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Posts posted by kevin19980609

  1. You must've played around with the Instant Day Care Egg code using the wrong Pokémon.

    Anywho, I have one of my own, although it's more of a graphical error than a full-fledged glitch.

    In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, in the beginning of a double battle- when you send out two shiny Pokémon, the second Pokémon's sparkle effect will look more like circles than stars.

    I wasn't using an Action Replay at the time

  2. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/-----

    In my Pokemon Diamond game i was walking around and suddenly on my Daycare Center Poketch app an egg appeared. I talked to the daycare Center guy and he gave me an egg. The egg hatched after 255 steps and a white box appeared. On my Party Pokemon app on the Poketch it showed this:Ani000MS.png

    When I looked at my party in the menu it showed a empty Pokemon slot. I couldn't deposit it and when I tried to put my Celebi there the Celebi sprite turned red and after I saved it and turned the game on again the Celebii was gone and the glitch Pokemon was still there! can anyone tell me what happened?

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