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Posts posted by raine_13

  1. Oh no problem... He has an Action replay so an unlimited amount of any resource he chooses. I do not.

    I am worrying about it making it a little more competitive because well he needs to be put in his place, and I find it just a tad bit interesting. I can do all the smogon stuff. that's how i've arrived at this stage at the moment. But for the last two pokemon i'm stuck. And I thought that this would be the forum to ask about it? team building? and it is in game. I have what I can get in Heartgold. I use them to get things done. Fly, Surf, etc..

  2. I'm okay at this game...

    but i'm having some trouble picking this team. It's to face my cousin and I don't have the advantages he has. And i'm stuck, like hardcore stuck.



    ~*Swords Dance

    ~Close Combat


    ~Aerial Ace



    ~Ice Beam

    ~Water Spout




    Air Lock

    ~Fire Blast

    ~Draco Meteor

    ~*Dragon Dance



    Volt Absorb


    ~*Thunder Bolt

    ~*Shadow Ball

    ~*Signal Beam

    For the last two, i'm a little stuck... PS (IF ANY OF YOU HAVE THE MOVES WITH ASTERISKS, I BEG YOU TO HELP ME GET THEM!)

    I'm debating on a Flygon, and Scizor, but I am open to suggestions. I just don't hit ghosts or psychics as hard as I'd like...

    Thanks you guys..

    Oh and I don't know how to ev train. I just get them strong.

  3. I'm looking for a trapinch

    something I can breed off of pass moves down to the one i'll actually train... Flygon is my ultimate goal that will know Earthquake Uturn Stone Edge and Dragon Claw.. If any of you know how to breed that would be nice to know as well.

    And i'm kinda new at this. so... I don't know how to register you for friend pal zone thing...

    I don't have a lot, although I do have all the starters. Several dozen scythers. a few Lapras's? Lapri?

    I'll try to get what you want though.

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