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Posts posted by Blackness

  1. Im getting an issue where pokemon in the wild have there normal moves but just re-adjusted to match there level. I justed pknx to randomized all pokemon moves including wild pokemon 


    I don't know if it is important but there was a folder in the randomizer files called archive, inside was a file with a jibberish name, this folder crashes my switch when I load the randoizer so I removed it from my sd card

  2. Any idea if it you guys will be able to keep undating after ORAS is out? I saw just saw english mega rayquaza and also its sweep in the nico nico livestream and now im hype as hell

    Really want to be able to use it soon as possible and if pkhex is still compatable i might not have to complete the whole oras game before i get to use it lol

  3. Just got a reply messege from isleep2late to a question i asked him

    Basically he posted a picture of a mega latias with perental bond that he got by modding pkhex, this is how he did it:

    You can permanently mega evolve pokemon using PKHeX, but it must be stored in your PC Box to work (will turn into normal form if set in your party). To edit the ability of megas, using the Japanese xyeditor won't work b/c megas were not implemented in that program (I don't think), so you have to download source code (https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX), open in Visual Studio 2010/13, find the mega-form's "pokedex number" under the "speciesability" chart in f1-Main.cs, edit one of the 3 numbers to the designated number of the ability you want, run the program, and proceed to use your modified PKHeX program from there.

    My question was:

    Cant this method be applyed to every pokemon and not just megas? Is so theres no point of xyeditor and that is good because theres no need to try and read Japanese

    And he replyed:

    Correct. xyeditor is not necessary if you want a hacked pokemon w/ hacked abilities and you know how to change the source code. If you want to give every pokemon 252 EVs in every stat, you could STILL change those parameters in PKHeX, but xyeditor is a "free for all" program that lets you do that.

    Dont know how helpfull this is to ppl but its basically a guide to change hacked abilities without xyeditor

    Also heres a link to visual sudios express 2013 for windows (its free from Microsoft, there a also a free trial to visual sudios ultimate for 30day if you would rather do that)


    You will need a microsoft accout, your hotmail email address counts if you have 1

    Edit: i tryed this today, only the visual studio's ultimate version eorks so yake the free trial

  4. So, wondering: Is it possible to extract Trainer Promo videos from the save? That would be the best thing since Shiny Mega Gardevoir! (I doubt it, since it seems only rendered when you view it in action at the building or when viewed by someone else...)

    About that XY editor: I just downloaded that program... it does blatantly less than PKHeX, unless it's got hidden options I couldn't make appear. Not worth translating. (nor hard to do so, from anything I found; it's got less that 30 words in that window, just re-used a lot).

    The main main reason forgetting it translated was just to know what ability you are giving your chosen pokemon without having to check bulbapedia then find a match in the abilities list, when i saw the guy do it in the video it looked pretty hard, thats honestly the only reason

  5. A youtuber called isleep2late found a program called xyeditor that allows edit pokemon even more when your finnished with pkhex, he gives a guide on how to use it but its not the best just because the exe file is jap only, the link he left has loads of advertisment for dodgy things and since its a jap site its hard to find the link so i uploaded the exe file in a more easy to manage and less dodgy place

    here it is: http://www.4shared.com/file/rvBxpIpzba/xyeditor.html

    also here is the video:

    Volcanion Hoopa Hacked! Tutorial on how to edit/i…:

    My request is that one of the hackers here makes it english if possible

  6. Cyber Save Editor and Cyber Save Editor 2 are pretty much the same, the second one just has a newer software bundled with it but the first one's software is updateable so it's really no difference

    If thats the case ill save myself 20 bucks by buying the origanal save editor, thanx for helping

  7. Just received mine. i'll receive my jpn game this week. Hope it has a save and i don't need à Japanese 3ds

    Even if it doesn't have a sav, im sure that it's cheaper to get anorher copy rather than a jap 3ds, either way, i hope you get lucky

  8. If someone wants to download instead of using the CD, here is the installer for CG Save Editor:

    Thanx thats perfect cuz my pc disnt have a cd drive

    Also guys, yesterday i bought a Japanese copy of pokemon on ebay, the seller (all his 100+ reveiws are all positive) said that the copy had a save file still on it, so if im to trust him (i have no reason not to) then it will work on pokemon bank on my European 3ds (yey ill save money on not having to but a Japanese 3ds ^^) but also ik i need cyber save editor, my question is what version cuz theres 2 for 3ds, cyber save editor or cyber save editor 2, id thing that its a no brainer and i should get the second version cuz that 1 will be more likely to get updates and stuff but thinking about it, the pkhex might only work with the origanal, so what version is compatable and if both are compatable there there any reason that one versiin is better than the other?

  9. Iv ordered a jap used copy of pokemon y on ebay, the seller told me it definitely had the origanal save file still on, because of that i know it will work on my European ds with pokemin bank, i was wondering if the origanal cyber save editor is good enoufh to use pkhex or if i need to get cyber save editor 2

  10. Different hardware different specs different requirement.

    At the first place, the issue is also simply, Datel doesn't accept changed saves and invalid checksum or something along those lines.

    They get these questions every other day..

    If they thought of a way, they would already be implementing it.

    Thats a fair enough point ^^

  11. The pokemon ARE completely legit, they are the pokemon I caught/ bred in past games throughout the years. I just need to convert them cleanly (I tried doing that manually from gen IV to V and got glitchy so I used Pokecheck's converter, that's why I'm asking if I'm missing something) so that I get none of the problems you just mentioned. Thing is, Pokebank doesn't exist in my country so I got royally screwed by Nintendo, and I don't think PowerSaves exists here either so my only means of doing anything is emailing my .pkm/x files to a friend and getting them to inject/ trade them. By the time I made friends over Miiverse that could transfer them through Bank, the servers got discontinued so they can't even ir-gts .pkm files to their 3DSs to transfer normally. Which is a shame, because ir-gts should link locally to the host computer rather than going all the way to the servers, then back to the computer.

    So, any program/ method/ anything I can use to transfer .pkx files to the games without external devices? And again, do I need to make anything within PKHeX to convert .pkm to .pkx, or just open them as .pkm and simply saving them as .pkx? Does the program auto-convert stuff?

    If pokemon bank is giving you so much trouble you could always use pokegen to make you pokemon pkm files that can be added to pkhex then added in to your game, you just need the r4i save dongle to get ypur sav to pokegen and the cyber save editor/a jap copy of pokemon x/y and a jap 3ds/pokemon bank to import you pokemin in to x/y

  12. What if you could undate the hacked version of cyber save editor that you guys came up with to trick the program that the powersaves adapter is the cyber save editors adapter, again just say if this idea is to stupid to work ^^

  13. Hiya, i have a request that im sure a bunch of ppl would love

    Is it possible to nmake it so that a parshaley decrypted .bin file can sav exported after its been edited

    My reason being that as nice as it if to see my entire save file on pkhex, it would be even better to be able to inject it back onto cartridge

    Thanx in advance hassan ali

  14. When i was trying to parshaly (spelling) decript my sav the morning following sciresM's guide, one of the instuctions was to use save1keystream.bin with your current save file using xorfiles.exe, then just trim the header of the newly make file to access pkhex, the file that the brute force app was supost to make is called savekey1.bin and it sounded like it was a better version of save1keystream.bin and can be used in the same way, so if i can't get the brute force app working, but can at least get the file it creates then it should still be possible to use that with my save on xorfiles.exe just the same as before where i trim it and if im right that will create a 100% decrypted powersaves bin file, ofcouse i know nothing about any of this stuff and may just be talking gabage

  15. as far as I know all I need is the save1key.bin file, the file the brute forcer is meant to give you when you combined the save1keystream.bin a powersaved new game file and a masted balled edited powersaves new game file 2gether, I don't really need the app to work, is anybody got that file who is willing to upload a copy to the internet for me please?

  16. Im a but stuck aswell

    You can now use this to open a save in PKHeX! If you want to open a save, XOR save1keystream.bin with the powersaves backup of whatever save you want to check out (I recommend*http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/xorfiles.html*), and then delete the first 0x9C bytes in a hex editor (I use HxD). Save the file with the 0x9C header removed, and you can open it in PKHeX totally fine:*http://i.snag.gy/x2jJ8.jpg

    Deos this mean i need to use xorfiles.exe and put save1keystream.bin in sav box one and the modded save in save box 2? Or is it the other way round or do you use another file in 1 of there save boxes and also deos it matter what the destination file is? I do know to remove 0x9c from the final powersaves save file can be edited on pkhex so it can read it

    never mind im way past this point, im now unable to get the brute forcer the work, im got everything else working perfect, I also emailed the guy who made the brute forcer as the application said to do so in the failed message

  17. Im a but stuck aswell

    You can now use this to open a save in PKHeX! If you want to open a save, XOR save1keystream.bin with the powersaves backup of whatever save you want to check out (I recommend*http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/xorfiles.html*), and then delete the first 0x9C bytes in a hex editor (I use HxD). Save the file with the 0x9C header removed, and you can open it in PKHeX totally fine:*http://i.snag.gy/x2jJ8.jpg

    Deos this mean i need to use xorfiles.exe and put save1keystream.bin in sav box one and the modded save in save box 2? Or is it the other way round or do you use another file in 1 of there save boxes and also deos it matter what the destination file is? I do know to remove 0x9c from the final powersaves save file can be edited on pkhex so it can read it

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