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Posts posted by Acanto

  1. If you're referring to the PID/IV/Nature/etc. correspondence, you have to re-generate the PID to match the new IV set/Nature/etc. once you've changed any of them, in whatever program you're using to edit the save file, or your Pokémon will have legality issues.

    PokéGen's PID Finder is a more effective tool than the two windows PokéSav uses for PID generation ('Generate PID' and 'PID/IV Generator'), in my opinion. In PokéGen, the software automatically changes IVs to find a PID that matches that particular nature you want your Pokémon to have; you can addictionally set a priority order for the IVs, in order to have the PID Finder lower preferably the values that are not essential to your Pokémon's build. In PokéSav this is not possible. Another aspect is Hidden Power's Type and Power, whose formulas use IVs as variables. In PokéGen you can make the PID match your desired H. P.'s Type and Power, while in PokéSav you have to do this manually.

    And, of course, you can use PokéGen for PID calculation once you've edited IVs in PokéSav.

    [Edit -- Since you're referring specifically to Pokémon Black/White]

    Note that, for Gen. V. Pokémon, PokéGen uses Gen. IV methods for PID calculation, since Gen. V PID formula is still being worked on. Even so, this doesn't prevent you from accessing Gen. V Wi-Fi features, since Nintendo doesn't check the PID, thus not making your Pokémon look hacked.

  2. I'm using the latest PokéGen Beta (version 3.0 Beta 15), but that is not the issue, nothing is wrong with the software. It's just that, if you edit even only one value wrong (of the ones that are checked, of course), your entire party will not be accepted by Nintendo's servers. Sometimes, it's something you don't notice immediately. My advice is to test every newly-generated Pokémon one by one through the legality check. This way, you can narrow down the problem just to the Pokémon that actually look hacked, and it'll be easier to you to locate the values you've set incorrectly.

  3. PokéGen won't corrupt your save file, and, in case you make any mistake, it creates by default a backup copy of your original file.

    It's unlikely you will ever experience any permanent loss of data.

    The software is provided in both a Beta and a Stable version, so if you want to make sure not to encounter any bug while using PokéGen, you're able to choose the less up-to-date, but 100% bug-free Stable build.

    The latest beta has, like, two known issues, all of which have been reported on this forum, so if you're a regular forum reader, or you're willing to go through a few topics, using the latest beta shouldn't be a problem for you.

    If what you're asking is, "Will PokéGen make my Pokémon look hacked?" -- that is up to you. PokéGen doesn't prevent you from making your Pokémon look legitimate, because it provides you with every mean to generate/edit them however you want; it's the way you generate/edit them that makes the difference between a legitimate and an hacked Pokémon, though. As it's not an issue on the developer's side, you will encounter it with any alternative software you may choose.

    ProjectPokémon also gives you in-depth documentation about Pokémon legality, so as long as you're up to some research, this shouldn't be a problem either.

    PokéGen is overall a better software than PokéSav -- it does, in just one software, much more than what PokéSav does within three separate ones, and has a good support community around it, here on ProjectPokémon, in case you find any troubles using it. Short answer -- Well, yes, it's safe.

  4. Both your PokéShifted Pokémon had Pokémon White set as game of origin ('Origin' value in the 'Main' tab), which would be impossible for an actual Gen. IV Pokémon migrated to a Gen. V game.

    I've changed their game of origin to Pokémon Platinum, but for future reference, any Gen. IV (and Gen. III, for Third Generation Pokémon only) game is a legitimate game of origin to PokéShifted Pokémon.

    Since it is highly improbable to have the same Trainer ID, Secret ID and Trainer Name on two different games, I've changed the Trainer ID and the Secret ID of both PokéShifted Pokémon to two random numbers, different to the ones associated to your Pokémon White save. This is not something Nintendo checks, but it improves the... Uhm, overall legality xD of your team, which is always good.

    Back to what actually prevented you to pass Nintendo's legality check; your Abagoora had a Key Item (the Live Caster) attached, which normally is impossible, so I removed it.

    The last issue was with your Zoroark's moveset, which took me a while to figure out why.

    While it's true that it can learn Bark Out, by using TM 95 on him, that specific TM is an Event-only Item that has not been distributed yet; it's the Lock Capsule Event -- After picking up from the Delivery Man the Lock Capsule Key Item, you give it to Mr. Lock in Hiun City, and he gives you back TM 95. Since the TM is not available yet, the move it teaches has been (temporarily, I suppose) banned from Wi-Fi Random Battles (and possibly from GTS as well), since it cannot be learned otherwise through level-up or by breeding.

    I left Zoroark's fourth attack slot blank, to pass the legality check any other move in his learnset is fine.

    To put attachments when you create a thread/reply to one, go to 'Manage attachments', then 'Add Files', choose the file, 'Upload Files'; in the previous window check the box next to the file's icon and name in the lower part of the page, and finally click 'Insert Attachment'.

    Pokemon White.1_fixed.sav

    Pokemon White.1_fixed.sav

  5. Thanks. Did you just change their names back to normal?

    The only values I changed were in the 'Met' tab.

    I'm not sure whether Nintendo checks location by location if the Pokémon is catchable there or not, or if locations are grouped by type (all the Routes, all the Caves, etc.) -- making them look either as Hatched or PokéShifted is the quickest way to pass the legality check.

    To generate them as if they were hatched from an egg, you'd have to:

    a) Check the moveset first. If you want your Gen. I/II/III/IV Pokémon to have a D/P/Pt/HG/SS Move Tutors-only move, or a level-up/Egg move he can only learn in Gen. IV games, you have to make it look PokéShifted instead. A Tyranitar with Aqua Tail is an example of this issue.

    b) Set the 'Location' value as 'Sodateya Fuufu' (or 'Day-Care Couple', in English);

    c) Set the 'Ball' value as 'Poké Ball';

    d) Set the 'Level' value as '1';

    e) Check the 'As Egg' box;

    f) Specify the Hatch Conditions however you want.

    Codr: I noticed that, however the 'Location' value is set, the 'Encounter' value is always 'Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin'. Is this a bug, or in Gen. V *.pkm files structure, it doesn't make a difference where the Pokémon has been encountered, and there is a global value substituting each separate case?

  6. maybe nintendo changed their filtering? not sure, i'll test tonight after work. either way, i don't think nintendo ever checks the PID, so abilities should still work.

    Yesterday I created a team for Random Wi-Fi Battles, following the guidelines of the tutorial you posted; it passed Nintendo's legality check, though I left the PID untouched through all the PKM editing process.

    Maybe xtakeda's team is rejected because of incorrect movesets?

    On a different note, will it be difficult to find the correct Gen. V PID calculation formula, and implement it in PokéGen?

  7. I found this bug while having Platinum or Diamond/Pearl as target games; nothing is wrong with Heart Gold/Soul Silver or Black/White.

    When I import a previously PokéSav-generated Pokémon (136 bytes *.pkm file) with Life Orb as held item, PokéGen reads it as Power Herb; if I then change it to Life Orb in PokéGen, PokéSav reads it as Light Clay.

    I verified in my Pokémon Platinum that PokéSav is the one that sets Life Orb correctly, so something is definitely wrong with your item lists xD.

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