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Posts posted by Imari

  1. I'm sorry if this post is out of place, I didn't know where else to post this. (please feel free to move it to it's proper place)

    The English Zoroark Event in the file in the first post is it for Greece only, or is it also valid for US, UK, Portugal, Netherlands, Australia and other countries that don't have localized Pokemon games? (as far as date is concerned and such)

    If not, maybe it would be an idea to mention that in the archive e.g. English (US), English (UK), English (EUR) and English (AUS). (hope I covered all the variations)

    P.S. Eveybody who uploads events... :cool: and thnx a million to Guested for checking them and putting them in one neat file. super:cool:

  2. *comes out of hiding and takes a deep bow*

    Thnx for the re-upload. One question though. Am I right to assume that your PPorg_WCs.zip holds all the official event wonder cards thus far? Checked and all?? If so....again I bow to thee. Or are there still some events either missing and/or unchecked? If so please let us know.

    BTW Hope the memory comes in soon....could be worse though....you could've been stuck with Vista :tongue:

    *goes back into hiding*

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