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Posts posted by Terrakion

  1. Okay, I see, hmmm you seem to be correct on that but there seem to be exceptions such as Kyurem and other legendaries where that wouldn't apply. These have "Not set in generation 5" as their encounter type. This "Not set in generation 5" would only apply to the pokemon which have your current, in-use trainer name, ID and SID for the game you're putting the Pokegenerated pokemon into

  2. The correct Setting for all Gen 5 Pokemon is Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree/Shaymin.

    What, no.

    The correct setting for all gen 5 pokemon is "Not set in generation 5"

    Lets look at the Kyurem I created for example. Kyurem didn't come from an egg. It having my own ID and SID means it did not come from Pal Park and it was not an event pokemon. There are no honey trees or shaymins in Generation 5 that I am aware of. If there were, Kyurem would not have been found there anyhow.

    I could make it appear to have come from Pal Park if I give it a random trainer name, ID and SID but why would I do that when I can download a legitimate shiny Kyurem which somone has decided to share online. I wanted it to appear to have been caught in my game, by me and the only way that would work is if it said "Not set in generation 5"


  3. Hello, I have been using pokegen for a while and only recently realised something. In the met tab, under Encounter, it would be brilliant if there was an option which says "Not set in generation 5". This is the only thing which makes my pokemon look illegitimate, having to set an encounter location when it's n/a for black & white. I found this out today by checking my Kyurem I caught in game against a Kyurem that I'd created last night using pokegen.

    I have been using Pokegen for experiments mostly and for single player only. It's very, very good. The Kyurem I decided to create was after 2 weeks staying awake until almost 6 am soft resetting for a shiny Kyurem in Pokemon white and failing. Now that I have created one with Pokegen, it's in my game and says Encounter/Type - Tall grass/Darkrai.

    The legitimate one which I eventually submitted to catching in-game as non-shiny is completely identical exept it says Encounter/Type "Not set in generation 5" which encouraged me to post this.


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