that pokemon. After that keep on going for the same grass patch and follow the rules. If you don't see a good grass patch you walk up down not running into the grass patchs and reset the poke radar. The Chain might just randomly break for no reason After a chain of 40 you want to keep reseting the Poke Radar until you find a shint patch. You have a 1/200 chance of a shiny patch appearing. If your chain breaks reset the game and get your items back Chain Breakers -Getting on your bike -turning off the game -Changing maps -Encounting a random pokemon -Running from battle -Going underground
  6. Version 1.0.0


    All pokemon are legal. I still can't get them in a file.
  7. Infinite TMs in Gen IV --- Let me first preface this by saying that this was figured out by Mikelan98 (with some help from Nextworld and BagBoy to find some of the offsets in different languages). Mikelan98 has requested that you give credit to him if you implement this in your hack. This is simply a documentation so the information doesn't get lost - I didn't figure out any of this myself! This is for the American (U) versions of Platinum and Heart Gold / Soul Silver. Step 1: Extract the relevant files --- First we need to get the right files out of the ROM. For Platinum, you'll need the arm9.bin and the overlay_0084.bin files. For HG / SS, you'll need the decompressed arm9.bin and a decompressed overlay_0015.bin files. (Use the Extract(U) option in crystaltile2 to decompress.) Step 2: Edit the code to make the TM quantity not drop after use --- For Platinum, we want to make the following changes: * Search for "FE 00 28 07 D1 08 48" in the arm9.bin file. * Replace the "D1" with "E0" so that it now reads "FE 00 28 07 E0 08 48". For HG/SS, we want to make the following changes: * Search for "FD 00 28 07 D1 0A 48" in the decompressed arm9.bin file. * Replace the "D1" with "E0" so that it now reads "FD 00 28 07 E0 0A 48". Step 3: Edit the code to make the item quantity not appear for TMs in the bag --- For Platinum, we want to make the following changes: * Search for "FF F7 83 FF 04 B0" in the overlay_0084.bin file. * Replace the first four bytes with "00 00 00 00", so it should now read "00 00 00 00 04 B0". For HG/SS, we want to make the following changes: * Search for "81 42 53 D3" in the decompressed overlay_0015.bin file. * Replace the "D3" with E0 so that it now reads "81 42 53 E0". Step 4: Rebuild the ROM --- You'll need to reinsert the relevant files as needed. For HG/SS, you'll need to recompress them when adding them to the ROM by using the "Compression" option to import them back when using crystaltile2. After that, save and/or build your ROM, and you should find that TMs don't show a quantity anymore, and they also won't disappear after being used.
  8. After making changes and export as main, when I try to open the exported sav, all changes gone. Any idea how to solve it?
  9. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
  10. Can’t have gligar in Pokémon diamond so I want to use PKHeX to get him in the game.Do I need to download PKHeX on 3ds or can I download it on my pc? If it’s possible I want to send a Pokémon file on the root of 3ds and send it to Pokémon diamond.Anyone know how to do this and more info about it?
  11. All I really want is Diamond, pearl and Platinum save files (.sav) that have entered at least once in hall of fame. I have overplayed this gen and I don't really feel like dedicating myself to playing it another 3 times. My only wish aside from that is leaving Darkrai and Shaymin untouched as this is going to be used as shiny hunting saves. If you want to throw in the key items for it cool! If not I would probably have used the void glitch anyway. If the other legendaries are there too that's great, otherwise, eh I don't care since I will hunt them in USUM anyway.
  12. This patch will (hopefully) allow users to load Pearl version of assets on the debug version of Pokemon Diamond. Patch Repo : https://github.com/novakirby/POKEMON_DP ====================================================================================== -------------------- * Requirements * -------------------- The japanese Diamond debug ROM xdelta3 (windows : https://github.com/jmacd/xdelta-gpl/releases) ====================================================================================== ------------------ * Basic Usage * ------------------ The following command should generate patched ROM (POKEMON_P_APAJ01_00.nds) in the directory: (path to xdelta3) -d -s (path to the diamond ROM) POKEMON_P_APAJ01_00.xdelta3 POKEMON_P_APAJ01_00.nds ====================================================================================== ------------------- * Other Notes * ------------------- Please note that the patch does not actually generate a identical copy of the real Pearl debug ROM. As of now, this patch will modify: ROM Header /ftc/arm9.bin /ftc/overlay (File ID : 5, 6, 16, 18, 54, 80, 83, 84) /ftc/banner.bin /poketool/personal/personal.narc Although overlays are nearly identical for D/P, the link address of overlays are varies from builds. Hence, diff from the retail D/P ROM cannot be directly applied here. In order to make this patch more complete, any feedback about issue of patched ROM or new discovery of version difference is welcomed. ====================================================================================== -------------------- * Known Issues * -------------------- Field debug option "クライマックス" (The first one) would makes Dialga appear instead of Palkia. ====================================================================================== ... it would be nice if someone could make a pret disassembly of the debug ROM, though.
  13. Pls... How i can change sprite trainer on Pokèmon Diamond? Tutorial fast!
  14. Basic information Name: Pokémon DarkDiamond Creator: Markitus95 (or Spiky, if you wanna call me like that) Base ROM: Pokémon Diamond (USA) Storyline Living in Twinleaf Town has always been boring. Having a cool neighbour can improve things, but everything has a limit. Tired of the monotonous life and with a growing spirit of adventure, you and your friend go to Lake Verity, with the intention of finding that red Gyarados everyone talks about. But... What's going on Route 201? It looks like a mysterious man is attacking Professor Rowan! What does he want? Features Catch all 493 Pokémon! New storyline Brand-new characters New team: Team xGlite Play as Brendan or Dawn! New graphics, and updates from HGSS and BW! New music And much, much more... Credits Hack's name: giradialkia Sprites: Coronis, minime010, Red6095, n0rul3s, spaceemotion Overworlds: Kyledove, Raven-Lux Music: xXchainchomp01, lala19357, Truearagon, tobinus, themutestranger Special thanks to my friend Arc. This hack wouldn't exist without his great help If I forget someone, sorry, and please send me a PM. Screenshots Beta 2 (Current version) Progress Demo version: 100% Beta 1: 100% Beta 2: 100% Beta 2.1: 100% Beta 3: 10% Bugs/Glitches The rival's name doesn't appear when talking with him in Route 201. Fixed When entering Lake Verity, the game crashes. Fixed Brendan's backsprite has a minor error in the 4th frame. Fixed Dawn talks as Brendan in the lab. Fixed The name of many trainers appears glitched. Fixed Downloads Beta 2.1 (Up to Veilstone City's gate): http://www.mediafire.com/?a81cxtajhgoehoh Update from Beta 2 to 2.1: http://www.mediafire.com/?5j5jws2f4urlcaq Patching instructions are included in the archive
  15. Version 1.1


    Wild Pokemon editor of Diamond & Pearl Author - D-Trogh
  16. Version 1.1


    Pokémon Data Editor DS (Diamond & Pearl) HowTo: - Dump the personal.narc with Nitro Explorer [You'll find the NARC in \poketool\personal] - Open PDEDS, open/select the NARC file - Edit the data using PDEDS and save (NOTE: You need for each Pokémon !!) - Import the NARC back with NitroExplorer - Done =D Author - D-Trogh
  17. jasenyoface


    Version .


    Evolution editor for Diamond & Pearl Author: Unknown
  18. Hi all, I've been recently informed that Suction Cups does not work in the Sinnoh Region due to a coding error. I can't find any information on whether this is true or not and I'm lost where to look in the data to confirm this or not. Would anyone mind confirming this? It seems strange and it's honestly the first time I've heard of this. Much appreciated
  19. Greetings, all. I am new here, so I apologize if this is in the wrong subforum. Now, what I am needing to do: My girlfriend and I are planning on playing all of the Pokemon games from gen 4 right up to gen 7. We both have homebrewed 3DSs with CFW and have the NDS Pokemon games as ROMS on R4i cards. The idea is to play HeartGold and SoulSilver> Platinum and Diamond> Black and White> Black 2 and White 2> X and Y> Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire> Sun and Moon, in that order. What we want to do is transfer Pokemon over each time we move over to the next pair of games. Each time we play a pair, we plan to catch all Pokemon available in that respective game, then move them all forwards to the next game. HeartGold/SoulSilver can trade to Platinum and Diamond, and Platinum and Diamond can trade to Black and White, and Black and White can trade to Black 2 and White 2, but each of these processes will take ages to accomplish, and there seems to be no way to trade Pokemon from Black 2/White 2 to X/Y when using an R4i card and a legitimate card is impossible to get in my country. So: Is there a way that I can batch export all Pokemon from a save (All .pkm/whatever files from the .sav) and the inject it into the next save? PkHex and PokeGen only allow for exporting and importing 1 Pokemon at a time, whereas I would like to do so as a batch to save a lot of time. I have .sav files on R4i and can make .sav backups for 3DS Pokemon games, I just need a way to transfer the Pokemon between them as a batch rather than individually. As a nitpick: Is there also a way that I can have Pokemon moved via this method be registered in the Pokedex for the game I inject them into? Thanks in advance and sorry for repeating myself in some parts
  20. Would it be possible to change save data via the SD card from soundhax? I tried JK save manager, but it doesn't appear to work with diamond. Are there any applications i could use to do so? I'm pretty new at this, and i have only pokegenned on pokemon moon, so i don't know too much about it. forgive me if i make any errors.~
  21. This is a modification of Kazowar's BTX Editor. It's used to modify the BTX (texture) files used for overworld sprites in the NDS games. Kazowar stated that "BTX Editor is a horribly wrote program and is full of stupid limitations." But he gave me permission to decompile it, modify it, and re-release it. So I have. This version has been updated to support any of the character overworlds from HG/SS. There are still quite a lot of overworlds that it won't work with unless completely rewritten, like Pokemon, or anything not 32x32, or anything with more than one palette. I've also take the opportunity to change the interface. Buttons are now above the image, and the window will also resize to fit the image, rather than the reverse. I also changed the icon to differentiate it from the original. Usage: 1) Extract BTX files from the game, found in HG/SS at /a/0/8/1. 2) In BTX editor, hit [Open .btx]... and open a .btx file. 3) Hit [save .png as...] and save the image. 4) Modify that image. 5) Hit [Open .png] and open the modified image. 6) Hit [save .btx as...] and save the modifed .btx file. 7) Insert the new file into the game in place of the original. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/a4zjzn8kr8krgbc/BTX_Editor.exe
  22. It's been a loooong time, but finally, I've discovered how the BDHC files work. Please, if you are gonna copy this post in other site, give credits! First of all, I have to thank JayT, who discovered how is the file structured in different parts. Now, I'm gonna explain what does each part. Part P Sets the coordinates of certain points, used later to build rectangles or "plates" of different heights in the Part S. The structure of each element is the following one: 00 00 XX XX 00 00 YY YY XX XX are the coordinates in the X-axis, and YY YY the Y-axis ones. Keep in mind that the origin of coordinates is located at the midpoint of the map, not in a corner. This means that the lower right corner always use positive numbers, but the upper left corner instead must use negative numbers. Remember that FF FF = -1, FE FF = -2, FD FF = -3... The four tiles in the midpoint of the map are (FFFF, FFFF), (0000, FFFF), (FFFF, 0000) and (0000, 0000) respectively. Thus, the point of the upper left corner is: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF And the lower right corner: 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 Part Q It may be related to the stairs, but I need to investigate further. I've already solved this part, but I've still got to translate it to English Part R It sets the different heights where the hero can be in different rectangles or "plates". The structure of the elements of this part is: MM MM ZZ ZZ ZZ ZZ refers to the complete-tiles height, ie; for example if the character is at a neutral level, then ZZ ZZ = 00 00. If we climb some stairs and now we are in a height +1, then ZZ ZZ = FF FF (at higher height, instead of growing, it decreases) . If we were at a height +5, it would be FB FF. And if for example we were at -2; 02 00. MM MM measures, instead of full tiles, 65536-ths of tile. For not to talk complicated things; MM MM = 00 80 if the character is in a lake (it would be half a tile down, ie -0.5 tall) and MM MM = 00 00 if the character is anywhere else. For example, if we have: 00 80 FF FF it would mean: FF FF = Height +1 00 80 = Height -0.5 Total height = +0.5 Part S Link points of Part P to create the "plates" or rectangles, and assigns a height of an element of Part R. AA 00 BB 00 QQ 00 RR 00 AA is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the upper left corner is. Remember that the first element is 00, the second is 01, the third is 02... BB is the number (in hex) of the Part P element where the point of the rectangle in the lower right corner is. RR is the number (in hex) of the Part R element which establishes the height of the plate. If in Part P, for example, we have this: 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 And in the Part R we have: 00 00 FE 00 00 00 01 00 In the S part we have to write: 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 so we create a plate covering from (-16, -16) to (16, 16) (ie, the whole map) and setting a height in the Z axis +2. If instead out: 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 It would be the same as the previous one, but with a height of -1. Part T It divides the map in horizontal strips. Everything must be divided so if we move vertically (up or down) and thus we get in/out of a lake, stairs or similar, we must also be entering a new strip. It's hard to explain; the game can not detect when you enter an area with different height when you move vertically in the same strip (horizontally no problem) so you have to create a new separate strip. As I know it's hard to understand, here's a little picture: There is an element for each strip there. The structure of each element of Part T is: 00 00 YY YY NN NN UU UU Where YY YY is the Y-axis line where the lower limit of the strip is. NN is the number of elements of the Part U that are taken, and starting counting from element number UU UU. Do not worry, I'll explain later. For example, a map where there were two strips, one in the upper half and one in the lower half, would be: 00 00 00 00 NN NN UU UU 00 00 10 00 NN NN UU UU Part U It is a list or enumeration of adjacent plates/rectangles to the strip with which it is linked in Part T. That is, if I'm in the strip 00, Part T load a number of elements of the Part U where there are numbered all the plates where the player is or can access, from this strip. The structure of the elements of Part U is: SS 00 where SS is the number (in hex) of the Part S plate. Part U have many elements of these, and they are usually "segmented" in "zones". In Part T is loaded the number of items to be taken (NN NN) and the number it starts counting (UU UU). For example, in Part U we have: 00 00 01 00 02 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 04 00 And in the T part we are: 00 00 YY YY 04 00 00 00 00 00 YY YY 03 00 04 00 Then, from the first strip, we are or we can access the plates 00, 01, 02 and 04, while from the second strip we are or we can access the plates 00, 03 and 04. Remember they are all adjacent plates, ie, plates belonging to the strip and the ones which are in the limits but do not belong to it (ie, those plates whose height the game has to load while the player is in the strip).
  23. Hey guys i am working on a new hack pokemon hard diamond. Its a hack of Pokemon Diamond. Special about this hack. This hack has tiles from black and white. And New maps. And gonna look a little like hoenn Progress so far: 10% To do Insert more tiles create some more maps. Credits. Spiky/Markitus95 for hes awsome tool Google for the amazing Google Skethup. With plugins. Me for making this hack If you feel to join me in my progress just send me a pm and you´re good to go Screenies. I havent so many yet but more is coming
  24. G4PS will take 2 or 4 images and build a single palette from them and then save all the images using the single palette as an 8bpp image to be used with PokeDSPic. example G4PS..rar
  25. Well, after using the PokeRadar a lot, chaining, and having a few chains seemingly break for no reason, I was hoping to find out what exactly makes it work? I'm familair with ASM, but I'm not sure where I'd start with NDS. If anyone has information on solid evidence for how the PokeRadar works (mostly to keep the chain going, like how it calculates the chances of continuing the chain per patch), please post here.
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