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Posts posted by Ampitere

  1. First make sure you can access it using the DNS it gives you (not your local IP). If you can, first go into your router settings and forward port 53 UDP and port 80 TCP. Next test them here: http://whatsmyip.org/ports/. Lastly, check your firewall settings and make sure that port 53 and 80 are allowed and anything that may block the GTS program are turned off.

    Post back with results, also if you have the ports forwarded correctly but the scanner tells you it's not open then it's probably a port that is blocked by your ISP (I have this issue with port 53 UDP which prevents me from hosting, this is bound to be a recurring thing).

  2. That is nOT the issue.

    I am making 5G pokemon, in pokegen, and using pokecheck to check them.

    when I do the same with a pokemon from the actual game, everything is valid, but when it comes from pokegen, I always get the same result with the invalid terminators in OT and pokemon name/nickname no matter what!!!

    Pokecheck can't be giving me a false positive if the converted pokemon from my game come out ok, but the ones from pokegen do not!

    I am thinking it may be a bug in pokegen, as it is still in beta

    Regardless so long as your PID, location met, and IVs/EVs check out you should be fine. I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. Ok, how about making something cool with the main character from the anime "Black Cat" for me? Make it awesome!

    Skype/MSN: If you feel like having close contact feel free to leave your handle.------- Skype: Mountain-hound

    Theme: List colors, style, etc. here------------- Make 'em vibrant and glow :)

    Render/Image: Link me to the render/image you'd like me to use (I prefer renders).-------- Maybe this? http://www.animeresimleri.com/img1942.htm


    How's this? I can add text to it if you'd like, if anything needs to be changed I have let me know!

  4. maybe not the same moves, if at all possible. The event came with these moves: Iron tail, Trump Card, Flail, and Quick Attack.

    Could the one that I want to stay an eevee know

    Iron Tail, Shadow Ball (a Tm), Return (a Tm), and Dig ( a TM) instead.

    I do not know which of these moves this can legitly learn as an eevee.

    The one that I will evolve into a Vaporeon,

    Iron Tail ™, Swift (move tutor),

    maybe any legit move to take the place of surf and blizzard, maybe shadow ball ™ and Dig ™

    The one that I will evolve into a jolteon,

    toxic ™

    any move that it can legitly learn as an eevee to take the place of signal beam, thunderbolt, and rock smash.

    (maybe shadow ball ™, Dig ™ and return ™ or Ice Type Hidden Power ™

    The one that I will evolve into a Flareon

    Grass type Hidden Power ™, Iron Tail ™, Swift (Move tutor)

    any legit move to take the place of flamethrower,

    The one that I will evolve into an espeon

    shadow ball ™, Fire type Hidden Power), Return ™,

    any legit move to take the place of psychic.

    The one that I will evolve int an umbreon

    shadow ball ™, swift (move tutor), Bite maybe

    any legit move to take the place of psychic

    The one that I will evolve into a leafeon

    fire type hidden power ™

    any legit move to take the place of x-scissor, aerial ace, and solar beam or seed bomb

    The one that I will want to evolve into a glaceon

    swift (move tutor) shadow ball ™

    any legit move to take the place of icy wind and water pulse

    Several of them, I want to have a different kind of Hidden Power.

    Correct, I am wanting them to be holding items for their various evolutions.

    Thank you for all of your help. I appreciate it.

    I will do this either tomorrow or some time this weekend when I have time.

  5. I have not put it in my game yet, but when I check it out with the leglity checker, it comes out as a common female eevee from fire red version. It also does not say anything when I upload it in pokegen, it does say game, but it hs no location mentioned.

    It also has the date of this year.

    Presently, I think that the most correct shiny event eevee might be the Revised one in the post 10 attachment.

    Could you make an AR code for the 8 shiny event eevees in box 2 slot 1-8 with the 4 of those suggested moves that they can legitly learn as eevees, and hold items to boost on of their attacks that they will have, after evolution?

    I will understand if not possible.

    I appreciate all of your help.

    Thank you, again.

    So basically just take the same Eevee 8 times and put it into Box 2 slots 1 through 8 with the moves the event version comes with holding a plate that boosts each evolution? (Flareon gets Flame Plate, Leafon gets Meadon Plate, etc. etc.)

  6. I have the old legality checker, and it has not been updated yet. Yesterday, I found this Event Shiny Eevee PKM on the net. I have heard it came out as hacked, because the legality checker needs to be updated.

    It does come out as hacked or unknown pokemon. The rest of the information does refer to event.

    The one you sent had the code for common PKM. I appreciate all of your help. I already revised the PKM File for the maybe hacked event some.

    I will try to attach both PKM Files to make helping easier for you.

    Thank you again.

    Alright so I dug around and found an old discussion on here where they constructed a Shiny Female Event Eevee. See if this works, I advise you to just evolve it yourself (so just keep giving it to yourself until you have all of it evolutions). Post back with test results, I can modify it if it does have any issues.

  7. Pokemon: Ditto

    Held Item: Everstone

    All i want is a legitamate ditto, i don't care what stats or owned to whoever, just a pkm file extracted from heart gold version caught from route 34 or 35, and level and any nature..

    Thanks alot anyone who can help! (for pokesav for heart gold too) PM me please..

    Here's your Ditto. I gave him 252 HP and Speed EVs as well as 255 happiness, the OT is me and the IDs are legit so it should pass any event legality check. I assume you're just using it to breed so it really doesn't matter. If you have any problems please report back!

  8. Whenever I use the AR code with my Pokemon White game and try to look at the Trainer Card while it's active, the game freezes up completely and just sits on the black screen. Tsujin could you help me with finding out my secret ID too by chance?

    What you want to do is hold L before you go into your trainer card (it won't let you otherwise, hence the freezing). Flip over to the back where your normal ID would be at and it will be replace with a new ID. Reload your game and deactivate the code so you can access your trainer card again and voila. :)

  9. It cannot learn ExtremeSpeed, and if it can't learn it the Nintendo network will not allow it because it's technically illegal. You can use it in non-Nintendo matches but if you take it to an event anywhere or attempt to connect to random battles on Wifi it will be flagged.

    Simple enough, if it's not in it's moveset it's not legal. Check Bulbapedia or Serebii for movesets.

  10. This was on the closed thread. This is for my magikarp sweeping team. Thnks!!!!

    AEROJAY / Magikarp

    AEROJAY / Bronzong

    AEROJAY / Smeargle

    Unfortunately I don't have the time to trade it to you, I suggest downloading them and finding a friend who can. Will be doing more requests here in a minute, likewise I cannot and will not provide a source for transferring the Pokemon to your games I will just be producing them. If any come back as faulty, please post and I will look into it (the only case this will happen should be the lack of a secret ID, event Poke, discrepancies with abilities the Poke cannot learn).

    I forgot to add, thank you to anyone who can help :)

    Here is the Gallade code, hold L+R to activate it.

    94000130 FCFF0000

    B2111880 00000000

    0001E678 281614FB

    0001E67C 845B0000

    0001E680 F1ACA0DF

    0001E684 26D4D520

    0001E688 CE347893

    0001E68C 4D385BC1

    0001E690 8F0199D9

    0001E694 51D1A64A

    0001E698 63A2E859

    0001E69C CD3A0184

    0001E6A0 EACBA873

    0001E6A4 D08F6DDB

    0001E6A8 773D55AB

    0001E6AC 8103CFA3

    0001E6B0 71C5CE96

    0001E6B4 C4186A47

    0001E6B8 064753C6

    0001E6BC 59193608

    0001E6C0 DE018DAD

    0001E6C4 26B47D18

    0001E6C8 024365D2

    0001E6CC 9257F082

    0001E6D0 5756F95E

    0001E6D4 2BAA31F9

    0001E6D8 CC2FB8A0

    0001E6DC B7D5A5FB

    0001E6E0 1F2998AE

    0001E6E4 58C2ECED

    0001E6E8 32EF43FC

    0001E6EC AD8EC906

    0001E6F0 4A950475

    0001E6F4 DE161D3B

    0001E6F8 9FBD7D9F

    0001E6FC E242CF8A

    D2000000 00000000

    Here's the Breloom code, L+R to activate.

    94000130 FCFF0000

    B2111880 00000000

    0001E678 5F1475EC

    0001E67C DD5D0000

    0001E680 FCCD17A0

    0001E684 9C03F5FA

    0001E688 11D36576

    0001E68C 771540D0

    0001E690 70735509

    0001E694 B5F81765

    0001E698 D9358B09

    0001E69C 0D6C8FA0

    0001E6A0 4801F02B

    0001E6A4 3E672968

    0001E6A8 5617F824

    0001E6AC E92879C7

    0001E6B0 A66D614F

    0001E6B4 43B5043C

    0001E6B8 A2418635

    0001E6BC 749A1EA5

    0001E6C0 21F267F4

    0001E6C4 BF523D87

    0001E6C8 65B144A3

    0001E6CC 59EE5204

    0001E6D0 01C1DB74

    0001E6D4 D28EB72C

    0001E6D8 CBDCF28A

    0001E6DC D47B8EAC

    0001E6E0 1806CC4D

    0001E6E4 DD9A19A8

    0001E6E8 B53F1F25

    0001E6EC 26EE30E1

    0001E6F0 4AE8B845

    0001E6F4 AFD87E7D

    0001E6F8 3DF4377B

    0001E6FC F386BE72

    D2000000 00000000

    Post back with results, first time generating AR codes so it's possible something went wrong in the process. I have the files backed up on my HDD so no need to worry if it does happen!

    Remember this is 5th generation request, I need them for my pokemon White Team.

    Thx in advance.

    Please respond or PM me (:

    Also, i got no pokemon up for trade, so if you could do it for free, thatd be great.

    Virv3n / Milotic

    Virv3n / Cradily

    Virv3n / Altaria

    Virv3n / Hydreigon

    As I stated already above I don't have the time to hand out every single Poke I generate, I suggest getting a friend to help you out or maybe I'll put out a guide on how to run a local GTS network so you can give them to yourselves. We'll see!

    Tracy, here is the shiny event Eevee: Tracy / Shiny Event Eevee. Please let me know if it works and if it does I will attempt to start cranking out the evolved versions (it's a heavy order so I can't promise anything, we'll be lucky if that Eevee even works, it does pass the legality check but that's a farcry). PS: It's not completely done but it's a start.

    If you have any problems, please feel free to post them here and I'll attempt to figure out the issue. I keep all Poke on backup with the requester's name so if you ever need another upload to download feel free to PM me.

  11. Depending on where you bought your DS you may have a warranty on it. Most stores (such as GameStop), have a guaranteed 30-day warranty and you can pay around $10-20 to get a 1 or 2-year warranty. It wouldn't hurt to check it out, other then that you can't do much considering it's not really a flaw when you were the cause (considering most cases it's because you drop/fall on it).

  12. 13001272.png










    The gallery above is not in order and isn't even half of the things I've created, I have many other pieces that vary in sizes and quality. Considering this is mostly for signatures I will just be updating this thread with the signatures I create, if you want to see any other work please feel free to PM me or leave a reply with your Skype/MSN handle.

    Skype/MSN: If you feel like having close contact feel free to leave your handle.
    Theme: List colors, style, etc. here.
    Render/Image: Link me to the render/image you'd like me to use (I prefer renders).
    Extra: List anything extra.

    Fill out the form, and I'll get to you ASAP. If you don't fill out the form I cannot help you out since the information is needed. Signatures are free, but I charge for doing web design and other big projects.

    I'm familiar with many forum platforms as well as web design scripting and other miscellaneous bits and pieces. If you would like input on a website, forum, etc. or need a designer for something please feel free to leave a form of contact and I'll be sure to hit you up (Skype or MSN works).

  13. Is the DNS side of the program showing any activity at all? If not, then it might be an ISP issue possibly. Make sure Port 53 allows UDP instead of TCP.

    When I connect on it does function properly and I can see the updates of it sending, receiving and generating information. It just routes it through my local IP instead of the DNS, but when I attempt to do the same thing via DNS it doesn't work.

    Like I said about port 53, it doesn't want to forward even when I have the settings done properly. Not sure why, but it just doesn't allow it (tested port 80 and port 53 on http://whatsmyip.org and 80 is open while 53 is not and they're both forwarded identically aside from 53 being UDP and 80 being TCP).

  14. The DNS it provides is the one you should use, but the fact that it's not working points to router misconfiguration or firewall blocking. Those are the only culprits that I can think of.

    As I said, port 53 doesn't want to open up for some reason. I've attempted to forward it and done so properly (since port 80 works, logic says if I do port 53 the same it should be open as well). Any ideas as to why it might not be working? (tested them both via http://whatsmyip.org's port scanner)

  15. Just double checking on this, but are all of the Pokemon provided by this service legal? Checking in case I ever decide to go to an event and forget that I'm using one I've obtained from this fine service.

    Otherwise, thanks a ton for this it's a great help considering I can't seem to get ShinyGTS to work for myself. Keep it up! Oh and if you're taking requests I'd be willing to throw in my two cents.

  16. After about an hour of tampering around with my port forwarding system and constantly checking if the correct ports were open (and having done so in the past), I've come to the conclusion that I cannot forward port 53 for some reason. I have tried doing it both in advanced and application forwarding (port 80 works through application) to no avail.

    My router is the Qwest Motorola-3347, if anyone has any insight, information, or methods to hopefully forward port 53 I'm listening with my eyes open (since we can't really hear things we're reading right?). I've also attempted running ShinyGTS and the DNS works fine but when I launch the GTS it tells me that a socket doesn't have permission (assuming it's port 53, since it's not recognized anywhere else). If any other information is needed I will post it immediately. Thanks!

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