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Posts posted by KazoWAR

  1. Hello, I originally joined to get some help, but after a few days oh asking questions, giving answers, and just saying whats on my mind, I decided to stop by here regularly.

  2. Well, we all know that Lugia and Ho-Oh started this "boss" legendary thing, with Ho-Oh ruling over the legendary dogs and Lugia ruling over the legendary birds.

    What I would like to know is if you like the whole idea of legendaries have bosses. I mean do you think the franchise would have done just as well if each legendary stood on their own?

    I didnt think of them as a boss, more like a watcher, or a protector.

  3. are these for battle or over world music?

    Battling music, That is why I only made codes for the other battle themes, it seems kinda weird to have a town or route music playing in a battle. It is possible, I had a code do it why testing, but I left it out.

  4. I made some music codes a while back and deemed them to not work on wifi for the fact that when I used them, my game frozen, Well, I recently went to use the altered forms on wifi code and the same thing is happening. So, I am guessing the M3 Real breaks some thing with the game is patched with the AR codes. So, can anyone test these codes on other hardware? Like AR and a real cart, R4, CycloDS, etc. The game freezes on the part when it goes *Beep* so and so wants to play whit you!


    0210B76C 00000000

    1210B770 00000000

    Rival Theme

    0210B76C 00103DE0

    1210B770 00002050

    Wild Theme

    0210B76C 000EE580

    1210B770 00001E08

    Gym Theme

    0210B76C 000F03A0

    1210B770 0000360C

    Grunt Theme

    0210B76C 00102140

    1210B770 00001C90

    Commander Theme

    0210B76C 0010F340

    1210B770 0000201C

    Boss Theme

    0210B76C 000F8BC0

    1210B770 000033B8

    Giratina Theme

    0210B76C 0017A440

    1210B770 00006094

    Uixe/Azelf/Mesprit Theme

    0210B76C 000F39C0

    1210B770 00002EAC

    Elite 4 Theme

    0210B76C 00117280

    1210B770 0000360C

    Champion Theme

    0210B76C 000FF3A0

    1210B770 00002D98

    Dialga/Palkia Theme

    0210B76C 000FBF80

    1210B770 00003404

    Ledgendary Theme

    0210B76C 00106B20

    1210B770 00000820

    Regi Theme

    0210B76C 00184260

    1210B770 00001570

    Tycoon Theme

    0210B76C 001804E0

    1210B770 00003104

    Arceus Theme

    0210B76C 00105E40

    1210B770 00000CD4

  5. Sorry if this has been asked already, I couldnt find it so I'm asking it :confused:

    Is there any working Pokesav for gba saves? I like to go to Hoenn / Kanto now and then and I would like to make real cool pkmn for those games :)

    All I want is valid PID generator :( but its not posible with any editor,mod,french pokesav for RSE I know.

    I hope theres one D:

    There is a program called Ciro's pokemon maker, its kinda like poksav in the way you can make pokemon from scratch, but there is no PID input.

  6. I remember like 7-5 years ago having a gold that had a dead battery. At the time i didint have a game boy anymore but a super game boy thing for the snes. I remember playing for hours, and having my game erased. I finally pinned it to that my save file was lost every time I removed the game from the super game boy cartridge. so i ended up playing through pretty much the whole game with out playing any other snes game for a time length of months, but some how the snes recharged the internal battery of my gold. I one day didnt care about it any more and took it out to play somthing else, and later i put it back in just to see if it my save was still there, and it was. I even later got a GBA and was able to play it on that for a year or 2 untill i got rid of the game, no save file erased at all.

    I think prolonged usesage of playing a game slowly recharges the internal battery, i think most dead batteries come from a game that has not been played for years and then popped back in to be played.

  7. I am having trouble making legal pal parked pokemon in pokesav.

    I keep having problems with trash bytes. I am using the southern island latios as a base because it has the correct trash byte and is a pal parked pokemon from emerald. Now, I can edit anything in the .pkm file and it stays legal, Untill I change its name. Once I change the name the trash bytes are invalid. Can anyone help me?

    also when i use a random PID as if the pokemon was bread, it shows its type as a Unknow GBA Type. Is that right?

  8. Dragonite.Luv, I am not pretty sure how the game detects whats wrong with them. but, my pokemon where never blocked from the GTS video uploading thing. If you want, I can take a look at them and try to fix them, all you need to do is trade them to me. All I can think of is its does a IV/PID check if the pokemon where not bread, or you went over the max EV limit by a point or too by mistake.

  9. So im not all that new to pokesav, i've used it a zillion times in the past when pearl first came out. I just recently picked up platinum and used pokesav for my pearl to hack up some pokemon and transfer them to my platinum game. Well when i enter my trainer id from platinum 07612 and click ok, then realize i forgot to add one attack so i go back in and it dropped the 0 from my trainer id. I thought nothing of it, well when i traded the guys over to my platinum they wont obey me because the trainer id is now 7612. So i re-edited the pokemon and tried to add a 0 to the trainer id and it drops it still. Any ideas how i might be able to keep that zero on the trainer id? Thanks in advance!!

    its ok, the game adds in the missing 0s think of it as you would right the number 100 you wouldnt put 00100 right? well since OTs are 5 digits the rest are filled with 0s you OT is 7612, the game fills the extrs place wit a 0

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