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Morgan Lamia

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Posts posted by Morgan Lamia

  1. Hey guys, I just thought I'd give myself a little introduction. :wink:

    I'm Morgan, 23 and from the boring place known as Oxford in England, and I guess I'm an arting, gaming, anime and Japan-in-general geek.

    I started using Pokesav last year for a couple of months, then just didn't really have much time to play around with it, so I'm having to re-learn a lot of bits and pieces now ^^; I guess that also explains why I joined the forums a long time ago but never actually posted, lol.

    Anyway... Hey. :smile:

  2. So, I've been trying to track down a Wonder Card for the current UK Arceus and I found two from different sources. Both of them have all of their Wonder Card and Pokémon data exactly the same, apart from one which has the Corresponding Card number as 0, while the other is 1.

    I was wondering whether this makes a difference or not, and if so; which is correct?

    (My apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I'm still getting used to the place ^^; )

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