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Posts posted by Pandohouse

  1. Since home came, I have been recreating pokemon from my old games to pass them to the bank.
    The only problem I have had was when trying to recreate my colosseoum starters.
    I'm editing my Ultrasun save with PKHeX and RNGReporter.
    I don't have any access to the Colosseum save. I dont have the Gamecube/Wii modified or any transfer cable.
    I can only see the data that appears on the screen when I play. All is Legit.
    Can someone help me find the SID?
    Umbreon ♂ 
    TID: 54297 - EO: LEO
    Attacks: Bite, Secret Power, Taunt & Snatch
    Nature: Calm - Ability: Synchronize
    Level: 28 - EXP: 22889
    Languaje: ESP
    HP 95 - Atk 44 - Def 69 - SpA 39 - SpD 86 - SPe 44
    My try (invalid unable to match an encounter conditions to a possible rng frame)

    197 - Umbreon - B70716FDD3F4.pk7

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