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Posts posted by deishido

  1. Some trouble with "C-GEAR キャッチ", translated with to 'catch' if some one could help with a better translation.

    Nah, that seems correct. good job.

    On that note, I think the completed files should be bolded or in flashing color or something on the first post. I've seen a LOT of re-translatios of files already done. :/

    but good work none-the-less :D

  2. Btw i want to know if this is going to be compatible with R4 cards? Or any other type of card for that matter.

    If it's just a patch (which it should be) It will work only on cards that the roms themselves work on. If your cart cant play the rom as it is now, then it can't play with the patch. I can get you a link to a patch for the regular r4 if you want it. PM me or look for the child's play patch at gbatemp

  3. What I need to know is if a space is required between the \000f type things and latin alphabet words

    Japanese words, of course, don't but I wonder if the game would get confused if you didn't put a space there / do something like put a colon there

    well, these are txt files, and there will be a lot of heavy editing done to them before pulling them back into a rom. So it really shouldnt matter for us, I used spaces to i wouldnt get lost e.e

    With that said, I know the following files are complete:











    weather they are used or not is not my call :P I'm done for the night and with catch up again later. Drop me a message if needed~

    (though with so many people on this project, I doubt i'll really be needed)

  4. I just shifted around those \xffe things so that correct grammar could be used, my assumption is that they just refer to certain game variables (such as your current top pokemon / trainer name, etc)

    Even thought the forum screwed up the format a bit, the variables have no effect on grammar

    yes thanks, my japanese grammar is... crap :/

    And I assumed the normal sentences already, but I posted it as it was so that the /xfffewhatever could still be used kinda

    I think they are for textbox location

  5. I already did 0012

    ok, i wont do that one :P

    Ok, the/xffe really throws me off so this may not makes sense..., but here is 0010.txt

    名前 name

    仕事 job

    趣味 hobby

    プレイ時間 play time




    出身 comes from (?)


    お礼を受けた 回数 Recieved a bow and number of rounds

    \xfffeすれ違った 人数 cityslicker number of people

    \xf000봃\x0001\x0000\xf000Ȅ\x0001\x0000回 time

    \xfffe\xf000봃\x0001\x0000\xf000Ȅ\x0001\x0001人 person

    \xf000Ȅ\x0001\x0001人 person


    すれ違った時間 AM Cityslicker of the morning times


    すれ違った時間 PM cityslicker of the night times


    野生の of the wild \xf000ā\x0001\x0000

    と and

    \xfffe戦闘中です in a fight.

    特別な ポケモンと Special pokemon

    \xfffe戦闘中です in a fight

    \xf000Ď\x0001\x0000の of

    \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001と and

    \xfffe対戦中です in a versus battle

    ジムリーダーと Gym leader and

    \xfffe対戦中です in a versus battle

    特別な トレーナーと A special trainer

    \xfffe対戦中です in a versus battle

    \xf000ą\x0001\x0000を (continued in next line -> )

    \xfffe移動中です A move made.

  6. k I did 0000 and 0002-0008 http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11397-Pokemon-Black-and-White-Translation-Project&p=91685&viewfull=1#post91685

    That's all for now^^ Enjoy ~ sorry for the mess with it - kinda speed-ed through it :P

    You did good, I just went through that, everything is correct from what I can see...

    I guess i'll try 0010.txt, 0011.txt, 0012.txt and 0013.txt

    I'll post them when I finish

  7. Another helpful idea is to Say which ####.txt file needs work, or which you are going to work on so multiple people don't work on the same thing at once.

    Like, deishido, I see you're doing a lot, but so both of us don't get anywhere, call what number - what number you want to help translate.

    Just a suggestion.

    Actually i'm not doing much at all... I will work on something eventually :o

    I wont post any more rather useless coments until I actually get something done. But i'll edit my old posts with anything interesting i may find...

    that was a good suggestion, thanks (^^;

  8. 0148.txt is the file that has the text for the menus in the Union Room. I hope that I am helping!!! If I am not, just tell me and I will stop posting useless info!!!

    I believe that is some useful info...



    210.txt mentions random match, if you intend to translate wireless stuff, these deserve to be looked at, I believe


    177.txt is the credits! i found them, i feels special now. :3

    I believe that if this translation project is complete before the localization, that we should replace these names in the credits with the usernames of all who contributed to the project! :D

  9. most of the files have a hiragana part on top and kanji at the bottom. what you see depends on what you chose at the beginning of the game right now we're using the first one to translate and leaving kanji alone. We'll make another file that shows who is working on what to make things more organized.

    Ah, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. ^.^

    Though, Do the /xxxwhatever-hex-location~ correspond in the /0000 and /0001 files? (are the scripts are identical exept one is in kanji?)

    If so then Kanji, Though often difficult to deal with, can make translations easier. with that said, translate the kana, then if you aren't sure if it's correct, then check the kanji set. :3

    EDIT- 1

    seems that 236.txt is the japanese pokedex entrys of the new, GEN V, pokemon

    232.txt looks like wifi errors/connection related txt

    231.txt is a list of countries... (the global locations maybe?)

    230.txt is a list of US states in kana-phonetic order

    hmm... なし means (none) like on a list (for instantce, the game says your global location is なし until you set it)

    That said, the files that have なし at the very begining are most likely important lists of locations or items and such.

    hope this helps

    Edit- 2

    212.txt to 231.txt all seem to be lists. For a menu translation, I think these will be of special intrest :D

    235.txt to 270.txt seems at be pokedex related. MOST of which does not need translated or changed


  10. these files... they look similar to someone's translations earlier... Are these the remaining untranslated parts? Or have *some* of them already been translated and contributed?

    If this is all that's left then this should be done quick, It's not much there really. I can work on the kanji set in my spare time.

  11. To the best of my knowledge... it doesnt >.>

    The program requires dldi and FAT to work... I dont think there are emulators that can do that yet. If you are on a computer, just use pokesav or the original PPSE. This program was made for flashcart users who dont want to, or arent able to use a computer.

    *Feel free to correct me on anything x.x


    This program works great on ORIGINAL R4 carts, however, R4 has many clones (fake products) and is actually illegal in many countries... >.>

    I recomend AceKard2.1 or the AceKard2i

    Both use this program with no external flaws (It runs very well) and are the best cards for the price (google: shoptemp)

    (silly, ya' shoul'da mentioned the r4 ultimate) earlier! :P )

    Good luck from here on

  13. well then to re-answer the question: No, it is not normal. My friend has a DSTT and and English SS. works fine on his. :/

    All i can say to try, is back up your card onto your pc and format it. put everything back and try again. Good luck. :)

  14. @Pokemonrulz: Check your sav filesize, also, please tell us what flash cart you are using.

    @Kingofthedragon: Also in reply to some older comments, i am using a 4gig SDHC, it works fine. I am also using AKAIO 1.7.1 On my Acekard2i.

    @Chase-san: Good luck, i can wait for an update.

    PS: Will you try to make a PKM BW version of this anytime in the future?

  15. Hmm. although its very possible to retreive the save file once they get online, im willing to bet that nintendo will have some pretty good security to prevent this.

    On another note: the water type is an Otter... i like it :3

    AND finally, is there any translation team set up for these? If so, i would gladly offer to help. i speak and read

    Japanese pretty well. And i'd love to help out anyone i can. :) If i'm not needed, then good luck anyway.

  16. Block 2

    30 on the left side

    Yes, Thank you.

    Now to address the issue of .sav size... though i have been out a while... I'll let someone else do research on firmware compatability.... Good luck.

    NOTE: Read this ENTIRE thread. We have had prior instances with strange errors... the "stuck on loading" mentioned a few posts ago may have a previously stated fix. (try taking everything out of the gba port)

    Side-Note: I dont remember if this was mentioned before, but the lack of a gba port and other various dsi features DO NOT affict this program, in my research.

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