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Posts posted by edawrd_elric

  1. Hey guys, just a quick request. Any time you find a battle message error, such as the 'Protect' messages people were commenting on a little ways back, let me know. I'm focusing on 0016 to get all the battle messages, and it would help a lot if you guys could point out things too.

    Also, if someone could tell me how to sync my fork with the main project, it would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Never seen it as Yukon...It should be Yakon, I believe. You know, like from DBZ, the guy who could predict earthquakes? xP Anyways, I think that's what it should be.

    Serebii has listed the Gym Leaders names as such:

    Podda, Koon, Dento








    Along with the Elite Four as:






    This is all assuming, of course, that Serebii is 100% accurate, which it probably isn't.

  3. They're still powerful moves, regardless of whether you fight the two against each other. And besides, the moves would barely hurt them since they're Dragon-types. xD

    Dragon types are actually not that hard to kill quickly. Ice and Dragon hit for 2x, and if it's a double type with Flying, Ice gets a 4x.

    The only awesome typing for a douple type with dragon is Dragon/Water, since the only super effective move is down to just Dragon. Kingdra has this typing, that's why I use him. :D

  4. i have seen those, but i haven't been able to translate those with the same lines, so basically meaning it might not get messed with, kaarosu might have to clear up more on that

    I think I figured it out! When you use a held item to restore HP, this shows up

    \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffe\xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001で\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeたいりょくを かいふくした!

    At that part with \xf000븀\x0000\xfffe both lines of the text box are filled, and it scrolls down to a new line, eliminating the top line of text! Like so:

    Line1: \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 (hits \xfffe)

    Line2: \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001で (hits \xf000븀\x0000\xfffe)

    which becomes:

    Line1: \xf000ĉ\x0001\x0001で

    Line2: たいりょくを かいふくした!

  5. Ok, I need help with this. When you use a move such as 'U-Turn' or 'Volt Change' and you are picking your next pokemon to send out, this message is displayed:

    \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0001のもとへ もどっていく!

    EDIT: HURP DURP NEVERMIND \xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 shows the player's name, and I named myself in Japanese when I started the file. >.<

  6. May not be my place, but why not use Serebii to reference a lot of the aspects? Like Victini is "Biktuni" in the patch and the lumpy hat is "Lumpy Met". It'd probably save you lots of time on the battle and item focused part of the game as well as the pokedex, unless there's some sort of copyright or plagiarism aspect.

    Also, not sure if this was mentioned, but the flinching status was translated into "the pokemon is too scared to listen" or something instead of "xxxx flinched"

    I'm using every resource I can for these battle messages. D:

    And I guess we went with a more literal translation for the flinch status. :3

  7. probably a mistranslation don't remember writing that must be from 17.txt?

    I found it in 16 and changed it to 'Fell crashing to the ground!' I'm not sure why it was the water ring thing, although there's a line under it that says 'Regained health from water ring' or something, which may have something to do with it. 16 is just a whole lot of confus piled on top of repetitiveness.

  8. \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 is the Pokemon and \xf000ć\x0001\x0001 is an item

    \xf000ć\x0001\x0001 I think that one shows a used move as well, because it shows up in the message when a pokemon is under 'Taunt' and tries to use 'Growl' or some such.

    Here's the message in japanese: The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000は ちょうはつ\xfffeされて \xf000ć\x0001\x0001が だせない!

    which I think would be: The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 is unable to use\xfffe\xf000ć\x0001\x0001 because it is enraged!

    I could be wrong though.

  9. i dont know exactly how the escape button works, but it could be it switches out for the attack, and then returns when its over?

    I have no clue, it's an item you get from the battle subway apparently. I think it's just a one way switch out to another pokemon.

    BTW: If a sentence is on the exact same line in both Hiragana 0016 and Kanji 0016, are they the same sentence?

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