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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. So I still hope a good soul to do USUM Totem Quest, RAM dumping is the best solution but using cheat codes and catch the Pokemon can be used.

    There is also Pokemon Green glitch trades to contribute. Edit: I took a look and there is just glitch Pokemon and a replica of first trade. :(

  2. 2 hours ago, Deoxyz said:

    Shiny Groudon and Kyogre are pretty random, it's not like they're shiny-locked. I don't even know what the significance of this event is, if it's not TGC.

    Still hoping for more eventual distributions of shiny-locked legends. It's a bit bothersome having Shiny Tapu Koko and not the other 3, and STILL no shiny Zygarde, all being legal.

    At least mythical distributions are always nice to see, especially when they haven't yet been given during the current generation.

    Personnally I'm angry against them. They wasted Alola potential.

    One year after still no distribution of HA Alolan starters, HA Passimian/Oranguru, HA Tapus, Shiny Tapus, Shiny Zygarde, Original Magearna ...

    It was really easy to allow us to get Original Magearna by a NPC, HA Passimian/Oranguru by SOS Calling, Shiny Zygarde by soft reset ...

    Now all I wait is Crystal release for shiny Celebi.

    • Like 2
  3. I got all except that damned Volcarona lv41!


    Note that Totem Araquanid, Ally Masquerain and Ally Banette are underleved too but actually the tool I used to do the Totem Quest doesn't work with USUM. But I keep hope to get them one day ^^

  4. 4 hours ago, SadisticMystic said:

    Bisharp is available at L33 as a direct wild encounter (its SOS calls are nothing but Pawniard, so it's not available with its HA at such a low level), and Pidgeot is available via Island Scan at L29 (again, obviously not HA-eligible).

    Fletchinder is also avaible at lv 16 via SOS and Mudsdale at lv29 via SOS.

    I still struggle to get the Volcarona which is really one of the hardest to get in the game (only see 1 in 10 hours of tries) then I'll hunt the Flaffy!

  5. With USUM datamining I noticed new Underleved very exciting:

    -Jynx SOS Battle lv9

    -Lanturn SOS Battle lv10

    -Octillery SOS Battle lv10

    -Crawdaunt SOS Battle lv10

    -Volcarona SOS Battle lv41

    -Salazzle SOS Battle lv16

    -Xatu SOS Battle lv21

    -Golbat SOS Battle lv20

    -Flaffy Pelago lv11


    Did you see other new?

  6. According to Serebii.net a Rotom will be distributed by serial code at the launch of USUM for Line app users in Japan.

    theSLAYER Edit:
    You can collect 5 Pokemon a day by simply chatting up Rotom. (it appears spamming works)

    Once you get all 15 Pokemon, you'll get the Serial Code.

    Thanks @Kirzi for the heads up!


    • Like 1
  7. Finnally got the Slowbro, in Pokemon Yellow US but against another Slowbro.

    That means that there are more Pokemon to get like that (in Japanese Blue and in Yellow).

    080 - SLOWBRO - F1BD.pk1

    Edit: I got all from Pokemon Yellow so next step is Japanese Blue and of course the 2 missing from Red.

    058 - GROWLITHE - E80F.pk1

    115 - är - ACC0.pk1

    117 - SEADRA - B5A1.pk1

    112 - RHYDON - 5615.pk1

    117 - 3TRAINER - BED2.pk1

    105 - 4 - 52EF.pk1

    085 - DODRIO - 54AA.pk1

    072 - TENTACOOL - BF34.pk1

    010 - CATERPIE - BBF7.pk1

    130 - GYARADOS - F764.pk1

    039 - 4{ - 99A0.pk1

    019 - RATTATA - 4E46.pk1

    141 - KABUTOPS - 42F7.pk1

  8. Hi,

    back in business for 2 new projects if you're ready:

    -first, Chickasaurus GL made a new video talking about glitchy trades in gen1, most are just useless but some are interesting (for example Rhydon vs Cloyster). Here the link to glitchcity forum informations. Of course, Pokemon obtained like that will be a bit glitchy. There are 13 Pokemon to get.

    Edit: I got Abra and Hitmonchan for the moment. Now the Cloyster. And the Marowak. The Golem now. The Moltres now. The Rhydon and the Golbat. Got another Hitmochan for Underleved hunters ^^. And the Paras now. A Marowak now. Another one (2 missing).

    046 - × - 110E.pk1

    112 - RHYDON - 2E5D.pk1

    042 - IKU - 30A0.pk1

    107 - HITMONCHAN - E698.pk1

    146 - MOLTRES - CA44.pk1

    076 - × - FE56.pk1

    107 - HITMONCHAN - 0D72.pk1

    063 - d - 6490.pk1

    091 - LA - B1C1.pk1

    105 - EL - 85B2.pk1

    105 - y - 527E.pk1

    Edit 2: The 2 missings are Marowak vs Muk (not working in Pokemon Red) and Missigno vs Slowbro (crashes the game).

    -then researches on B2W2 unused scripts can lead to the discovery of unused or unreleased in the West Funfiesta missions, anyone interested to investigate?


  9. 5 hours ago, Holla! said:

    You have a link to it?

    If that's the case, then it's bs as it would've really been logical for Pokemon like Bellossom or even Jynx. I hope it's a mistranslation or something...

    Here, in french, I allow you to cry.

    But more undiscovered things are in the games according to them (probably a new mythical for example).

    • Teary-Eyed 1
    • Speechless 1
  10. I have done a short list today, I have surely forgot some interesting ones so let me know:

    1998 Surf Pikachu (Jap, Stadium ...)
    1999 Amnesia Psyduck
    2000 Baton Pass Farfetch'd, Earthquake Gliglar
    2001 Extreme Speed Dratini
    2002 Crunch Charmander,Ancient Power Bulbasaur,Quick Attack Tauros,Rapid Spin Geodude,Moonlight Sneasel,Belly Drum Wooper,
    Lovely Kiss (Nidoran M and F,Poliwag,Snorlaw,Snubull,Bellsprout),Sword Dance Goldeen,Confuse Ray Tentacool,Hydropum Marill
    2003 Leech Seed Oddish,Extreme Speed Zigzagoon,Wish (Absol,Pichu,Ralts,Bagon)
    2004 Wish (Chansey,Farfetch'd,Kangskhan,Lickitung,Drowzee,Exeggcute)
    2005 Tri Attack Togepi,Psycho Boost Lugia,Baton Pass Zapdos,Refresh Salamence, Self-Destruct Snorlax... from Xd
    2007 Quick Attack Charmander,Spacial Rend and Roar of Time Darkrai
    2009 Endeavor Shiny Pichu,Roar of Time,Spacial Rend and Shadow Force Arceus,Draco Meteor Jirachi
    2010 Eruption Heatran,Extreme Speed (Shiny Raikou,Entei,Suicune),Nasty Plot Celebi
    2011 V-Create (Fusion Flare and Bolt) Victini,Electro Ball Mewtwo,Coton Guard Banette,Sludge Wave Gastly,Sucker Punch Stunky,Inferno Misdreavus
    2012 V-Create Rayquaza,Blue Flare and Bolt Strike Victini,Dark Pulse Deoxys,Moonlight Lunatone,Morning Sun Solrock
    2013 DW Heal Pulse and Hurricane Mewtwo,Extreme Speed,Blaze Kick,Shift Gear Genesect,Celebrate Eevee,Celebrate Inkay
    2014 Sludge Wave Shiny Gengar,Phantom Force Darkrai
    2015 Sludge Bomb Zoroark,Heart Stamp Jirachi,PGL Endeavor,Fake Out,Encore,Volt Tackle DW Pikachu
    2016 Celebrate Charmander
    2017 Bounce Magikarp,Celebrate Victini

    • Like 2
  11. Hum I was thinking again about the unfamous unreleased FunFiesta Missions, I remember Serebii mentionned a Pokedex challenge.

    Honnestly do you think a infrared or local wireless event can add so much text dialogue to your cardrige?

    My guess is that we can maybe find unused text in the game that belongs to that event and build a similar event with that.


  12. 10 minutes ago, Cstylzzz said:

    I do see a pikachu encounter i think it was suppose to be in the trail for the fire zstone as its between those encounters
    salandit pikachu marowak marowak salazzle 
    Maybe this is the pikachu routine you where talking about
    Pikachu lvl 20 form 0 electro ball twave quick attack and play nice shiny locked

    Definitively an ally in this case, probably HA?

    If someone can get it by swapping it with another ally and pk3ds it will awesome!

  13. 24 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Is it possible to extrapolate the map data from that list.
    Perhaps it'll shed more light to this mysterious pikachu.

    In gen 6 it didn't work that way, the list contained informations like level, shinylock, IV but no location.

    Hope that @BlackShark can tell us more about.

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