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Posts posted by Pinkolol

  1. Erm, encountered problems.

    Ok I tried testing the EU one and I tried editing the floors on the Met at Anoriths... they still didn't appear :/

    not only that... the game is in french. Um, are we gonna get knowledge this way? Maybe if I searched bulba but only after I'd have searched how to get the anorith in.

    I'm guessing it might be the same since I don't see a difference in sky editor.

    My eu save is english entirely, what happened to yours :P

  2. With the only changes being you don't have the risk of losing them (since if they faint they're out forever)? I'd just think it'd be different somewhat.

    Well just gotta find how item usage works so we can have luminous orb effects 24/7. It seems simpler, guess testing items could work. I mean, having a luminous orb + items and enemies would probably work to the code like from Sky better than just stairs.

    It has to do with the chances somewhat probs. I mean, again, that Sky code alters it to 100% each one. Heck, I believe that code went so far as to allow me to recruit Pokemon from Temporal Tower in the main story I believe, which I'm not sure of (I played Sky to test differences, my original was Time and it had no allowance for Temporal Tower recruits as usual) because I left it on as a joke to see if they'd come and they actually legit did.

    So if your idea works, if I'm getting this correctly, hack the friend bow or an item to 100% max rate, then have the leader hold it and bust whatever Pokemon in sight and have them recruited? (if available in-dungeon lol)

    Dang, it's been so long since these games and their recruitment rates still bother us to this day lol

  3. I'd think it'd be simpler than Sky, I mean, it's an older game lol.

    So the luminous orb effect would be possible somehow? Great, just gotta find how that triggers.

    Ik, I was just saying because I have seen and used a recruitment code for Sky, you press Select and L and R to disable and enable whenever. It must be something related to the chances you get from levels and Friend Bows.

    Plus the question has been on everywhere dating back to 2007, it does need to be taken care of.

  4. I dun really care where i start so long as I can see the stairs, some recruitments take many floors I don't mind exploring if I can see where I'm going, I don't need to insta-start. There's a code in Sky that has the full map but you don't start on the stairs. You basically get a luminous orb effect; that's not possible in Blue?

    What's taking so long for the recruitment code? Sky has this before Blue, I'd expect Blue would be easier since it's older unless it has something different to it.

  5. Ok, recording values and I think my bit has stopped because the locations actually legit loop.

    See in RB locations, the text file it says "342=Steel Maze

    343=Team Rumblerock" which are true, but this applies for even 22 and 23 and several values in between.

    Here's what I got before I realised it looped.

    8 = Northwind Field

    9 = Wondrous Sea

    10 = Oddity Cave

    11= Rock Path

    12 = D51

    13 = Fantasy Strait

    14 = Far-off Sea

    15 = Out on Rescue (Lol I found this hilarious)

    16 = Frosty Grotto

    17 = Rescue Team Base

    18 = Normal Maze

    19 = Electric Maze

    20 = Flying Maze

    21 = Rock Maze

    22 = Steel Maze

    23 = Team Rumblerock

    24 = Sleep (Text was blue here as well)

    25 = Low HP (Blue text too)

    26 = Paralysis (Once again blue)

    27 = Leg Hold (I'll just say when they're yellow again)

    28 = Ingrain

    29 = Infatuated

    30 = Razor Wind

    31 = Bouncing

    32 = Sinister Woods (yellow again now)

    33 = Great Canyon

    34 = Frosty Forest

    35 = Magma Cavern

    36 = Stormy Sea

    37 = Western Cave

    38 = Buried Relic

    39 = Desert Region

    40 = Northwind Field

    41 = Wondrous Sea...

    It appears that from this, it loops, in the game, as from here on I looked further and the pattern continued. Met at 78 turned out actually again as Far-off Sea. Erm... not enough values?

    Nothing else turned up, I checked alot of summaries.

    Guess it'll be a little harder to find all the locations since it's a never-ending loop.

    What is strange though. Your Swellow in-save has 78 as its met at number and the location is Joyous Tower. But Met at 78, the same number, has it as Far-off Sea. Maybe there's more to the numbers?

    Try another legit Pokemon. Geodude was met at Mt. Steel, which is 224 in SE. Met at 224 has the loop equivalent of Sinister Woods.

  6. Like for example, checking FAs in the editor I get this (Using Scorched Plains as an example): (I'll use prntscrs for screenshots. Not harmful at all) http://prntscr.com/6xhz67

    In-game: http://prntscr.com/6xhzcd

    It must have special coding to not allow unspecified Pokemon in or something. However it's even apparent in their own friend area.

    Treasure Sea in SE: http://prntscr.com/6xhzjy

    Treasure Sea In-game: http://prntscr.com/6xhzmy

    Only one Kingdra. There appears to be a problem.

    Edit: Nvm, it appears editing the floor of one of the guys ended up making all of them appear. Strange. Oh well, I'll go recording values then, nice find on GtI btw.

  7. Indexes 0 through 23 are the 4th items in the list Anti-Lemony provided. 24 was Thunderwave Cave, which led me to expect 25 to be Mt. Thunder (because it is the 4th item after Thunderwave Cave). But no. 25 is "Low HP". Seriously. "Joined Rescue Team at: Low HP". 26 is "Paralysis", so I'm not entirely sure what the pattern is. Because of this, more testing would be nice, but indexes 0-26 are accounted for.

    The Kingdras will be scattered throughout the friend areas, so just look at the summary of each when about to visit one.

    I checked every friend area that was available to me. None of them were there at all. Except that singular one named "Kingdra" in Treasure Sea.

    I did all the steps correctly too.

  8. It better. Some of the moves from the POokemon ended up as the scrapped moves, Power-Ears (The Radar Orb move) and literally "-" which were both replaced by my in-game tactics so as to not freeze the game.

    It's impossible to find a list of the dungeon IDs anywhere. But there's like, so many options because of all the places that exist within the game. Including boss rooms (probs for the Regis and Pokemon like them). It is really hard to edit though. If only there was a way instead of trial and error in the editor.

  9. I hate to be a redundant one and create another one but the title specifically says "(U)" without indication for others so...

    Is it possible to convert some American codes to European codes? Blue PMD EU and USA do seem to have code differences (to the point where earlier Sky Editors classified the Pokemon as lvl 109 Unown) and some of the codes in the American one seem cool to use, like seeing the stairs, enemies and whatnot just like a code for Sky but alas not for Blue.

    Also, and this is pretty common, is there a 100% recruit code in the works? For any version (USA AND/OR EU)? It is pretty sad that again, Sky has this kind of code before Blue or other PMD versions.

    I hate to be a drag but I'm mainly requesting codes for the EU version (bar the recruitment). I still play the game trying to get some Pokemon to no avail and I don't like hacking them in as much as actually finding it.

    Anywho, I really hope this is possible.

  10. Got the beta working but the zip was all fully extracted and everything on the front page version. Ugh guess it broke.

    New beta version with Blue Rescue Team (EU) works fine somewhat, my Pokemon aren't coming up as Lvl109 Unown but editing a Pokemon in is tough because the MOVES are set to each individual Pokemon oft he game which pops up to a random move.

    Eg Move Selection Charizard, Aipom, Wigglytuff, Blissey

    In-game Morning Sun, Quick Attack, Mirror Move and Featherdance.

    it is very confusing...

    Oh and the met at place is also set to a random number and idk what numbers mean what. Trying to make a legal Chansey here (since I'm getting sick of waiting for one on floor 50, 60 and 77 they take forever to appear ugh).

    Numbers aren't even in order either. The list goes 1, then instantly 10 and then 100. Is it possible to put brackets explaining what each level is (like "1 (Tiny Woods)" or somethin' like that) because making a Pokemon in it is really confusing and blindfolded.

  11. I have a gameshark for my GBA, though I have no Pokemon games I know what they are :P

    I used the browser exploit for a while until I deemed the update harmless and it was hours later i found they patched it. Lol I'm glad I got the ones I wanted though.

    Eh giveaways I feel are a bit mean, plus I don't get to everybody. Lots of people just want anything y'know lol. My opinion though lol

    Cool :P

  12. Hello! It's me Pinkolol.

    (totally has not stalked this forum before joining as a member)

    People might know me, I say might because it's small, from the SM64 machinima bunch. Well, yeah, I also spend a majority of my time pokemoning, I mean, it was the first game I spent extensive time on as a child :D

    Quick history since that'll help yeah....

    I learned about Pokemon in 2009 when everyone was using ARs at school with them so I got a flash card of the time (A CycloDS Evo that still functions to this day) and there was a guy who wanted my swellow and granbull as a child and he didn't give them back even though I had no intention to trade them for the Pokemon I wanted. I'd asked for a Shiny Celebi since I liked pink and he mentioned it. What a jerk...

    Once I learned what he used (at the time it was Pokesav) I downloaded it and began the next few years of my life where I made Pokemon for people. Their request, their names too, though I hate the fact I maxed them all. Didn't have good internet, so finding average stats of things like Lugias bugged me ;-; I wish I hadn't...

    So yeah, really, I still play Pokemon legit to this day (Soulsilver, Black, White, X, Y, and Alpha Sapphire were all completed on cards) but I do still like giving Pokemon out, only if one wants it for the Pokedex or something like that. I'm not one to support the "lvl 100 shiny hax online I weell crush ur soul prepare to dieee" problem, even though it has subsided somewhat, lol I don't like that. Like, I don't even like forcing people to agree. I'm just like, an option. I don't mind if you want your game hack-free lol

    I don't like the anime, but love the games. Hope that this forum will be cool. Also, I'm from Australia.... means nothing to anybody lol right. Whatever lol

    Oh and I also love the PMD games before GtI. I like those as well for special purposes (mind games lol I'm so alone...)

    *obligatory introduction is obligatory. Not really lol but my mind says so lul.*

  13. There's alot of reasons.

    When I was around 10-11, D/P was airing. However, with my CN, it took a long time for Battle Dimension to come, so repeats were over-saturated for the longest period of time, that by the time I looked at the episode list on Wikipedia, America was already at Galatic Battles by the time we had started Battle Dimension. After BD, I hoped we would get them but the massive delay just killed me off the show.

    There's never really any progression too. People probably like the first season because at the time, the repetitiveness and nature of it didn't look like it was going to evolve into the beast it is today, where nothing really happens.

    Like, every time Ash introduces himself to some authority figure and they say "what's your goal" he always mentions that he's still trying to become a Pokemon Master but.... what does that even mean to him? The term in itself is very broad and could mean a ton of things. Catching (which has obviously failed)? Beating gyms? What does it really mean? It's just an excuse to keep him travelling with no reason other than to make money off him and the electric mouse that pours money into the series.

    There is no progression. What is his ultimate goal? There is no end, no end in sight, obviously because they want to keep it going but I don't like that.

    I tried watching X/Y Jp dub, waiting for subs each week but that didn't help as I got bored very quickly even with the episodes.

    Then there's the fact that it's just not like the games. I'm not talking about type advantages and such, I mean how they function. In games, there's no "dodge it" function, and while they need to do that for a show, in the games it tied me off the show when I realised that they're nothing alike. False advertising games because anime fights happen in real-time. GG.

    I noticed the signs when I played D/P (the actual games) and had to learn (even though I had cheats I had no idea how Pokemon worked) and once I picked them up, I just didn't watch the anime anymore.

    I still pick up the games and play them because I like the games. Pikachu voice intrusion in the newer ones is and has raised alarm bells (like seriously? Why not every other Pokemon too?) but the anime has turned me off. There's no progression, no goals. Even if there's the league, we all know he'll just keep inevitably failing and continuing for decades to come.

    It's not really how old I am either, it's how the story is told. It's a kids show and it's meant to be one. I can take cartoon characters seriously for a plot and half-realistic settings. suspend my disbelief for logic, but like, Team Rocket disguise fail recognise 534? I can't take any of the characters seriously as well, thanks to how the structure is. I was 10 and I could recognise their disguises in 2008. Come on.

    TL;DR storytelling, audience target and general lack of intelligence is what put me off. Like the games better.

    Oh um, btw I'm new here hi

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