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Posts posted by Goldgross

  1. LOL@ your first statement.

    I knew it! you were switching Arti on things that killed it...hows that gonna prove how strong it is? Its in NU BECAUSE it can't beat those things.

    Empoleon is NOT making your list, monami. First of all, its a steel type and secondly its a hella sweeper once it sets up which isnt THAT hard. Its gonna stay OU just the way Roserade will...if not better.

  2. Ah, i get the Gen III part now, but i do not like the way you address scizor separately along with steels and choice band pokes when scizor itself has both characteristics dominant! Its not that special! >=(

    Flareon....is just a lost cause wraith. If you say it should get Flare Blitz then others will say give Leafeon Wood Hammer! Now that will truly not be fair if you really think about it. Wood Hammer is unique to what? 2 pokes? AFAIK only Abomasnow and Torterra get it so an attack like Flare Blitz should also be unique to some pokes. Lets see now, who has it.........Infernape, Arcanine, Typhlosion, Charizard and Blaziken. All the fire starters (heh fire starters, its that Charlies Angels song xD) and Arcanine get it. Now you would surely say if they all got it then shouldn't all the Grass starters (cheeesyyy) also get the move unique to Torterra? Yes I would agree with you completely. ALL of the grass starters except Meganium have a thick plant like outgrowth on some part of their body. Sceptile has that acorn like tail and Venusaur has that cool looking Flower on his back. So they should get it for sure....but Nintendo decided against it for some reason. Also, if you see the grass starters, Sceptile has low atk so it cannot really use that move and Meganium and Vensaur are defensive pokes with low attack stats. Only Torterra can use it......as for Aboma i can't say -.-

    I think Nintendo is trying to keep things kinda balanced by giving things like Blaziken, Arcanine and Ape with relatively medium stats this powerful move and not giving it to Flareon looking at its attack which is considered very high. Idk, they didn't give it to Entei either and that could've made it that much better. Makes you wonder whether Nintendo even thinks about the competitive aspect of the game, no? They must think Flareon and Entei will be broken in-game if they get this move xD. They must be thinking it will destroy everything if it gets the move.

    If they DO think about the competitive side of things then they must think "Hey, Flareon is slow as hell! Whats the point of giving it a move that will kill it even faster, right?" And yes, with SR and bulky waters everywhere poor Flare will go down in 2 switches and using the move once. Atleast Arcanine and Blaziken make great use of it, and they are STILL UU. Entei is a legendary so...different story. Life is hard for a fire type.

    ONE MORE reason which I just discovered is the fact that Flareon is an Eeveelution. I mean, do the other eeveelutions have 3 high powered moves? NO! Espeon only has Psychic, its NEVER gonna get Psycho Boost! Leafeon has Leaf Blade and thats a good 90 considering its Physical attack stat is superior.....but it gets Solar Beam! Jolteon gets Thunder, Vappy gets Hydro Pump, Glaceon gets Blizzard and Umbreon gets Payback. BUT LOOK AT FLAREON! HEAT WAVE! FIRE BLAST! OMG!! OVERHEAT!!! It already has those powerful moves at its disposal unlike the others. Only they have better stats to use them.... but Flare already got way more in terms of goodies. Same goes for Entei. Which is the basic reason Nintendo doesn't even LOOK at it anymore. Sure now its gonna get Lava Plume, wraith. Its a move that almost every fire type learned.....heck even Groudon can learn it!

    Most importantly, Flare Blitz HAS to be a level up move for BOTH! Breeding it is impossible on them......therefore unless the others get something better.....Nintendo will never allow it.

    So if you think of all the reasons, Flareon will have 4 high powered moves which will be unfair to its sisters. Stats really do not matter here. Grouped pokes have to have similar attacking options. Look at all the other Legendary Trios, they all learn similar types of attacks at the same levels depending on their type. One of them cannot break out to become more powerful. Nintendo balances this and leaves the way we use them to us. See how Groudon gets Fissure? Kyogre shouldn't even get a OHKO move......but they give it Sheer Cold, which is the best of them and is different from its typing. Clear example. Heatran can keep being beefed up cause its not relative to any other poke. God! I hope they don't give this move to Heatran O_O.

    I'd tell you to wait some more, but honestly i don't think Flareon will ever get the move! Three generations passed by!! Its better if you move on. Weak pokes are meant to be there.....they are the ones which show how awesome the actually strong ones are.

    Hoooh! that was a lot. Some fast closing words now.

    Let Regice die, atleast its with the other Golems at the bottom. Arti should NOT get this award. I swear, you are not bringing it in on the right things -_-. I love Blissey, shes really awesome. I read this thing and laughed again xDD. :P

  3. Very delightful read Wraith. Minor nitpick though, i had to change the theme to read the whole thing cause the colours REALLY hurt my eyes in the HG theme. In that black background the text colours literally looked 3 dimensional and looked even more jutting out when you see the links which are orange in colour and more flat so to say. My eyes were watering by the time i read Heracross' part xD.

    I HAVE to diagree with the final decision you made in picking Arti >.<

    Honestly i think it can definitely do the defensive sets much better than its counterparts. Moltres is actually the one which may give more trouble using it. Since it doesnt have magnificent defenses, unlike Arti, and it has middling speed which just makes it an average pokemon. Don't compare with Zapdos now cause theres no point comparing pokemon competitively when 1 of them is an OU regular while the others are NU or UU. With Moltres, offensively it is ok but defensively it was very hard to use. Because it did not have the high bulk of Arti you had nothing to fall back upon if your spinner got knocked out. Arti atleast can take another hit and roost off the damage.....this is much harder with Moltres when already taken SR. I found Arti much easier to use......and anyway.....like most pokes, it only requires TS and spin support to use and use it WELL.

    I myself have tried it in 3 other of my many teams excluding the one for you and it has worked really well. Heck i actually like it and call it Arti as a pet name xD. If someone deserves to be the biggest disappointment its definitely Regigigas for having the godlike stats but the sad Slow Start ability to ruin it. Arti can ATLEAST switch in more if SR is spun away and keep doing its job. Regigigas (GAH! lets call it gas from now) on the other hand needs to finish those 5 turns before doing anything and those defenses dont do anything....and its just setup fodder. Dont believe me? anything with sub can setup and sweep everything if you leave it in. Twave and confuse ray cannot do anything then. Furthermore, poor Arti has been here from the start....calling it a disappointment now is not reasonable. Gas came out in this gen and has been a let down considering its supposed to be an equal to Lugia and Ho-oh as the leader of 3 legendary pokes. Truly the king deserves this award.

    The rest are fine. I wouldnt think of Flareon as a disappointment because it was no where near a top contender to begin with! If it gets Flare Blitz and STILL remains UU then you can call it a disappointment. Regice was never outclassed by Blissey wraith -__-. Blissey came out in the 2nd gen and Regice came out in the 3rd. How come it was fun untill she came along? Shes the best special wall PERIOD, Regice was just unlucky. The rest are k.

    Btw, who is the king in the top pokes??! If not Zor, I dont know anything else! Maybe Meta but I cant really say xD.

    On a lighter note this was funny as heck. The Charizard part was lolsome.

    The Zapdos Conspiracy

    Zapdos, who already knew of his successes, was a favorite of Gamefreak. Gamefreak would do whatever he wanted and Zapdos plotted a conspiracy... he asked Gamefreak to invent something called "Stealth Rocks" (Stealth after Zapdos's stealthy plan for domination), which would further seal the deal for their favoritism. While Moltres got Will-o-Wisp and Morning Sun from xD, WoW became a TM and Morning Sun isn't so great now that all three birds get Roost. Articuno got Heal Bell and Haze... the former was all right but the latter was outclassed by Roar which all three birds got anyways. But Zapdos, he would get two amazing moves which would help him a lot, Metal Burst, which would force Blisseys to switch out, and Baton Pass, which would make Zapdos a better team player. Clearly Zapdos got the best gifts. Now what were these new Stealth Rocks? Something that would help Zapdos make his name even better... it still cut off 25% of his health so that no one would realize that HE was the one who started this conspiracy... while it cut off his sisters' HP by 50%. There. Now Zapdos would be the BEST of the three. THE ABSOLUTE BEST. No questions asked. And now that Articuno lost her powers as a defensive monster thanks to those little rocks, she was out of the league. But what about Moltres? The crazy offensive beast still did not exactly lose her job because unlike Articuno, her job was to sweep with crazy overpowered Fire Blasts and Overheats and Air Slash slower foes to flinchhax them. That is when the Platinum deal came in... and Zapdos went up to Gamefreak and asked for Heat Wave. And to make it not seem so much of a dirty job, Zapdos also asked Gamefreak to give Heat Wave to every birds (most of them who could not even use it properly anyways)... except for Articuno, Pelipper, and Lugia. The part that fails is... it says "The user exhales a heated breath on the foe to attack. It may also leave the target with a burn." So the birds do not flap their wings but have killer burning breath instead. Real smooth Zapdos, but I can STILL see your conspiracy here. It all makes sense now.

    This is Madness!

    So what exactly is wrong with Articuno? Well, yes, Gamefreak finally granted her that Roost she wanted so badly, which would also shed her quad weakness to Rocks. So it's amazing, is it not? Well, not with those Stealth Rocks in play! In order to get that "tank" in, you need to spin away the rocks everytime JUST to bring her in. How pathetic! Not even Moltres needs to be a phony because although she hates Stealth Rocks, she can at least do something before going down. Articuno cannot. STAB Ice Beam doesn't even seem to OHKO Salamence, which is pathetic. A defensive Ice Pokemon does not seem to work unless your name is Walrein. So Articuno could Toxic Stall... well, so can Moltres and Zapdos, only since they are faster, they are better. Articuno may be the most defensive of the three, but with that fail typing, she has no way of outstalling anything aside from bulky waters, which Zapdos can do just as well... AND survive Stone Edges... AND actually deal with Scizor. Yeah, unlike the other two, Articuno is no match for the Crimson Flash. All Articuno can do is STAB Ice Beam... and Toxic... and pretty much Sub/Roost/Roar/Heal Bell. That is pretty much it. In fact, the invention of Suicune was a Godsend... because he fixed EVERYTHING that was wrong with Articuno... AND more. However, Gamefreak has that problem of burying old problems and forgetting about them, much like poor Pidgeot up there (they "fixed" the problem with Staraptor). Disgusted at Articuno's pathetic powers, Gamefreak gave the anime producers the permission to actually have Articuno defeated by Ash's Charizard... on LIVE TV. It's true, I'm telling you!

    The Bleak Future

    Fortunately for Articuno, she looks upwards wondering what the future holds for her, unlike Regice, who immediately solved his problem by jumping off a cliff, never to return again. The only way we can actually solve her problem is by giving her some cool stuff... maybe Tail Glow or even Hydro Pump... something to make her more usable... or even changing the Ice type so that it has more resistances instead of just "Ice" (Articuno's Flying type cancels out her primary type's only resistance, sad isn't it?) I really do not know. For a legendary, poor Articuno has been plagued by futility... all thanks to Gamefreak forgetting about the poor Ice Queen. She looked like she was going to be a wonderful Pokemon from the beginning, but unfortunately that wasn't so. Favoritism on Zapdos on their part messed her up a LOT. They could do the Marowak treatment, but I have a feeling they would do the same on the other birds... and if that happens, I wouldn't want it. The last thing we need is an uber Zapdos... that thing is scary enough. Either way, Articuno definitely wins the Queen of Disappointments Award... because for a legendary with amazing defensive stats, she cannot even pull of the defensive act correctly. And I blame Gamefreak for that... for making poor Articuno suffer under a box for all these years... and doing nothing about it while improving Zapdos who did not need all those improvements at all. Articuno and her sister Moltres needs more buffing up than ever... and I am hoping something good happens in the end for them... they do hold a lot of potential. You cannot expect Gamefreak to get away with having really weak legendary Pokemon while they made an insanely overpowered starter Pokemon, now can you?

    I did some testing by modifying Articuno's movepool with adding Tail Glow and Hydro Pump and some other assorted goodies in Shoddy simulator... but I cannot bear the truth: there is NO saving Articuno. This poor bird dies to everything and cannot hit back hard enough. That is the sad truth. Even Moltres can be useful at times. Zapdos is too useful. Articuno... is along the ranks of Skuntank, Machoke, and Luvdisc. That is a SAD excuse for a legendary. I do not know if there is any way to save her. She is doomed... forever.

    Personal score: ||||||||||

    Like I said, Articuno is one of my favorites... and she is probably my favorite. I am quite displeased at how they did not even try when making her... Gamefreak has that nasty habit of burying old problems. Well, yes, there's Suicune, who I also like, but I am NOT ditching Articuno. As for the winner between the King and Queen for the Overall Most Disappointing Pokemon in this game, I have to hand it to Articuno. Sure, Regigigas is arguably less useful, but he at least has his defenses, is not Stealth Rock weak, and can do stuff like Paralyze and Confuse for the 5 turns while he is waiting to get its mojo going. Articuno, on the other hand, suffers from not being able to do anything from the start AND not being able to accomplish ANYTHING in the end. This poor bird must have traded off her powers for beauty... and even then, she isn't looking too good nowadays... especially when people have forgotten about her. I have, however, successfully managed to outstall many Pokemon with Articuno, sometimes even without spin support. Ironically, her most vital stat is probably speed, for without speed, there is no way to even land a Toxic or anything before getting 2HKOd due to rocks. Yes, a wall technically should not even need speed, but Articuno is the exception here. Her speed is nowhere near that great, which is another reason why Gamefreak fails at designing Ice Pokemon. Sure, Mamoswine and Weavile were great improvements... but as for those defensive Ice Pokemon? Was Regice made to replace Articuno? I have no idea, but Regice is now long gone. Why didn't Articuno do the same? Probably because she is a bird and therefore cannot really jump off a cliff. Poor thing... cannot even kill herself to save herself the misery U_U

    ROFLMAO xDD Gaad this part cracked me up! Conspiracy? lolol thats rich. The part which starts "This is madness!" Arti's pic really showed a bewildered look xDD. Regice went down a cliff and suicided but Arti cannot.....roflrofl awesome man. I feel your pain.....but i just can't stop laughing xD.

  4. I say Dialga cause this baby is my second fave Steel and Legendary poke ^_^. Next only to Meta and Arceus respectively. Its not weak to DRAGON for god sakes and neither ice. So what if its weak to fighting and ground? Fighting is hardly ever used in the Uber meta-game where Dialga resides and there are pokes more than ready to come in for free or low damage on Fighting and Ground attacks......unlike Palkia that gets destroyed by the most common attacking type there.....Dragon.

    Not to mention Dialga can go Mixed whereas Palkia cannot pull it off. Dialga has way more resistances than Palkia to boot. It cannot be toxic stalled either being a steel type. Has unique typing as well. More than anything....looks waaaay cooler than Palkia too >:]

  5. Run This Town - Jay Z ft. Rihanna and Kanye West.

    Did you know they are a Christian band? It shocked me. though it kinda explains the lack of swearing...... Which i prefer.

    Those Nights - Skillet.

    Yes i know they are Christians, but the song is just to show rage, anger and their uncontrolable things inside or watever xD. Honestly though i dont get the lyrics very well. Qoute "I feel it deep within, its just beneath the skin"; This is understandable really but doesnt make sense AND opposes itself if you really think about it. The whole song says that the monster is in so many places so it sounds as if there are like..... 30 of them -.- Idk its just me i guess.

  6. Hehe, ill do this one since the team looks cool.

    Aerodactyl (M) @ Focus Sash

    Ability: Pressure

    EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

    Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

    - Taunt

    - Stealth Rock

    - Toxic

    - Earthquake

    Nothing fancy here. I chose Toxic over Stone Edge to help wear down foes such as Swampert. Stone Edge just seemed to never get used, while I'm at least sometimes able to Toxic.

    The biggest challenge with this lead is against Crobat and Azelf and other Aerodactyls. With Crobat, I tend to switch out. With suicide leads, I hope for the speed tie and SR right away. Against Fake Out Ape, I SR first and anything else I get to do is a bonus.

    Nothing fancy you say? hohoho i disagree! Thats actually a very well thought of lead mah friend. Poor Aero loses out to bulky leads like swampert and gliscor......which are a huge pain the butt later on. I think, since most always attack you rather than setting up SR means you can forgo Taunt for something else. But i cant find anything else more useful so i think Taunt will help stop mono setuppers. Toxic cuts their life span in half and makes the seemingly defenseless aero a real team player before it goes down. Metagross and ScarfJirachi leads are actually the ONLY pain here if you ask me. You cant hurt other aero leads so thats a slight problem. Crobat is not that common. Overall id say its an Excellent lead which im gonna try out for sure :).

    Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb

    Ability: Poison Heal

    EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

    Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

    - Spore

    - Substitute

    - Leech Seed

    - Focus Punch

    After testing out Seed Bomb over Leech Seed, I stuck with the standard set. At 212 speed EVs, would I still be able to outspeed most Swamperts and Suicunes?

    Leech Seed REALLY helps if paired up with a Toxic from Aerodactyl, or recovering health for Curse-Tar.

    No problem here, standard Breloom set and still recovers health equal to leftovers in the sand so its all good.

    Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Sand Stream

    EVs: 252 HP/46 Atk/212 SpDef

    Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

    - Curse

    - Substitute

    - Crunch

    - Fire Punch

    The star of the team. I come in on something that's dying or hates T-Tar (I'm really enjoying the increased usage of Psychic that I'm seeing when using the Sinnoh Lake trio and on Scarf/Specs Starmie), Sub up, and see what happens.

    With Yawn on Vaporeon and Spore on Breloom, I also get a good number of chances to set up on what would otherwise be a threat to Tyranitar (Gyarados).

    And in an added bit of hilarity, I finally figured out why it sucked so much at taking special attacks. I accidentally assigned all sp Def EVs into sp atk.

    I'm also testing out Brick Break over Fire Punch, since it'll give me a neutral hit on Scizor, x2 on Heatran, and x4 on other Tyranitars. However, even with that, it also means I lose a good hit on Starmie, Gengar, and also the 20% drop in defense.

    Hmm, i dont think a set with both Sub AND Curse is gonna last long. With sub you need to attack more...and with setup you need a quick healing move. If the opponent keeps up the pressure, your tar is gonna go down quick. I strongly suggest you switch it to either the TyraniBoah or the Standard curse restalk tyranitar set with CRUNCH rather than Payback so you dont lose too much PP. Boah can be more helpful since it can work during any point in the game. Its a great wall breaker and can lure and remove things like Lucario, Scizor and Gliscor from your way so your scizor can do some sweeping. This set is better for the current case imo

    Tyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Sand Stream

    EVs: 252 HP/6 Atk/28 Spd/224 SAtk

    Quiet nature (+SAtk, -Spd)

    - Substitute

    - Focus Punch

    - Flamethrower

    - Ice Beam

    The special attack investment gives you some real power to take out skarmory ,bronzong, jirachi and metagross. Ice beam ohkos Gliscor and 2hkos Hippowdon with ease. Does quite a lot to flyers who cant really do much back to this beast. Focus punch will easily ohko blissey, snorlax and other tars. You laugh at heatran. 28 speed EVs allow you to beat blisseys that only put a single point in their speed by one point......or none so you out pace them by two points and can get the sub up on their face. With all the support your providing it i think its safe to go on the heavy offensive rather than setting up and falling flat on your face.

    If you want it to be more defensive and a great late game finisher youd be better off with Cursetar with CURSE, REST, SLEEP TALK and CRUNCH. The EVs your allready running will do nicely.

    Vaporeon (M) @ Leftovers

    Ability: Water Absorb

    EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SAtk

    Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

    - Yawn

    - Surf

    - Ice Beam

    - Protect

    I've never been big on Wish Passing, but Yawn passing is just fine with me. I'm having a bit of trouble directly countering Gyarados, so I think I'll be testing out HP Electric over Ice Beam.

    Allright another relatively good set. I think you might wanna Max out Vappys defenses as well, since it cant take the ridiculously powered hits. Switch Ice beam, since the dragons will deal too heavy a hit for vappy to recover.....and it doesnt even have a recovery move....that too in a sandstom...seriously? Switch Yawn for Wish and Ice beam for HP Electric. HP Elec works way better and makes a fine gyara counter. Spore is allready present so if you play Breloom right your gonna get a poke to sleep no problem. Vappy really needs all the health it can get =/.

    Scizor (M) @ Choice Band

    Ability: Technician

    EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SDef

    Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

    - Bullet Punch

    - U-turn

    - Superpower

    - Pursuit

    First time using this baby and I can see why everyone loves it.

    I'm not getting as much usage out of Pursuit as I'd really like, but every now and then it helps me finish off a switching out Blissey, Starmie, or Gengar. Maybe I should test out Bug Bite or Knock Off?

    You merely jest! Surely this isnt your FIRST time using Scizor the "oh most used pokemon of all". Yeah yeah its a good poke and fits into any team with ease. Pursuit is still usefull for taking out choice locked psychics and non choice locked ones as well. Its even more needed since tar isnt using a Dark type move if you run Boah. Yes yes there are many lovers and haters of scizor out there. My opinion? I dont really mind it since anything i can counter....i usually like it, but since Zor is everywhere its a pretty bland and boring pokemon.

    Claydol @ Leftovers

    Ability: Levitate

    EVs: 128 Def/252 HP/128 SDef

    Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

    - Rapid Spin

    - Light Screen

    - Earth Power

    - Reflect

    Basically my spinner. Spikes/Toxic Spikes can be quite annoying, and I figured this d00d would be best for the job on a sand team. He gets to set up screens too, sometimes, and covers fighting weakness. But with Aero basically stopping Roselia setting up Toxic Spikes, I'm not sure how much I really need this. Otherwise I'd love to throw Bronzong into the mix.

    This team is winning a fair number of battles, but I think it could be improved. Here's my run down so far:

    Status absorbing has multiple checks. After Breloom is poisoned it has nothing to worry about and can come in on any status. Tyranitar with a sub also provides a check. Finally, Vaporeon can scout out status with Protect. In addition to that, Claydol can take on Thunderwaves.

    I'm having more trouble than I thought with Gengar. Scizor can come in and finish it off if it's Specsed or Scarfed, but Life Orbed can fire off shadow ball and finish it with Focus Blast. For this reason, I'm seriously considering switching Vaporeon out for Dusknoir, which would also give me a handy spin blocker. Any suggestions for a set?

    Yeah it works pretty well. You cant hope to get the screens up everytime...what with all the scizors running around.... phat chance. The screens would help your Original tar set, sure, but you need LOADS of time to set the whole thing up. Im Surprised how LO Gengar is giving you troubles. Bullet bunch will take it out swiftly since you know its gonna stay in.

    The sand is NOT doing anything here. You dont have Toxic on something bulky (though that toxic aero lead is absolutely ridiculous:eek:) so theres nothing that can use it well and stall things out. Vaporeon will die off really soon.

    Whoa im doing the weakness and threats section after all THAT! xD

    Gyara gyara gyara!!! After a single DD its unstoppable. Aero CANNOT stop it even if its alive. Water attacks destroy everything, ice takes out breloom and vaporeon cant heal or hit it back hard enough. HP electric and wish solves that.

    Bulky waters will give quite a lotta trouble. CroCune will be a pain since you cannot phaze it out. Other vaporeon and starmies will also take this entire team down if breloom is down.....Starmie doesnt even care about breloom.

    Classic mence will rip this team apart. Switching in, roosting off SR damage and maiming stuff with Draco Meteor. Tar dies to Brick break with ease, Flamethrower kills breloom and scizor.

    Overall a good team. The boah i suggested can help against Dragons better but its up to you.

  7. Actually, Dratini and its evolved form are based off the friendly Chinese dragon. If you want a ferocious European dragon, look no further than Bagon and its family. Salamence is faster, more powerful, and has a fitting ability (Intimidate), but has less of a movepool and is less defensive (hence why more people use Salamence more than Dragonite).

    I was always wondering how something as beautiful and elegant as Dragonair can become a strange orange Barney-esque creature called Dragonite. Nevertheless Dragonite's pretty adorable, but still... it seems pretty odd to me.

    NO duh...

  8. Gyarados & Salamence are not setting up easily on Heatran with Taunt & Fire Blast, LO STAB Fire Blast does roughly 50% to both Salamence and Gyarados on a switch, factor in sr and lo recoil they are not living long enough to do any more damage, Salamence is harder as mixmence can destroy Heatran but then Latias comes in forces him out with dragon pulse, yes I run the risk of fb missing, but with gyarados I always taunt as they attempt to DD as a very large majority of gyarados users run adamant with a bulky spread and even the fastest adamant gyrados without a boost is not setting up on heatran when heatran has taunt & lo stab fire blast under his belt. CSLatias has no place on my offensive dragon team, all it takes is a simple pursuit from scizor from a smart player to take out latias when she is locked in dragon pulse/draco meteor, once she is gone I lose a valuable water resist among other things causing the whole team to fall apart.

    Maybe I have not explained this properly but scarf revenge killers = bad, especially pursuit weak ones that don't do much damage outside hitting their targets (imo), the goal here is to limit the amount of set up bait as much as possible, scarfers used to to work, but then I found my myself against players that thought ahead which resulted in latias dying quickly and my opponent scoring nice points on my team with salamence and gyarados because my team lacked the ability to limit their chance of set up (this was before lo taunt heatran was being used).

    Well basically Scizor can come in on most of Latias' moves and do bad things to her. If its the CM variant and you try to switch your still gonna get Pursuited. If the opponent predicts right and you stay in hes gonna BP you for the ohko or just U turn out after taking a move which wont ohko scizor. So there isnt really anything that your CM latias could do that the scarf variant couldnt =/. Surf will mostly 2hko so your opponent will have to guess and i think will make the right choice by Bullet punching latias to death.

    As for the heatran trying to stop Gyara and sally......its a long shot. They can switch in to Earth power for free. You could taunt gyara sure....but not sally. And theres always the chance of the gyara being jolly D: . On the subject of damage, i dont think it will do 50%, its gonna do more like 40%. That and seeing as they might switch for free makes you very very vulnarable. But Meta is always there to handle both things so i still think theres not much to worry. Boy am i partial to my Meta :3

  9. OK what i see here is a GIGANTIC Lucario weakness. Yes, i know theres no real chance for it to actually setup on you with everyone having offenses but you wanna ask yourself what would happen if it DID set up on you. Sudden chances may arise for it to setup on you if one of your pokes is asleep and then luke enters. Or if parahax kicked in then its basically game over. It CAN SETUP ON LATIAS AS SURF WILL LEAVE IT WITH ENOUGH HP TO SWEEP. LO heatran also doesnt help as it gives away the fact that your definitely not using the scarftran.

    I think you might already be doing this but ill just say it if you were not, keep Jirachi alive for as long as possible. The only way you stop luke is by paralysing it with Twave. The only real way you counter luke AFTER a SD is to bring in salamence and sacrifice it to kill luke. But if salamence dies early on and jirachi dies early on, Luke will run through this whole team no problem. And of course Luke has the horrible tendency to come late in the game and turn it around.

    The Rotom forms will have a ball with this team. They are capable of sweeping right through it in the late game when everything is worn down. But i guess you'll sacrifice one of your pokes in order to hit it with a really powerful move to OHKO early on in the game, but just watch out.

    Gyarados: First enemy of the team, the deal with this team is that he cannot come in on probably every member without crippling him to the point where is not a threat anymore. Because of this nature Jirachi, Heatran, Metagross and to a lesser extent Salamence & Latias can stop nearly all of Gyaradoses attempts at setting up Dragon Dance and proceeding to sweep my team.

    Salamence:Another beast, probably the biggest threat to the team. Same deal with the rest, don't give him chances to come in and wreck my team he also has great difficultly coming in as most of my members can bash him with their respective moves. I watch out for these.

    Your Heatran is actually the weak link here >_<. Gyara and Sally (salamence) actually LOVE coming in on trans to stop him. Due to the fact that you dont run Explosion for HP grass (for swampy of course), both arent gonna be stopped by heatran. Once either one gets a boost, especially sally, its lights out. The both resist/are immune to all the moves that heatran has. Salamence will take very less damage from Heatrans fire blast and will take lol damage from HP grass. Gyara takes even lesser damage from FB than sally and even lesser from HP grass. These things are way too dangerous to be left with boosts.

    I suggest you scarf your latias as it will deal with the Sally and Gyara threat rather nicely. Although metagross can come in after gyara DDs and if it doesnt have EQ meta can Tpunch it to death after survivng any kind of hit. Sally to a lesser extent since you have to lock it in to outrage before you do the setting up.

    If not Scarflatias you should definitely scarf your tran. He makes a great luke and rotom counter. A single scarf poke doesnt hurt you know =/. Kingdra can still take care of the swampy if not anything else.

  10. I will travel across the room

    Searching far and wide,

    For the AC adapter

    So the batteries don't die!


    You're worthless to me!

    You have incorrect IV's!


    Your nature's wrong!

    Why is this taking so long!


    My charts so true!

    Your moveset will pull us through!

    You fail me and i'll box you!

    OMG ROFL xD. This part made me lol really hard. Freakin epic! post some moar please:biggrin:

  11. Garchomp is great for sweeping right off the bat. With its 102 base speed stat it will outspeed most things that dont have boosts or dont have a higher base speed. After a Swords Dance, chomp was basically unstoppable especially if your counters were down.

    Salamence needs a dragon dance boost to sweep. After that its only stopped by high priority moves unlike Garchomp who has higher bulk than even swampert and wont be taken down by ANYTHING except ice shard. Scizors CB bullet punch can take out 70% out off a salamence so SR+ sand or LO recoil=death.

    They are still 2 different pokes as randomspot said. I like them both very much..........it'll be upto your own preference who you pick. Though in this case i picked garchomp for his higher coverage through STAB attacks and basically higher sweeping capabilities.

  12. I went for the first option. Its gonna be easier for all of the members to view the articles and guides written by the mentors if they are on the forums. If everyone is given a separate mentor, the availability problem will always be there, they may have work to do and cant make it to the server. There would definitely not be as many mentors as there are members in need so the second option is pretty much impossible........unless not many users actually WANT one. Having a forum section for everyone to see and also as a general guide would be more convenient for everyone.

    Of course we could include both these options cause if someone needed 1 on 1 mentoring then they should get it.

    Id be happy to be a mentor. To make things a bit easier...... Im great at making balanced teams and some unexpected stall teams. I believe Shogun Ryu would be the best to teach about the offensive style of teams because i know hes really good at that. We could write the articles with some more feedback from the admins and mods. If needed we could help people out separately. The team raters should also be doing their part in writing detailed articles about the different styles of teams. We could discuss it out amongst ourselves and decide.

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