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Posts posted by InuYouki

  1. hey girl can u make me an avatar and a siggy and a banner

    the avatar of deidara and i want it to say Project Pokemon member in golden letters

    the siggy of giratina origin forme (three giratinas: two non shiny origin forme giratina one in the left and one in the right side of the siggy and the shiny origin forme giratina in the middle of the non shinies ) and if possible i want the background like black with purple something like the distortion world, hopefully u get my idea, and also i want it to say in capitals and in the upper part TWILIGHT GOD ... (yeah with the three periods and please the letters in GOLD color please

    and the banner of latios and latias non shiny with sky blue background and i want it to say :

    EON POKEMON: LATIOS & LATIAS in golden letters like the siggy

    thanks in advance the one i want the most is the siggy

    Sure. Sounds fun :3 I am on lunch right now, but I will start them after work.

    Love your new sig but except the writing doesn't stand out much and the font is hard to read I thought it said 'InuToulgi' and 'My Skinny Light' until I looked carefully and realised it said My Shining Light InuYouki...

    CURSE YOU LETTERS DX Thanks Toffeuy. I look for some better fonts later.

    ---------- Post added at 02:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:04 AM ----------

    hey inu, can you make me a pokewalker with a pikachu in it? thanks.

    I don't make the walkers anymore, but I will gladly make you a pikachu avatar. I'll whip you up somthing nice :3

  2. Why does everyone think it would be such and issue with trading pokemon caught in apricorn balls? You could trade between G/S/C and R/B/Y so why would it be so hard to do this now? All they would have to do is

    A) Just not make them tradeable *like how you couldn't trade pokemon with new moves to Gen1*


    B) Have the pokeball it is captured in default to a pokeball when traded over to DPP

    or *highly unlikely buuuuttt*

    C) Maybe the images for the apricorn balls are coded into DPP just like the code for Jhoto is programmed in? Though I figure someone would have found this already

    At least that is what I think. Feel free to prove me wrong lol. I am not much of a programmer lol

  3. Thanks Naru! *hugs*

    SkyFire, I originally had yours done HOURS ago, but Photoshop crashed just as I was saving it and lost everything. I was so mad I didn't bother touching it till after dinner. They aren't as awesome looking as the first time around, but I still like them.



    Relyte, here is your avatar. Hope you like it. If you want something changed let me know.


  4. Hi Inu, just dropping in to say Hi. Keep up with the good work you're doing really well at this... our thread is out of business now... and I just wanted to tell you, you know the sig you made for Kevin?


    I just realised that it looks exactly like yours except with a few additions and changes, so when I looked at it, it didn't really have a sense of originality... but it's still fine anyway...

    Yeah, there are a lot with Ho-Oh and Lugia sadly. And it wasn't my intent to make it look so much like kevins. It's because of the stupid glow I put around them. I didn't realize I had used the same glow on Kevin's till I put mine up DX It blocked a lot of the liquify and brush effects I put in. I am working on a new one now, but with Mew. *huggles mew*

    EDIT: Added the new siggy. What do you think?

    And I wasn't trying to mess with your thread DX You and Narwhal do such and awesome job. Naru too. It was you guys that inspired me to start making Graphic Art again.

  5. Hey, Inu! Just stopping by to say that these are great! :D Keep going!

    You make some awesome ones to Narwhal! Thanks :biggrin:

    Can i have a sig and a banner please, Thanks man.



    Any background that suits it

    Text: SkyFire



    Any background that suits it

    Text: SkyFire

    Sure no problem. But I am a lady not a man lol So do you want the banner the same size as the siggy or a different size?

    EDIT: I realize now you meant sig and avatar lol

  6. Ok kunaidude34 your stuff is done. Would have been done sooner, but the font I wanted to use wouldn't work right. Every file for the Naruto font was corrupted in some way. So I settled for last ninja instead. Hope you like.



    OminousWismur. I did what I could with these, but there just wasn't a lot of whismur pictures out there xD



  7. Everyone, I dunno about those sprites. They seem like other Pokemon squished together...


    ---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------

    Also, it's ILLEGAL to use those sprites if they are edited, or a part is stolen. Its called copyright laws, people.

    ---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

    Also everyone, USE THE SOCIAL GROUP! Sorry for shouting, but it seems like Kevin and I are the only ones using it...

    Ok so even though he has said many times it that thread they are from scratch are you to say you have PROOF they are not? Unless you do, I would appreciate if you didn't accuse him of editing. It may not be my art, but I hate it when people jump to the OMG YOU STOLEZ crap.

    And what Social Group? I have no idea what you are talking about, and unless it is a rule that we have to use it, i could care less.

  8. here comes some more just post right after i do so that i dont get in trouble for double posting thanks

    Those are so cool looking Soul! I really like that grogunk looking bug one. It made me giggle. And those Lapras looking ones, Are they new evolved forms or a new species related to Lapras?

  9. Alright, this one had me stumped for a bit since it was pixels so I did what I could. Honestly I think it would look better with out the sprites, but thats just because I suck with mixing sprite with non sprite xD


    Also, I would love to make your siggy and avvie kunaidude34. Let me get some good pics and render them and I will have them straight away :3

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