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  1. This guide is for those who are interested in editing an actual trainer/berry e-Card to use with the real e-Reader. If you are capable of save editing or you are playing on an emulator it's probably easier to inject the trainer/berry into your save file directly. Requirements your custom Trainer (ECT) or Berry (ECB) of course (can be created with this tool) e-Reader dev tools (https://caitsith2.net/ereader/devtools.htm) e-Card headerfix tool headerfix.zip (source) a hex editor (like HxD) a raw e-Card which we will use as a base (English, Japanese) Editing the raw e-Card Decode your raw e-Card with nedcenc like this: nedcenc.exe -i card.raw -d -o card.bin Open the decoded card in your hex editor. Copy the header (the first 83 (0x53) bytes as seen above) and save them for later. Copy and save the VPK (starting at offset 0x53 with "vpk0") into a new file. The full VPK size can be found at offset 0x51. Keep in mind that this is written as little endian, which means if these two byte are "81 07" the actual size is 0x781 (from 0x53-0x7D3). The rest of the decoded card is just padding, you can ignore/delete it for now. You have saved the VPK into a new file, now decompress it with nevpk: nevpk.exe -i trainer.vpk -d -o trainer_decompressed.vpk Open the decompressed VPK in your hex editor. For trainers: navigate to offset 0xD50, that's where the actual trainer data (ECT) is located, it's 188 (0xBC) bytes. For berries: the data (ECB) is at offset 0x4EA, it's 530 (0x212) bytes. For trainers: replace the data from 0xD50-0xE0B with your custom trainer and save the file. For berries: replace the data from 0x4EA-0xA19 with your custom berry. Compress your edited VPK with nevpk: nevpk.exe -i mytrainer.vpk -c -o mytrainer_compressed.vpk Note the size of your new compressed VPK! Create a new file in your hex editor and paste the header you have saved earlier in step 3. Paste your compressed VPK right after the header at offset 0x53. Now fix the VPK size at 0x51 to match the new size. Remember to write it as little endian! Fix the size info at 0x26: in the image above the value is 0x020F0622 bit 9-23 is the same as your VPK size + 2 bits are counted from left to right starting with 0 the original VPK size is 0x781 + 2 = 0x783 or in bits 0000 0111 1000 0011 0x020F0622 in bits: 0000 0010 0000 1111 0000 0110 0010 0010 convert your new VPK size into bits replace the bits marked in red in the size info convert the size info value back into hexadecimal write it back to offset 0x26 Pad the card to a proper size of 2112 (0x840) bytes. You can fill the area after the VPK until 0x83F with FF. Fix the cards checksums by droping it on headerfix.exe and you are done! You are done! You can now encode your edited card back into a raw e-Card: nedcenc.exe -i custom.bin -e -o custom.raw You can use the dotcode printer from the devtools for printing, it can print dotcodes in raw or bmp format. Keep the DPI at 300, choose your card and your printer and print it! You could as well just convert your raw card into bmp (raw2bmp.exe -i card.raw -o card.bmp) and print that. So, I hope everything was clear enough, if there are still questions feel free to ask!
  2. Hey, guys! I'm working on programming a new Pokemon fan game from scratch (not a ROM hack or RPG Maker game, or I'd have posted this in one of the other forums). It's called Pokemon Gemini, and I'm developing it using GameMaker Studio and documenting the development process in a YouTube series. Hopefully this will build up some hype about its progress; you can watch the development as it happens from this playlist: (Also, wow, the embedded videos here are large O_o. ) While I'm good enough with coding, I am terrible at artistic work, especially organic forms like Pokemon! So I need some people who love Pokemon and also have any semblance of artistic skill to help out and create the custom Fakemon that this game will feature I have no money to pay you for it, but you will get full credit in the game (along with any in-game promotion for yourself that you want, within realistic bounds)... which I know isn't as good as cash, but hopefully you're excited by the project enough to help out? If you want to be a fully official Spriter, that's great! But if you just want to submit one or a few evolutionary lines, that's great, too! Either way, you'll get full credit for your work The Concept The idea behind Pokemon Gemini is to try and create a slightly more realistic Pokemon story, while still retaining the fun Pokemon feel. And to use all custom Pokemon, characters, etc. so that if the Pokemon Company sends a cease and desist, I can just re-theme it and re-release Its main theme is duality: rich vs poor, life vs death, corruption vs purity, urban vs rural, etc. So this is the story as it stands currently: So that's the story, and some of the mechanics. The game is in early development days right now, but making steady progress; the more Fakemon art we have, the more expansive this game can be I just need the front and back battling sprites for them; they don't have to be animated, and I don't need overworld sprites (unless you want to make them ) I already have some ideas for two Fakemon lines, if anyone wants to give the spriting a go: The Magic Trio Prestid: Psychic/Dark legendary. 100% male. Based on a stereotypical magician (you know the type: top hat, coattails, wand, flashiness, etc.), but not human. If possible, try and incorporate the magician outfits into the Pokemon's biology rather than having it look like clothing, like how Mr. Mime's gloves are actually its hands. And since he's dark, don't make him look too happy Ijitay: Psychic/Fairy legendary. 100% female. Based on a stereotypical magician's assistant (i.e. sparkles and dresses and stilettos galore), also not human. To represent having been "sawed in half" (that old trick), her body is literally separated into two disconnected parts at the abdomen, kept floating together by psychic powers alone. Ilusi: Psychic. The baby Pokemon version of the two legends. Early in the game, if you explore side content, you can find a Mysterious Orb, which looks like a crystal ball. If you level up Prestid or Ijitay while they're holding a Mysterious Orb, the orb will disappear and you'll be given Ilusi in its place. Specifically, you'll get an Ilusi whose gender is the opposite of the parent holding the orb; male Ilusi evolve into Prestid, and female Ilusi evolve into Ijitay. In this way, if you explore throughout the game, you'll be able to get *both* legends in the same game without trading. Reapers Chareap: Ghost-type "static" Pokemon. Its name comes from Charon and "reap". While these are not legendary, you can only encounter them as overworld Pokemon in graveyards throughout the region. Based on the Grim Reaper, their signature ability is Reaper: if a Pokemon with Reaper is in your party, and not fainted, when another Pokemon in your party faints, Reaper will activate and you can choose to fully heal/revive that Pokemon at the cost of instantly fainting the Reaper Pokemon. In other words, "oh, your other 'mon died? I'll save him, but I'll die in the process." Except, you know, not death, but fainting. Grimmwar: Ghost/Dark type. Evolved from Chareap; some graveyards later in the game may have static Grimmwars instead of Chareaps. Note that if you fail to catch a Chareap or Grimmwar, they will reappear at a random time later, but only if you leave the graveyard and return. And of course, you are encouraged to come up with your own designs! The more Fakemon, the merrier! So, anyone excited about helping develop Pokemon Gemini with me?
  3. Hello All! As I have started to make my own skins, and see myself continuing to create more in the future I've decided to create this step by step tutorial to help out! This way I can have a nice and easy place to point people towards for install instructions and as a file dump for my own created skins . What this will allow you to do: You can use any official c-gear skins that you either missed or are unobtainable due to region or release. You will also be able to use completely custom skins, I will provide my skins I have created in this thread. Ultimately you will get to turn your bland c-gear into stuff like this: PokeGen C-Gear Tutorial First and foremost you will need access to your save file. If you are simply running on an emulator or a flash cart this is easy and you should already have the knowledge of how to get this! If you are wanting to use this on your retail cartridge you will need a save dongle to retrieve your save file and then put it back on your cart. That being said, lets get started! Open up PokeGen and load your save (File>Open). Your save will load, and you will see all your Pokemon in your party and boxes show up. We are not going to change or mess with them at all, so if you are trying to keep a clean and cheat free game don't worry, the save will be fine! Your next step is to open up the C-Gear tool (Tools>C-Gear Background) You will see a new window pop up that has your current C-Gear in the left hand box. The right hand box should be empty. In my example below you can see the pikachu c-gear skin which is a standard skin available on the global link to anyone. Click the "Open" button and navigate to the C gear file that you would like to change it to. This has to be a C gear file type. Select your file in the browser and hit open. You should now see your desired skin on the right hand box. If everything looks correct on the right hand side, click the arrow in between the boxes to overwrite the c-gear skin that is currently on the game. You should now see both boxes have the skin that you want to use. That's all you need to do, pretty simple right? Close out the C-Gear Window, and save your changes! Now just put this save file back on your cartridge and you've got yourself a spiffy new c-gear to make everyone else jealous! C-Gear Skins For official skins Please head to the C-Gear Skin Gallery on Project Pokemon! Previews of my own current custom made skins can be seen by clicking the spoiler below. Download the Piggman's Skins attachment for these. For more user made custom skins, and official skins after the date of this posting, see this ProjectPokemon thread. If you have any requests for a custom skin, you may make a request, but there is no guarantee that I will do it. (I have to usually find a request interesting/fun myself before doing one) 157 July 12th 2012 Piggman's Skins..zip
  4. Hey, guys! I'm now taking Pokesav requests!! I can make any Pokemon or Egg, however you want! However, I cannot make Shiny Eggs!! My Pokemon White FC: Hilda 0604 6136 4073 Please fill out this form for your request (copy/paste into your post and fill out): ----------------------- Pokemon (English name if you can): __________ Level: ___ Pokemon Gender (if applicable): ______ Poké Ball: ____________ Nickname (optional): __________ OT Name/Gender: _______ Trainer ID (maximum of 65535): _____ Secret ID (optional): _____ Egg (Yes/No): ___ Approximate Egg Steps (multiples of 256, please!): _____ Shiny (Yes/No, for non-Egg Pokemon only): ___ Ability: ____________ IV's (31 max): __ HP, __ Attack, __ Defense, __ Speed, __ Sp. Atk, __ Sp. Defense EV's (255 max): ___ HP, ___ Attack, ___ Defense, ___ Speed, ___ Sp. Atk, ___ Sp. Defense Pokerus (Yes/No): ___ Place Met/Obtained (town/city, Day-Care Couple [egg only], Pokemon Event, etc): _______________ Moves: 1. ____________ (PP Ups [3 max]: _) 2. ____________ (PP Ups [3 max]: _) 3. ____________ (PP Ups [3 max]: _) 4. ____________ (PP Ups [3 max]: _) Ribbons (optional): _____________________________ Pokemon Black/White (choose one): _____ Happiness (non-Egg Pokemon only, 255 max): ___ Party/PC (choose one): _____ ----------------------- Limit ONE (1) request per day. If you don't know what something means or aren't sure about something, feel free to let me know. Also, I can either give you an Action Replay code, OR we could exchange Friend Codes and trade through WiFi Club. Again, my friend code is: Hilda 0604 6136 4073 By the way, I'm really a guy, not a girl.
  5. you could say this is an extremely customized AR Code request. I need specific moves for the specific pokemon. I'll still try to follow traditional format. also note i need these to replace my current party pokemon. thank you for your patience and understanding!!!
  6. I would like this pokemon sent to me via wifi connection. its an obviously hacked water-type shiny sceptile with an azumarill's moveset. I know I wont be able to use this in compettittive battling, im just going to use it to make fun of a freind, as he thinks this pokemon actually exists in-game. the pkm file is attatched to the post under this one, and my freind code is this: name: Hywel code: 0646 4037 3504 game: pokemon diamond If you can make this pokemon and send it to me, thanks. :smile:
  7. I'm not sure if vBulletin supports it, but there are forums out there that provide specific fields for entering Wii Friend Codes, Xbox360 Gamertags, PSN Usernames and the like. This makes it exceedingly easy to find someone's contact info if the two of you decide to play a game together (like Pokemon, of course). I was wondering if there was any chance Project Pokemon might implement something along those lines for userprofiles? There would be fields for all three Pokemon games currently out (which would be hidden if no information was put into them) and maybe fields for gamertags and other wii games like Smash Bros or whatever. What say you?
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