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Posts posted by ninjafish11

  1. I'm having a problem with randomizing tms. I can edit the ExeFs and everything in PK3DS but when I use the RomFs builder on the "randomized" folder with both romfs_ and exefs in it builds the .romfs file. When I put that in the hans folder on my SDCard Star Sapphire doesn't load. I tried building the .romfs without the exefs folder in the "Randomized" folder then it works fine. If anyone can help me with this and tell me what I'm doing wrong that would be a big help!

    Edit 1: Ok now it doesn't load even without rebuilding the "randomized" folder without exefs in it. I extracted the romfs_ folder from romfs.bin and started over but it still doens't work.

    Edit 2: Now I can play the game randomized but when I rebuild the .romfs with exefs in the "randomized" folder, it doesn't load so I still can't randomize tms. Also the descriptions of the tms are the randomized descriptions. For example, Rock Tomb has the description of Light Of Ruin. If anyone can help that would be great!

    Edit 3: I figured out all I had to do was rename the .code.bin to ssapphire.code. Everything works fine now!

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