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Posts posted by GenTechJ

  1. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: thanks a bunch for all your hard work guys and gals. Absolutely love this project and really appreciate what's being done, if it wasn't due to work and school I'd find some way to help out other than just showing my appreciation. But sometimes a good word towards such hard work and dedication means a lot (take it from someone who has a crap job that's physically and emotionally/mentally straining, so the occasional positive feedback does a lot for morale), especially for something being done for free for the community.

    tl;dr: Everyone involved with this rocks, and I'm thankful you all are doing this for the community.

  2. Long time Pokemon player, lured here by the text on a Pokemon Black translation.

    Been playing since high school when Red/Blue came out, was interested before then when it was mentioned in Nintendo Power a year or so earlier. Haven't played much of Gen 3 or 4 to decide if either of those generations are better or worse in my opinion. But I have to say Gen 2 and what I've played of Gen 5 are my favorites, though I still have a lot of love and nostalgia for Gen 1.

    Anywhoo, look forward to being part of the community.

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