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Posts posted by R3st0

  1. I dunno if this has been posted before or if this is the right place to put this, but Egg Moves seem to register as "illegal" moves on any Pokemon, E.G. Bewear with Ice Punch or Muk (either form) with Shadow Sneak. Both of those moves can be learned by breeding for each Pokemon, but PKHeX doesn't think that it is "legal." I checked Serebii, and sure enough, Bewear learns Ice Punch and Muk and its respectful Alolan form learn Shadow Sneak. I also tried giving Samurott Night Slash, which it learns with breeding, but apparently the program thinks that that is illegal, too. I'm including a picture of a Samurott I'm modifying in PKHeX (latest version BTW) along with the egg moves it gets according to Serebii, as well as the program saying that Night Slash is not a legal move.

    Can this be fixed please?


  2. I think that the developers of PKHeX (namely the legality checker maker) forgot to include Egg Moves and Event-exclusive moves for a Pokemon's legal moveset. I was making files for sets, and I noticed that, while Breloom can legitimately learn this move, PKHeX does not register Bullet Seed for Breloom as legal, even though Shroomish can use it as an Egg Move and keep it when it evolves into Breloom. This is also the case with a Raichu with Surf, which is an event-exclusive move Pikachu can obtain and keep when it evolves into Raichu. The program also doesn't register Volt Tackle as legal for the Pichu line because it is an egg move. Someone has to go update the "what-makes-a-pokemon-legal-in-terms-of-its-moveset" charts, with every egg move and Event move each pokemon gets. Tutor moves register as legal, though.

  3. So, as the title states, this is just a little tutorial on how to work around Illegal mode not changing the forms of Pokemon with Alternate Forms. It's actually really simple to do. You need to have two copies (just copy+paste the first one) of PKHeX (to make it faster) and you also need to know how to activate the hidden "illegal mode." You can look it up for yourself, however, if you do not know. The steps go as the following:

    1. Open up PKHeX.

    2. Create any Pokemon that has an alternate form in the alternate form you want it to be in. (Ex: Mega Charizard X)

    3. Save that creation of yours.

    4. Now open up the illegal mode PKHeX (Try looking up "PKHeX how to activate Illegal Mode" or something around those lines) and open up your previously saved file. The form will be retained, but don't change it to another form. (I honestly don't know what happens when that happens.)

    5. Edit to your desire and overwrite the previously saved file when done.

    Note that this only applies to the Pokemon with alternate forms, like Rotom, All non-Mega Evolved Pokemon that are able to Mega Evolve, Kyurem, Keldeo, etc.

  4. ...Meaning that if I gen, say, a Wormadam-Sandy, it will gen as Wormadam-Plant, even though I set it as a SANDY cloak. Also seems to be the case with Kyurem forms, Megas, Rotom, whatever has Alternate forms in Pokemon. And the icon doesn't change in the program when an alternate form is selected. Can someone please fix this?

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