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Kamui Mew

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Posts posted by Kamui Mew

  1. ah i guess reading manga and yaoi could be a hobby? /shot

    ah other than that i tend to play alot of kingdom hearts, and i mean i'll replay the whole series in order. yup i got all the kingdom heart games that are out in america so far.

    i would collect stuff like plushies if i had the money..it takes me too long just to save up for a new kingdom hearts or pokemon game..and they don't come out that often.

  2. hi i'm new to this site, but not new to pokemon. i'm 22 years old and i've been playing pokemon since i was 9. i don't watch the show or collect the cards anymore but i'm always playing the new pokemon games. i do use action replay but i don't use it to cheat my way through gyms or level up quickly, usually to get pokemon that i could never normally get like a Mew, since Mew is my favorite pokemon.

    anyways i hope to have fun here. what is your favorite pokemon?

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