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Posts posted by codemonkey85

  1. On 2/5/2024 at 5:44 AM, furtimax said:

    hello I use pkmds-web to increase the levels of my pokemon on hearthgold, and when I launch my game (on desmume emulator) it resets. helpppppp

    I’m not sure what this means. Do you mean the changes are not appearing? Or do you mean your save file is being erased?

    On 2/16/2024 at 10:11 PM, Gideonion said:

    I was wondering if it would be possible to have a way of copying the box and party data, like pkhex.

    What do you mean by copying the box and party data? Do you mean copying a Pokémon from one slot into another?

  2. Wow, I had no idea people were using this app! I checked on this topic several times and hadn't seen any activity. Then for whatever reason I never received any notifications that there were new posts. Sorry about the delayed response folks!

    On 12/13/2023 at 5:40 PM, oddgo said:

    Currently getting a 403 error trying to reach the app, is this offline intentionally?

    I had moved hosting from Azure Static Web Apps to GitHub Pages, so I assume that's where you ran into the error.

    On 1/8/2024 at 2:56 PM, Gray0001 said:

    How to import saved pokemons?

    How to import saved Pokémon from where? Once you make changes to a save file, you can export the file, and the exported copy will have your changes.

    On 1/13/2024 at 8:31 PM, Lucent said:

    Hi, I've been using this web app and it's amazing. I'm using it on my pokemon scarlet save file for a while but after the teal mask and indigo disk update, I can't edit it anymore because it won't load and there's this unhandled error message at the bottom. Do you have any thoughts why? Thank you.

    Can you please DM me your save file so I can take a look? Or, you can try again yourself - I just updated the app to the latest version of PKHeX.Core.

  3. Find PKMDS for Web on... the web! https://www.pkmds.app/

    GitHub Repo: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor

    Issue tracker: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor/issues

    Hello all. Some of you might remember me and / or PKMDS, but most likely not. But I have returned from years of quiet meditation (work and family) to bring PKMDS back to a modern generation of gamers.

    Introducing: PKMDS for Web!

    Built as an ASP.NET Core web app using Blazor WebAssembly for UI, and leveraging PKHeX.Core as the logical foundation, PKMDS for Web is intended to be a save editor for all Pokémon games, with support for all modern browsers (including mobile). Development will probably be very slow, since this is just a fun side-project for me. Contributions and suggestions are welcome - feel free to create an issue and / or pull request on the GitHub repo.

    Special thanks to @Kaphotics and everyone who contributed to PKHeX over the years. I'm standing on your collective shoulders (although feel free to steal as much as you want if you ever intend to make a web-based PKHeX 👀).

    EDIT: Please note, the app is under development and is super unfinished. Like, "construction zone" unfinished.


    • Like 9
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  4. What about perhaps releasing with the Pokemon Cries? I know audio seems to be much easier to claim a takedown with.

    Edit: Or technically it doesn't even need those to compile so they don't need to be in the repository. I guess I'm more wondering if it's safe to release downloads of the program containing the cry files already.

    If I were you, I'd put the source code on GitHub without the cries (ensuring of course that your code doesn't break without them) and host a zipped file somewhere else.

  5. There's a very minuscule lag when clicking on the summary of a Spinda for it to draw the spots but I'm hoping it's negligible on all systems.

    Hmm, I dunno about WPF, but I know there's no visible lag when drawing Spinda using my hacky LockBits approach in C#. Surely there's a way to do it quickly enough in WPF as well - but you've got the foundation, so at least you can set that aside for another day!

  6. That's just pretty sloppy coding. Party -> box should really just generate a warning that the stats will be regenerated if the Pokemon is removed from the box. Box -> party should just automatically generate the stats, given that the formula for stat generation given stat exp and DV is known.

    Look at the interface! The whole thing was poorly architected. Aren't there better alternatives for Gen I / II?

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