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Posts posted by Godzilla231

  1. I know I asked this before, but since the old forums is closed I can't find the links nor instructions so I will need some help on this again.

    I am trying to import from my US LG cart onto my Japanese Platinum and Heart Gold games, but the migrate option doesn't show(obviously). Is there a way, and I know there is, for me to get them onto my Japanese ROMs?

    Do provide the link(s). Thanks.

  2. Well the 360 already has the best graphics, but the downsides are that there is no chat, as in type, and only Voice communication, it costs an extra 10 bucks, you can't have anything modded or put in any custom maps, and it's a hassle to play with a controller.

  3. Well, if you saw the rest of the page, you can customize it. So I can put in a better card than the one that is in already.

    Meh, I don't care as long as it doesn't lag.

    And I already have friends to play with when I am able to play it. So it should be a smooth sailing.

    That is if my dad will be able to buy me a computer of my at all.>>

  4. HottSushiz:

    Yeah. From what I've heard it's more tougher then the previous special infected and there are those people who practically do a day of the game. I've yet to try it since this PC can't even play Portal or Team Fortress 2.>> Hopefully I'll be able to get a PC like this for X-Mas since it's cheap. And my local PC game club thingy can't play it on the PC, only for the 360.

  5. The zombie apocalypse has came back bigger and badder then ever. 4 new survivors try and and battle it out with horde after horde of infected individuals and new special infected have surfaced along with the ever ground pounding Tank. You and 3 other survivors make your way to escape in the southern region of the U.S. From a mall, to the bayou, and into New Orleans. Discuss about your thoughts and your time playing this new game for the Xbox 360 and PC, also available on Steam.

  6. First off, retail price of the game is $59.99, so yes it is 60 dollars. And second, this auction still has 5 days left, by the last day, it'll be at retail price or more. So it's better to rather buy it now from Best Buy, Wal*Mart, etc. then bid on it and wait for someone else to bid a price you can't afford.

  7. Well, the current OS I am using at the time is a Windows XP, Service Pack 3. It's the family computer though, but it is a great OS. :) I may get a new PC, to support my needs of a lot of memory and RAM, and enough hardware to Play Left 4 Dead at a good speed. If I buy it at a PC shop, i'll get a XP. But if it is at a Best Buy, i'll ask for a upgrade to Windows 7.

  8. To me, the official English Logos looks like shit. like as if the developers did nothing, the fan made ones are okay. The only part of the official logos are the Heart in HG and Lugia in SS. I, like Greencat, like the Japanese version of the logos. And to me, Pokemon USA should make like the font for the title of FR & LG for HG and SS.

  9. Let me start off by that video games did not ruin your brother. Your brother ruined himself by being obsessed with games.

    Now about what happened, it all started with a conversation that started with a question with a f***ing obvious answer? Seriously, the only way to have a legal ROM is by ripping the ROM off of the original game and only using it to play your backup saves.

    Then the debate changed since you where going to get the Playstation Portable slim (I have my reasons for saying the full name). Which his EGO got jealous and decided to trade the broken Playstation Portable. Then it turned into a fight again. It's only a damn handheld, nothing to get jealous of.

    He should really be ashamed of himself by hit his own mother. It really is a low move. Even lower then not respecting your parents. =\

    Hopefully things will work out for you Floot in the near future. You and your family.


  10. Hey everyone.

    I want to know from other people's opinion what web browser is best.

    Recently, I came back from Mexico because my IE messed up and my parents took to the max by having the whole computer reformatted at one of my mom's friends.

    So I am back in the U.S. have a new version of XP, service pack 3 with a Vista interface. And I have all three browsers and I wanna know, what webz browser is the the best.

    Remember, no flaming! And follow the rules, thank you.

  11. I guess the reason of Arceus being revealed around 3 weeks later after the Japanese disrto must be because of every single kid who has D/P/Pt and Wi-Fi wanted it so badly and NoA decided to let the cat out of the bag. Considering on Pokemon USA's method of releasing events, i´d say the around 3-5 months after the Member's Card distro is over. So it may be available around the holiday season.

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