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Christopher Bradley

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Posts posted by Christopher Bradley

  1. Is this project still going?

    If so, can you please release this for the next version: The ability to search for things.


    I've used a tool where when you go to change, for example, a move, and you can click a drop box and type "cy" and "Cyndaquil" will be highlighted. This is so much more efficient than having to scroll all the way down, or keep pressing the C key in hope you don't miss it.

    It would save an insane amount of time with things like Pokémon edits and wild Pokémon data edits.

  2. Ah okay, awesome :)

    Another question: I've done some basic edits like movesets and wild Pokémon encounters, and when I try it on the DS (Before anyone rants about piracy, I have the original games, I just use it for hacking and backup). Sometimes when scripts would normally run it crashes for no apparent reason. E.G on Route 30 at the start of the game it crashed when apricorn guy came out of the house, and again on the way back when rival came along. I can't test it on an emulator as I get the black screen.


    Edit: Oh, and one more. When you're creating text, how many characters can you have on a single line without going off the edge (or as standard in the game)?

  3. Hi, I have a few questions about restrictions that were present in the GBA games, and if they are the same for the DS games.

    1. If you add Pokémon to a trainer, will this replace other data? For example if in Fire Red you didn't create a new offset, some data would be overwritten and likely screw up another trainer.

    2. Same with moves. If for example Bulbasaur has 10 moves in his level up moveset and you added two more, would this overwrite other data? If so, could you make room by removing two moves from a different Pokémon first?

    3. Same with scripts. When you add to a script, does it require further steps like creating a new offset?


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