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Posts posted by LordHelix

  1. Hi everyone, may i have one save with eon ticket emerald version and anothe of old sea map emerald version please. I can not find the saves files.

    You can get easly Eon ticket on your own Emerald save file by mixing records with Ruby/Saphire save file that contains Eon ticket. In this thread you can find a video (you can search on YT too) that explains how to get Eon ticket on Ruby/Saphire. But you can get Old Ticket only on Japanese save files using Japanese injecting tools. You can get unofficial cards with Morfeo codes.

  2. FRLG/Emerald Mystery Gift injector

    To respect the wishes of the users here working hard to acquire legit wonder cards, I have dropped custom wonder card editing (inc the checksum) from the tool.

    Two 128K save files are required - the first is a SAV in which the wonder card, wonder news and mystery gift script are to be injected.

    The second is another save file that contains the mystery card/news/gift to be copied across. There are at least two valid saves attached to earlier posts on this thread.

    This has been tested on a FireRed save (copying over a legit German AuroraTicket from LeafGreen) and an Emerald save (copying over a legit English AuroraTicket from Emerald).

    In both cases the Wonder Card appeared correctly, the ticket could be received from the Green man in The Pokemon Center and functioned correctly allowing Birth Island access.

    The tool can also be used as a quick way to correct section checksums corrupted by hex editing - simply load the file in then download and the existing save is preserved but with the checksums corrected.

    It works good. Thank you.

  3. Thank you very much! With this we just need to wait for the missing events from nintendo italy and we'll have almost everything (only a frlg mystyk ticket missing). Of course there are more missing events, but having at least one of each is awesome.

    When will missing events arrive ?

  4. Blackshark, are those saves for e-reader? You manually mixed both raw codes into a single vpk for the e-reader? That's great!

    Also, any word about how to view/edit/decompile/recompile scripts?

    That was the problem... I feel stupid. I think I've used eon ticket with ereader as P1 though.

    Transfering a regi doll adds a single byte to section 3 0x807. It is probably the decoration inventory, which seems to start at 0x804 and might be 52 bytes long. Gonna do a couple tests. Time to add a checksum fixing button to the tool.

    Also, thanks for the saves, I'll try locating the flag. Should be near mistery gift. But the flag I'm missing is mistery event (link cable), not mistery gift (wifi).

    When will your tool be released ?

  5. I'm pretty sure that Mystery Event is only in R/S, isn't it? And Japanese Emerald.

    Or do I need to have advanced to a certain point into the game before I can enter the Mystery Event phrase, like in R/S? Because when I tried it, it had no effect.

    I think it is only R/S/(jp)E

  6. I was unexpectedly able to work on this today and finish implementing save block managing (still need to tweak a little so I can handle any block, not just the wc block, but that's minor).

    Anyway, I think the tool is ready for a first release. Right now it can:

    * Dump WC3 from savegame (FRLG/Emerald)

    * Inject WC3 to savegame (FRLG/Emerald)

    It won't dump anything if there's no wondercard in the save (no wondercard is detected by having a 0x00000000 checksum value).

    It won't allow injection if the savegame has not mistery gift option enabled. The wc would work even if it is not enabled, but I'd prefer the user to previously enable it in-game for safety.

    WC3 Editor can:

    * Change card to distributable/no distributable

    * Change color

    * Change icon (still researching, seems like all 65535 possible icon values have an icon, except 0x00).

    * Change text

    * Export/dump script so it can be edited with existing scripting tools.

    Japanesse support shouldn't be hard to add, but unless someone knows how to detect if the savegame is japanesse, I'll have to add a checkbox and the user will have to manually indicate that it is a japanesse savegame.

    I guess the next step would be to release this alongside the legit .wc3 files we already have + the recreated wc3 files we are missing.

    By the way, it is important to note that if any contributor appears, it is still far better to contribute the whole savefile rather than just the .wc3 file, unless for some reason the contributor doesn't want to share his save but is comfortable by sharing a dumped .wc3.

    When will tool be released ?

  7. Yes i know that morfeo creates the wonder cards but i want it with official text and there is only 4 wonder cards (lugia-ho-oh/Deoxys/Mew/Latios-as) i want Jirachi wc and celebi wc.

    There is the channel of a Morfeo's friend that he have all wonder cards: https://www.youtube.com/user/RicRedfeld/videos

    ajxpkm has all official Wonder Cards. But they aren't public. As I said some of them are public (German AURORA CARD, American AURORA CARD, European AURORA CARD).

    There aren't only 4 and there aren't any Celebi or Jirachi Wonder Card. These Pokemon were distributed with Pokemon Colosseum bonus disc, not with Wonder Spots.

  8. http://puu.sh/ozpcB/85b03b5f2f.png

    The checksum algorythm hasn't been made public because we don't want fake wondercards appearing as legit. As you can see the tool I'm coding allows fully customization of the wondercard, as well importing modified scripts, so for anyone wanting to make a custom wondercard he'll be able to without knowing the checksum algorythm.

    I need to port the savegame managing code to c# and add a window to manage the WC in the savegame (just import/export). When that's done, I guess the tool, alongside with .wc3 files will be released.

    Also, there will be wonder news creation. After that I'll look into R/S EON ticket script injection (basically, re-create what the e-reader does to the savefile) and editing record mixing item.

    After that maybe I'll add an option to enable eon ticket event in emerald (the same code ajxpkm made for AR). Then we'll try to get a custom script for egg/pokemon receiving, because it's cool. Also if we can I want to make a custom script for WC item receiving (i.e. masterball). Then will come e-trainer and e-berry...if I'm not already bored of this project, as I said my main goal are the wc3 files from legit events and that's already been achieved.

    The tool is looking good. You could add "preview" option, so we can see how will card look. Can't wait to check it out.

  9. In the OP there is the "?" near Italian Eon Ticket, so i think we miss it. Anyway i'll do it, because i want them. Nintendo just answered me and told me that it's still possibile to send them only Emerald, FireRed for Aurora Ticket and Sapphire for Son Ticket. I'll write here when i'll received back my games to share (if needed) the sapphire save file.

    Oh my bad. User that found EON TICKET thought it was Italian, but it was from US e-Card.

  10. Hey guys, if Nintendo italy still gives event tickets, i'll send them my italian ruby, emerald and red fire. I saw we miss the eon ticket, so i will really like to contribuite with the save file. I wrote to Nintendo and i'm waiting for the answer.

    I think someone on this forum already found EON TICKET save file (injected by NINTENDO Italy), but you can do it too. It would be useful.

  11. I've been reading the thread, a dump/inject tools seems easy, given we have the WC3 files. I'll test with the ones I already have and release when it works. It'd be command line for easy GC/Wii porting.

    After that might come an editor. The checksum routine for the WCs is posted in asm in this thread, I will try to at least code a tool that allows validating an edited WC3.

    What I'm really interested is in official events, for which a dumper/injector is enough.

    About the RS eon ticket, I forgot mentioning that I used my spanish save in the usa rom to get the ticket, then after receiving it I mixed records with my emerald as a way to obtain the ticket (which is the only known way for european emerald). What is curious is that when I went to receive the eon ticket with my spanish save, this time using the spanish rom, the text for the eon ticket event was in english. That means there's some kind of script that was injected in the RS eon ticket distributions. I'll look into that too, see if we can get the official RS eon ticket distributions. The problem would be actually checking how many eon tickets remain to be distributed...

    Dr. Matt, your RS save with eon ticket is one that can send eon tickets via mixing records right? If that's the case, the script for the event might still be in the save.

    ps: morpheo also has some codes for RS eon ticket, will check them later.

    edit: first post is missing the EUR MASTER and DMA codes (I think the EUR english rom is the same as the USA rom, explaining why it works with usa e-reader)



    Master Code

    F57C7BCB ADC632B9

    90A6E9C3 2D8D03E3


    Master Code

    F57C7BCB ADC632B9

    A43FB15C 1E8ECF5D


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    A7308156 808311D9

    Anti DMA

    A57E2EDE A5AFF3E4

    1C7B3231 B494738C


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    0B40BD4C 6F70EA2C

    Anti DMA

    115D14A2 58B9B5BF

    78DA95DF 44018CB4


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    FB41D9B3 3A1BF27D

    Anti DMA

    115D14A2 58B9B5BF

    78DA95DF 44018CB4



    Master Code

    33E6A427 056936FC

    93A1C658 8DD5F1D0


    Master Code

    33E6A427 056936FC

    F5288E7B 33220035


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    6FF77D3F 15E9225C

    Anti DMA

    B2809E31 3CEF5320

    1C7B3231 B494738C


    Master Code

    DFC87987 BBA21C13

    8378FDD4 5ABC5853

    Anti DMA

    1C83801E D2A043BF

    78DA95DF 44018CB4


    Master Code

    DFC87987 BBA21C13

    518E0AB2 E182C852

    Anti DMA

    1C83801E D2A043BF

    78DA95DF 44018CB4



    Master Code

    5E263E14 AD8EF97D

    851B05E0 594B5D88


    Master Code

    5E263E14 AD8EF97D

    41C1BF4B 17EE5233


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    DD5F41DA 90B02762

    Anti DMA

    B2809E31 3CEF5320

    1C7B3231 B494738C


    Master Code

    DFC87987 BBA21C13


    Anti DMA

    A269812A 7C8BB4D9

    78DA95DF 44018CB4


    Master Code

    DFC87987 BBA21C13

    66A64C7D C1365507

    Anti DMA

    A269812A 7C8BB4D9

    78DA95DF 44018CB4



    Master Code

    33E6A427 056936FC

    E87BA897 4FFD3634


    Master Code

    33E6A427 056936FC

    B02EF1DB D06782F2


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    BB26EE7E 4AF89D9E

    Anti DMA

    A57E2EDE A5AFF3E4

    1C7B3231 B494738C


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    4879A617 AE7683D9

    Anti DMA

    61181D0E ABC43CBE

    78DA95DF 44018CB4


    Master Code

    D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

    CB89E5ED 0ADBAF91

    Anti DMA

    61181D0E ABC43CBE

    78DA95DF 44018CB4

    Good luck with your tool. Can't wait 'til you finish it.

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