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Posts posted by Puddz

  1. I'm playing Volt White 2 right now. Everything's fine with no bugs so far but a few legendary spawn don't work as mentioned in the Documentation. That doesn't actually hurt the expirience just wanted to report them.

    The Veteran at Giant Chasm appeared when I made my way into the cave to battle White Kyurem and Chestis after clearing out the Team Plasma ship.

    Talking to him did spawn all the legendaries but he's not supposed to apear at that point right?

    and Thundurus appeared im my game whithout even talking to the Veteran in Humilau City. The three birds spawned after talking to him though, Thundurus and Tornadus apeared again after I talked to him and since I had captured them already so I have them twice now.

    Darkrai was in this ghost house the first time I entered it as well.

    I'm using 1.1 and started a new game in it. I'm playing on a FlashCart as well.

    I'm also able to battle and capture Tornadus and Darkai before speaking to the veteran.

  2. Love this hack.

    Found an issue and have a request though. Both regarding cheats.

    Issue - Season change doesn't work. It keeps going back to summer every time I leave a building. Not sure if its just related to the card I'm using though, which is an EDGE flashcard.

    Request - Computer anywhere code. This was in Blaze Black/Volt White 1 and is just so usefull.

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