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Posts posted by arcee

  1. That's not legit, that's legal :/

    Anyway, I'm not up for explaining how to create a legal Pokemon right now, (I really need to sleep!), but since it's for in-game play, http://www.pokecheck.org/ has plenty of bred Pokemon. You can check the legality analysis if you like. Just download the file, and since you know about Pokesav, I presume you know how to load them into the sav too.

    Though, if you take a poke around the forums, you'll probably find explanations on your question.

    edit: have you seen this?


    Not sure about this one, but Greencat's should be good.


    I'd think some values will be different for HGSS, but I'm sure it can't be that hard to figure out.

  2. Front Line Assembly, Devin Townsend, Unexpect, Ion Dissonance[..]

    Yey, fellow Canadian!

    I've never heard of those artists either, actually. Hedley, Celine Dion, Michael Buble, Tokyo Police Club, etc?

    Anywots, welcome! If you've got questions, or you'd like to talk, I'm always around (:

  3. Hey, I need to add two key items in for a hack I'm making, but I'm honestly not sure how I'd go about doing that, or if it's even possible -- could someone point me in the right direction?

    Presuming you have the data for the key item made, you'd need to hack it into the ROM. (You'd probably need a way to enable it, too).

    EDIT: Or, would someone be able to tell me how to change the names of already-existing key items, like the Azure Flute?

    To change the name, you'd also have to go into the ROM, find the data for the pre-existing key item, and then edit the key item's data that way.

    PS: Azure flute is DPPt, not HGSS.

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