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Posts posted by Kuro

  1. If they ever decide to do something better with wifi's lag and upgrade their wifi functions, it would be awesome to be able to walk around with one another, 4 people max allowed together (seeing as max amount of players in a battle) kind of like Fable 2 on Xbox Live.

  2. There are two MMO Pokemon games I found that look like they will be worth playing, Pokemon Lost World and Pokemon Online(POL). Pokemon Lost World, from what I've just read, is on pause since this month until w/e person is back if he/she ever is back. POL also seems like it has good potential, but compared to Lost Worlds mapping, imo, no chance. Lost World seems like a totally original game look, region, story line. POL I'm not sure of, I remember one city being from Kanto, the city of the 8th badge. Try & google both names to find info on them. POL seems to still be active. I'd post the links but not sure if I'm allowed seeing as different forums.

  3. How in the HELL! does a Gastrodon in factory land a fissure on Garchomp with Bright Powder and sandstorm up....

    Sure the Sleep Talk OHKO Dewgon was annoying, OHKO my Starmie, TTar owns it (Pulled off two DD before killing Dewgon) Crunch the Gastrodon and it survives by what appears as 1 HP in red (no item save it) to be owned by when I'm 7 Battles from my Golden Seal in Battle Castle.

    GAH!!! This place is so hacked ):<

    *Rants, rants, rants away at the bs*

  4. What IVs and EVs do you want on the dogs for your nephew's game, along with natures and what not?

    The point of it was to be random on the IV/Nature as if generated by the game itself. Pokesav doesn't have that function and doubt it ever will seeing as not many/no one seems bothered by the function we have now. I already know how to do it without random =/

    I gave up on the idea seeing as questions take much more time to be answered on these forums... :( Thanks anyways.

  5. RBY and RSE take place at the same time.

    GSC and DPP take place 3 years after RBY and RSE... and occur at the same time.

    Mmmm information is nice.... Thanks.

    Personally would have been nice to make it semi anime like. Finding Red on G/S/C somewhere near Ho-oh's tower instead of on Mt.Silver. Or dose Mt.Silver have any relations to ho-oh? O.o

  6. Mostly Johto, would be nice to seem some others as well though.

    Might as well take this chance to ask, anyone mind explaining the time line? Gen 2 takes place 3 years after Gen 1, not sure where Gen 3 is, so where is Gen 2 and 4? Are they basically together? One thing I know is it seems Gen 3 remakes and Emerald version are on the same time line.

    Of course, I don't know about Yanma, Piloswine, Aipom and Lickitung though. Those that DO evolve into something else via learning a move should be able to evolve before the E4.

    Bah so true, I don't like how my Golbat on FireRed couldn't evolve because some pokemon dictionary couldn't decipher what pokemon specie it was.

  7. Someone mind explaining the Beast Trio species? I've seen plenty of people say Cats, and others say Dogs. Raikou seems like a Tiger, Entei seems like a Lion, Suicune idk but from what bulbapedia says, a Maned Wolf/Leopard.

    While making this post I decided to re check and surprizingly near everything said about them was also listed. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Legendary_beasts

    Including the eeveelution/beast relationship & being cat/dog.

    What does everyone else see them as?

  8. I think it's not permanent. I don't believe Gamefreak would deprive us of evolving our starter to make it follow you.

    Pokemon yellow deprived plenty :3 I spammed away at my A button to evolve that damn Pikachu ;_ ;

    But I get what you mean, basically everyone running around with Lv.100 starters following them for enjoyment...

  9. Besides game...

    Would be great to see the islands again and Ash maybe actually use his strong pokemon, finally get Pidgeot back to end up leaving it behind again. God forbid they ever decide to do something with the GS ball now...

    About Mewtwo, it would be pretty interesting to have an event island where mewtwo resides, but it seems more people prefer Celebi atm.

  10. Yeah, now I believe it's not permanent, which is fine. All I want is a remake, and that twinleaf town looked promising.

    If it only works with the starter and if they never evolve, I have no problem never evolving my future Cyndaquil :creep: I assume many people would do this and probably just breed another one for in game use.

  11. I'd like to know if it's possible to create roaming Pokemon with random stats (as if it were a real one generated by the game). Seeing as I have all 3 legendary cats/dogs via Wifi, and every other Trio is able to be caught on Platinum, I'd create the 3 dogs to roam my nephews Platinum version for them to have a chance at having them. When I tried creating them, I had to set the current HP, their IV, Nature, and couldn't activate 3 roaming codes at one time. When I left everything blank, the roaming stats were blank, 0 IV, 1 HP, w-e nature, etc...Too much trouble to just want 3 random generated roamers. If in the end it isn't possible to randomly generate what's needed, I'll take the time to do so when bored enough ~_~.

    Thanks in advance.

  12. As long as Gold/Silver Remake is exactly like FireRed/LeafGreen remake as in everything is the same in between the start towards the middle, I'll be as happy as 1st getting FireRed. If it's the Johto(obviously) region and a continuation of the Kanto region(the future of Kanto) as it was in the original GSC, I think it will be a great success.

    I personally loved GSC, it crushed RBY entirely with the continuation of future Kanto region. The legendary birds should be gone seeing as they have migrated to Platinum, Mewtwo again replaced by Ash/Red, and getting all 1st 8 badges again. I liked seeing the wild Pokemon in Kanto being around 20 levels higher than their original FR/LF levels. Hell if we're lucky, maybe they'll have the 8th and 9th island in ruins and add the Orange Islands. I'd like a concept where you require finding a mysterious Platinum Artifact requiring tons load of more work to reach compared to the R/S you need to find on FR/LF. All in all GSC was probably my favorite, and still is, story line with it being a double region, 16 badge(maybe 20 in the remake), introduction to the Unknown Pokemon/Red Gyarados/Breeding all in one game :D

    I want it badly! D:!! Would be nice to be able to get a legit Celebi with a GS ball, although the Wifi access to events is a lot better than events on 3rd Gen games.

    If it is a gs remake, maybe they can change the pokedex to include gen 4 pokemon, and maybe a sneak peak to a generation 5 pokemon, like munchlax and bonsly were. Oh and remember the white rock Oak was talking about in Kanto, maybe something related the pokemon without a location, Jirachi

    I'm not sure, but will say this while thinking DSi does have two DS game openings.

    Like Pal Park in Gen 4, maybe it could download the info from DPP (name on the rock unlocking Shaymin) and the rock either being shot by a beam of light because of the Comet awakening Jirachi, or breaking in halve to discover a Jirachi sleeping inside O.o

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