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File Comments posted by theSLAYER

  1. 15 hours ago, RiezDanz said:

    Basically, my Mew is going to be assigned a tracker after it gets imported into Pokémon HOME from Pokémon Bank.

    Yes it gets assigned a HOME tracker

    15 hours ago, RiezDanz said:

    From what I understand, it will be assigned an important substructure from SWSH after I transfer it into Pokémon HOME, right? :')

    To be precise, its current data gets translated into the Core data and SWSH data. Then its original data is deleted. (AFAIK gets archived in the logs, but for all intents and purposes it doesn’t exist for the player anymore).

    After it gets a HOME tracker, if you try to modify the immutables on the Mew and use it with HOME, it will likely get rejected by HOME.

  2. 7 hours ago, Diesel1889 said:

    you should chat with the person that makes the ALM mod their living dex creater is mostly up to date or at least usable to m,ove pokemon into home. thats what i ended up doing

    I know them but that is not relevant as it isn’t my goal tho; my goal isn’t generated mons, but captured mons. If it is using ALM to generate legal mons then place into HOME, then anyone can do it :)

    I might make a game specific living dex eventually, since I’ll need it for HOME too, but no guarantees.

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    QR Code Magearna

    14726    12
    1 hour ago, Shoxo said:

    How to get it I can't access it


    scan the QR code that corresponds to your console region. make sure you're champion. collect from hau'oli shopping mall antique shop.

  3. 18 hours ago, Diesel1889 said:

    my problem is, When i import pokemon into Home i want it to be from the origin game so it checks off on the Home pokedex for that game.

    e.g Fletchling in the pokemon scarlet save is from Sword etc


    yeah nah that's a lot of pokemon. I'll get to doing it eventually but don't expect it.

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