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StarsMmd last won the day on January 6

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About StarsMmd

  • Birthday 09/18/1994

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  1. I got this error message with Colosseum Tool when trying to rebuild the ISO

    file doesn't exist: /Users/brandon/Documents/Colosseum-Tool/MenuFSYS/mailopen_menu.fsys


    I checked there, and in fact, it does not exist (almost as if it was never extracted.) I tried extracting the iso a few times over, and it still did not appear.


    EDIT: It seems like I get this error message on a few of the MenuFSYS files. Do I have a bad dump, or is it the editor acting up? I tried extracting the individual files with dolphin, but when I rebuilt the ISO with the extracted files, it returns a mismatch error for specifically those files.


    Also, check out the output data for the extraction I attached.

    It displays a lot of error messages with "file type does not exist"


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Aurorans


      Where do the isos get saved to?

    3. Aurorans


      Hey, so... when I fight the first trainer (willie), the battle goes immediately to a colosseum, then ends before any trainer or pokemon appears. After, I try to go to the next map, but only the first town (outskirt stands) is displayed. When I click it, it goes back to the willie message "Yo, wait up!" and becomes a never ending loop.

    4. Aurorans


      Hey, so... when I fight the first trainer (willie), the battle goes immediately to a colosseum, then ends before any trainer or pokemon appears. After, I try to go to the next map, but only the first town (outskirt stands) is displayed. When I click it, it goes back to the willie message "Yo, wait up!" and becomes a never ending loop.



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