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Posts posted by GabeCube

  1. Is there a command to randomize the Pokémon sent, instead of doing alphabetical? That would be pretty helpful for something I plan to do...

    It says it is waiting for a connection because it waits for the DS to send a request.

    You need to download a DNS server too, I posted an automatically-configurable one several posts above.

    Finally, you must set up your DS' DNS server properly, as described here, with your local IP provided by the DNS server (the one in yellow if you use mine in version 0.3).

    If you get it to work, you have to deposit one of your Pokémon in the fake GTS, it will be converted into a .pkm file.

    Then, simply open it with Pokesav to have your SID.


    Goldie, I didn't forget you, I just finished the multiple .PKM sender, go and see the attachment. :biggrin:

    To use it, place your .pkm and .bin files in the directory 'PKMs', they will be sent in alphabetic order (it loops when it reaches the end).

    You can also drag and drop a .pkm or a .bin file onto the .exe in order to make the program send this Pokémon only.

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