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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. The xDelta will work for both 32bit and 64bit.

    It's basically saying if there is an update for xDelta just update it.

    I also have a 64 bit computer and use the xdelta packaged with the download for VW2/BB2.

    You only have to specify the inputs and outputs.

    But if you want you can look at: http://code.google.com/p/xdelta/downloads/list

  2. You CAN use google translate to translate everything, but it will most definietly not be 100% accurate, which is what we are somewhat aiming for. Just that if you google translate something, you kinda got to use either basic knowledge or another translator to compare the results, then you can see what the line is actually trying to say.

    Also I recommend: http://www.sharedtalk.com You can talk to japanese people there. I did that. lol.

  3. Just finished 0146.txt of course not all is correct.

    うつくしさ Beauty
    うれしさ Joy
    おかしさ Strange
    おすすめ Recommended
    かしこさ Intelligent
    がっかり Dissapointed
    かっこよさ Cool
    かなしさ Sad
    かわいさ Pretty 
    かんたん Easy
    くやしさ Dissapointment
    げんき Healthy
    ざんねん Awful
    しあわせ Happiness
    しょんぼり Lonely
    しんじられない Unbelievable
    すき Like
    だいきらい Hate
    たいくつ Boring
    だいじ Importance
    だいじょうぶ Certain
    だいすき Great liking for
    たくましさ Hardiness
    たのしさ Happiness
    ダメダメ Mistake
    だらだら Slowly
    ドキドキ Pounding
    とくい Pride
    ナイス Nice
    なみだ Tears
    にがて Weak Point
    ばくしょう Laughter
    ハッピー Happy
    バリバリ Actively
    びっくり Surprise
    びみょう Subtle
    ふあん Anxiety
    ほしい Desire
    まんぞく Satisfaction
    むずかしい Hard
    めずらしい Rare
    めちゃめちゃ Rash
    やだ I hate
    やばい Dangerous
    ラブラブ Romance
    わくわく Exciting
    わらい Laughter

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