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Posts posted by Wolverine7

  1. Regarding a Max EVs Code.

    So I know there's a code out there that helps your pokemon get Max EV, I don't really understand the instructions though...

    Oh here is the code posted on another forum.

    If anyone else can get this to work, please please Please teach me how

    :Changes PKMN Data While Marking Them

    :::Go to PC-Deposit Box-Select PKMN-Marking-Confirm to apply the following codes

    All EVs 252

    1206F04A 00004800

    0206F04C 023C0B91

    1206F050 00004700

    E23C0B90 00000018

    61384803 82B84801

    BDF8B014 0000FCFC

    FCFCFCFC 46C046C0

    I don't know if the instructions were for this code but yeah.

    Alright I Got Your Code To Work.

    Now You Have To Follow The Correct Instructions.

    First Have The Pokemon You Wanna Max Out In Your Party

    Second Go To A Pc And Click Deposit Pokemon

    Then Go To Markings And Mark It With Whatever Mark You Want Then Click Confirm

    After You Click Confirm It Will Take You Back To The Options Wich Give You "Deposit, Summary, Marking, & Release"

    Click On Deposit And It Will Depost It

    Finally Press Back And Click On Move Pokemon Select The Pokemon You Maxed Out And View His Ev/Iv With This Code

    ::Hold L to View EV, Hold R to View IV

    :::Go to pokemon stats and hold the activator while switching pkmn to view the EV/IV

    520899C4 F99CF7E6

    120899CC 000021A3

    120899D8 000021A4

    120899E4 000021A5

    120899F0 000021A6

    120899FC 000021A8

    12089A08 000021A9

    12089A14 000021A7

    D2000000 00000000

    94000130 FDFF0000

    120899CC 0000210D

    120899D8 0000210D

    120899E4 0000210E

    120899F0 0000210F

    120899FC 00002111

    12089A08 00002112

    12089A14 00002110

    D2000000 00000000

    94000130 FEFF0000

    120899CC 00002146

    120899D8 00002146

    120899E4 00002147

    120899F0 00002148

    120899FC 0000214A

    12089A08 0000214B

    12089A14 00002149

    D2000000 00000000

    And There You Have It, Your Maxed Out Pokemon It Worked For Me

    Note: I Do Not Take Credit For The Code

  2. I noticed a lot of people having trouble with the marking pokemon in your box codes for EV's, max affection, etc. I couldn't get them to work either until I turned off all the other codes I had on. With only a single one active it seems to work fine for me. I thought I would mention it just in case it might work for someone else as well.

    Yea i had the same problem and then i jus used one at a time and it work

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